Section 5 - Recombinant DNA Technology and Genomics Flashcards
Describe the tools of recombinant DNA technology and explain how each functions: Restriction Enzymes
Why is E. Coli often used to express YFP?
- Grow quickly and inexpensively
- Genetic engineering is simple
- Multicopy plasmids and strong promoters can drive expression
- Protein extracts are easily made
In order to express our human gene in E.coli, what barriers need to be considered?
(Use concepts from gene expression in prokaryotes and eukaryotes to outline the strategy and decision processes used to clone a gene de novo in E. coli)
- Eukaryotic genes have introns, E.coli can’t process these. So must use cDNA (derived from mRNA by reverse transcriptase enzyme, in order to have a DNA with no introns, only exons.)
- Human and E. coli promoter structures are different (euk=monocis; prok=polycis)
- They differ in their mechanism of translational initiation (euk=scanning; prok=recruiting via operators?)
- Different post-translational modifications occur in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells …explore this
Because of the differences in translation, plasmid containing bacterial promoter, ribosome binding site (!!) – around the ATG site? of translation for translation of gene, and space for YFG to be inserted.
Put YFG right in between both cut sites, and now it’s ready to be expressed
In order to express our human gene in E.coli, what is the first barrier?
Eukaryotic genes have introns, E.coli can’t process these. So must use cDNA (derived from mRNA by reverse transcriptase enzyme, in order to have a ds DNA with no introns, only exons.)
Describe the tools of recombinant DNA technology and explain how each functions: Nucleic Acid (DNA) Hybridization (aka. DNA renaturation or annealing)— reversible melting
When is it performed?
(In case study: to find a tissue that expresses a lot of YFG - will detect YFG in a tissue (because not all tissues have same expression).) Searches for nucleic acids with a complementary sequence to our sequence of interest.
- the complementary strands of DNA reform the double helix, driven by the re-formation of the H bonds btwn base pairs.
- conditions: salt + slowly cooling down
- any 2 nucleic acid strands will hybridize if they share sufficient complementarity (ssDNA-ssDNA or ssDNA-RNA, or RNA-RNA)
- Hybridizations are often done after transferring the nucleic acid to a membrane.
Southern Blot: DNA probe to DNA on membrane (would use to see fi YFG is expressed in different organisms)
Northern Blot: DNA probe to RNA on membrane (to see in diff tissues)
Microarrays: DNA to DNA on glass slides. (uses mRNA to cDNA) (used for profiling RNA in different cell types–but not used often anymore) (ex, the cancer cell vs normal cell in same well seeing what gene is being upregulated, downregulated or unchanged. The wells will show whatever colour of probe is more prevalent.)
Explain Northern Blotting
Goal: to identify which tissue expresses YFG
Step 1: Isolate RNA from different tissues (lyse cells, then purify mRNA)
Step 2: Use agarose gel electrophoresis to separate the RNA on the basis of size (now you see the RNAs of different tissues)
- you’ll see 2 bands: bottom band for rRNA– so abundant that you still see them even after purifying for mRNA only
Step 3: Transfer the separated RNA to a membrane (nitrocellulose or nylon)– BLOTTING, 24hrs
- salt solution from sponge goes up into gel, picks up separated RNA fragments and gets blotted onto membrane, then paper towels absorbs salt solution
Step 4: Prepare a radiolabeled hot probe (=synthetic oligosaccharide) for fragment of interest. If it is dsDNA, the probe denatures it first. If ssDNA or RNA the probe must be the complementary strand.
-only need small fragment of YFG to use as probe
Step 5: Incubate the HOT probe with the filter (~10C below Tm) for 24hrs
- complementary strands will anneal
Step 6: Wash away the nonspecifically bound probe
- probes that didn’t find a match will not stick
Step 7: Expose the probed filter to X-Ray film to determine where (which tissue) the radioactive probe has hybridized (will show a band on film) –aka, where YFG is expressed
Explain Northern Blotting
Goal: to identify which tissue expresses YFG
Step 1: Isolate RNA from different tissues (lyse cells, then purify mRNA)
Step 2: Use agarose gel electrophoresis to separate the RNA on the basis of size (now you see the RNAs of different tissues)
- you’ll see 2 bands: bottom band for rRNA– so abundant that you still see them even after purifying for mRNA only
Step 3: Transfer the separated RNA to a membrane (nitrocellulose or nylon)– BLOTTING, 24hrs
- salt solution from sponge goes up into gel, picks up separated RNA fragments and gets blotted onto membrane, then paper towels absorbs salt solution
Step 4: Prepare a radiolabeled hot probe for fragment of interest. If it is dsDNA, the probe denatures it first. If ssDNA or RNA the probe must be the complementary strand.
