Section 9 Flashcards
What were the dates of the First World War
Triple entente members (3)
Central powers members (2)
- France, Uk, and Russia
-Germany Austria-Hungary
Why did Canada have to join the war
It was not fully autonomous from England
To increase its power during the war what did the Canadian government impose
War measures act
What did the war measures act entail (3)
-fixed prices and wages
Factories make military production
How large was canadas army
In 1917 what prime minister enacted conscription and what did it cause
-conscription crisis
Which French Canadian nationalist strongly opposed conscription
When the war ended soldiers took part in civil re-establishment, what is this (3)
-took women’s jobs in factories
-offered farmland and pensions
-readapting was difficult
Due to Canadas contribution in the war what was it able to be a part of
League of Nations
In 1931 what was Canada granted by Britain and where
-full autonomy
-statute of west minster