Section 8: Virtualisation Flashcards
What is Virtualisation?
Creation of a virtual resource
What is a Virtual Machine?
A container for an emulated computer that runs an entire OS
What are the 2 type of VM’s?
- System VM
- Processor VM
What is a System Virtual Machine?
A complete platform designed to replace an entire physical computer and includes a full desktop/server OS
Why does virtualisation continue to rise?
In order to reduce the physical requirements for data centres
What do Virtual Machines run on top of?
A Hypervisor
What does a Hypervisor do?
Manages the distribution of the physical resources of a host machine (server) to the virtual machines being run (guests)
What are the 2 types of Hypervisors?
- Type 1 - Bare metal or native
- Type 2 - Runs inside a normal machine that uses windows or mac
What are some type2 hypervisors?
- Virtualbox
- VMware
Why are Type1 hypervisors more efficient than Type2?
- Faster
- doesn’t waste physical computer resources to run OS
- stripped down specialised OS providing physical VM
What is Application Containerisation?
A single OS kernel is shared across multiple virtual machines but each virtual machine receives its own user space for programs and data
- containerisation allows for rapid and efficient deployment of distributed applications
What is the most popular Container Based Virtualisation OS
What are some container based virtualisations available?
- Docker
- Parallels Virtuoso
- OpenVZ
What are some unique vulnerabilities related to VMs?
- VM escape
- Data Remnants
- Privilege Elevation
- Live VM migration
Are VMs separated by other VMs by default?