Section 7 (part 2) Flashcards
The stock market in unpredictable and it is at risk of high and low savings in the short-term
Market Volatility
Permission you have to borrow money
Personal info, permission to pull credit report
credit application
Key means that the leading institution uses to determine your financial integrity
credit report
The three main credit bureaus
Equifax, trans union, experian
What is the risk of non-payment when it comes to credit
raises interest rate
Five components of good credit:
character, capacity, capital, collateral, conditions
Determines lenders decision to make the loan
conditions of good credit
3 things the Bible does not say about debt
- don’t go into debt
- going into debt is wise
- God will bail you out of debt
4 warnings the Bible has against debt
- Borrower is the slave to the lender
- We must pay it back
- Warnings to co-signing a loan
- There will not always be time to pay off debt
Four guidelines for borrowing
- consider whether you truely need to borrow
- Use common economic sense
- Have a guarenteed way to repay loan
- Ensure unity with family
Paying off debt using the “debt snowball”
- line up all debts you have in order of smallest-largest
- put smallest one onto, largest on bottom of list
- pour as much as possible into top loan