Section 7: Network Flows Flashcards
Directed graph
a pair (V, E), where V is any set, and E is a set whose elements are ordered pairs of elements from V
in-edge of v
an edge from u to v
out-edge of v
and edge from v to w
in-degree of a vertex v
number of in-edges of v
out-degree of v
number of out-edges of v
A vertex in a digraph whose in-degree is zero
a vertex whose out-degree is zero
Directed path from u to v
a sequence of vertices
u = w_1, . . . , w_p = v such that ->w_iw_i+1
is a directed edge for each
1 ≤ i ≤ p − 1.
basic flow network
a directed graph with exactly one source and one sink, equipped with a function c: E → N which
assigns a capacity to each edge
a function f : E →N ∪ {0} which satisfies the following conditions:
a) for every edge e, f(e) is at most c(e), the capacity of e, and
b) for every vertex v other than the source and the sink, the sum of the flows on the in-edges of v is equal to the sum of the flows on the out-edges of v.
value of a flow, val(f),
Equal to the sum of the
flows assigned to the out-edges of the source
Lemma 7.1. Let f be a flow in the basic flow network D = (V, E). Then the sum of the flows assigned to the out-edges of the source is equal to __________
the sum of the flows assigned to the in-edges of the sink.
augmenting path
an undirected path from the source to the sink such that we can increase the flow along every edge of the path by some value x ∈ N without violating any capacity constraints
forward edges
path includes the edge uv
and −→uv is a directed edge of our graph
backward edges
path includes the edge uv but only the directed edge −→vu is in the network.
saturated edge
An edge in the network is said to be saturated by a given flow if the flow on the edge is equal to the capacity of the edge
a partition of the vertices into two disjoint sets, such that the source belongs to the first set and the sink to the second.
Capacity of a cut (X,Y)
sum of the capacities of the edges from X to Y (we ignore any edges from Y to X)
Minimum cut
a cut whose capacity is equal to the minimum
capacity of any cut in the digraph
Max-Flow Min-Cut Theorem
In any basic flow network, the value of the maximum flow is equal to the
capacity of the minimum cut.