Section 6 Flashcards
Create a application using singleton property and prototype property.
Create a boolean variable that will verify if the classes are singleton or not
//applicationContext.xml – prototype
//main public static void main(String[] args) {
//get application context file ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("file:src/main/java/com/springboot/beanScope-appContext.xml");
//get bean Coach coachOne = context.getBean("coach", Coach.class); Coach coachTwo = context.getBean("coach", Coach.class); boolean isSingleton = coachOne == coachTwo; //will return true if singleton scope or false if prototpe scope System.out.println("Singleton = " + isSingleton);
//close context context.close(); }
Exista doua metode apeleaza o data cu clasa spring bean, acestea sunt ?
init si destroy
Creati un exemplu de init si destroy methods
//application context file
//Main class public class BeanScopeDemoApp {
public static void main(String[] args) {
//get application context file ClassPathXmlApplicationContext context = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext("file:src/main/java/com/springboot/beanLifeCycle-appContext.xml");
//get bean Coach coach = context.getBean("coach", Coach.class);
//close context context.close();
//Output BaseballCoach inside doMyStartupStuff method daily workout BaseballCoach inside doMyCleanupStuff method
When the destroy method is not called ?
when using scope=prototype
How can you destroy prototype beans ?
//implement DisposableBean interface public class TrackCoach implements Coach, DisposableBean {
// add a destroy method @Override public void destroy() throws Exception { System.out.println("TrackCoach: inside method doMyCleanupStuffYoYo"); }
//If using this destroy method, the bean from config file does not need destroy-method property!
//Processor Class public class MyCustomBeanProcessor implements BeanPostProcessor, BeanFactoryAware, DisposableBean {
private BeanFactory beanFactory; private final List prototypeBeans = new LinkedList<>(); @Override public Object postProcessAfterInitialization(Object bean, String beanName) throws BeansException {
// after start up, keep track of the prototype scoped beans. // we will need to know who they are for later destruction if (beanFactory.isPrototype(beanName)) { synchronized (prototypeBeans) { prototypeBeans.add(bean); } }
return bean; } @Override public void setBeanFactory(BeanFactory beanFactory) throws BeansException { this.beanFactory = beanFactory; } @Override public void destroy() throws Exception {
// loop through the prototype beans and call the destroy() method on each one synchronized (prototypeBeans) {
for (Object bean : prototypeBeans) { if (bean instanceof DisposableBean) { DisposableBean disposable = (DisposableBean) bean; try { disposable.destroy(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } prototypeBeans.clear(); } }
Ce inseamna Singleton ?
Singleton inseamna ca putem folosi bean-ul de mai multe ori in aplicatie insa tot timpul se va face referire catre acelasi bean, adica aceeasi locatie in memorie.
Care sunt Spring Bean Scopes ?
singleton - create a single shared instance of the bean. default scope
prototype - creates a new bean instance for each container request
request - scoped to an HTTP web request. only used for web apps
session - scoped to an HTTP web session. Only used for web apps.
global-session - scoped to a global HTTP web session. only used for web apps
Coach theCoach = new Coach(); Daca printam obiectul asa:
rezultatul va fii asemanator:
Coach@523567, ce reprezinta numarul de dupa @ ?
Reprezinta locatia din memorie a obiectului.
Care este diferenta dintre scope singleton si scope prototype attribute ?
Diferenta dintre scope=”prototype” si scope=”singleton” este ca:
- Daca se foloseste valoarea singleton atunci cand se va apela obiectul BaseballCoach, se va accesa tot timpul aceeasi locatie in memorie deoarece se va crea un singur obiect care va putea fi accesat de mai multe ori din aplicatie.
- Daca se foloseste valoarea prototype atunci cand se va apela obiectul BaseballCoach, se va accesa tot timpul alta locatie in memorie deoarece se va creea cate un obiect diferit de fiecare data cand se instantiaza obiectul BaseballCoach.