-only need small fragment of YFG to use as probe
Step 5: Incubate the HOT probe with the filter (~10C below Tm) for 24hrs
- complementary strands will anneal
Step 6: Wash away the nonspecifically bound probe
- probes that didn’t find a match will not stick
Step 7: Expose the probed filter to X-Ray film to determine where (which tissue) the radioactive probe has hybridized (will show a band on film) –aka, where YFG is expressed
Describe the tools of recombinant DNA technology and explain how each functions: cDNA synthesis
- cDNA lack introns, thus good for expressing proteins, unlike genomic DNA. IS SINGLE-STRANDED!!
- use enzyme reverse transcriptase to make a complementary copy of DNA using RNA as template
- reverse transcriptase needs primer: poly-dT (synthetic oligosaccharide maybe?) will anneal to polyA tail of mRNA, then RT + dNTPs will make cDNA
- using for PCR, so don’t need to synthesize other strand, but if you wanted to make it, have to bring in DNA Pol
- treat with alkali to degrade RNA
Describe the tools of recombinant DNA technology and explain how each functions: Polymerase Chain Reaction
-Exponential amplification of any DNA from a source in which it is found as little as once (so that we can clone), by repeated extension of 2 primers.–purifying from other genes at same time
Required reagents: Template (ss or ds)DNA; 2 oligonucleotide primers which flank YFG on upstream on downstream and synthesize towards gene; dNTPs; DNA Pol
Step 1: Heat to separate strands.
Denature dsDNA template with heat (94C)
Step 2: Cool to anneal primers.
Lower temp to allow 2 primers (complementary to YFG) to anneal/hybridize to correct strand at 50C (below Tm). You must have sequence information to make the primers. One on each strand on opposite sides.
Step 3: DNA Synthesis.
Extend the primers with DNA polymerase +the 4 dNTPs and incubate at 70C so that DNA can be synthesized
Step 4: Repeat steps 1-3 ~30 times
-end up with 2^n DNA copies, n=# of cycles
Describe the tools of recombinant DNA technology and explain how each functions: Gel Electrophoresis
-DNA is sieved through pores of polysaccharide agarose gel, being pulled by an electric field, migrating toward + pole (bc - phosphate backbone). To separate different DNA fragments by size
- small DNA molecules move more easily through, and thus can migrate faster
-but charge doesn’t matter in terms of how fast/far it goes bc DNA has a uniform mass:charge ratio – separation only based on size
Detecting DNA in gel:
-stain DNA with EtBr (ethidium bromide) to make it fluoresce red in UV light
-if DNA amount is too low, must use Autoradiography: radioactively label the 5’ ends of DNA fragments using the enzyme polynucleotide kinase and gamma 32P-ATP. Now can be seen after exposure of gel to X-Ray film
-there’s also a buffer that keeps the pH neutral (salt)
2 Key advances in PCR
- Discovery of thermostable DNA Pols called taq polymerases.
They don’t denature easy– stable at high temps. Retrieved from thermophiles in hot springs - Thermocyclers that oscillate btwn the 3 required temps (50-94-70), now can do 30cycles/matter of hours
Describe the tools of recombinant DNA technology and explain how each functions: Restriction Enzymes
+DNA Ligase
used for creating recombinant molecules (we’re putting YFG in plasmid), to cut DNA into defined workable units
- usually use Type 2 enzymes, because are site-specific DNA binding proteins – and cut palindromic sequences=same on one strand as on the other (2-fold symmetry)
- can have 5’ overhangs, 3’ overhangs or blunt ends (go see pics, contrary to what you’d think)
- the same enzyme will cut the plasmid and YFG(uses PCR primer to attach to YFG)
Nomenclature: ex: HindIII is the 3rd RE isolated from Haemophilus influenza strain D
-Restriction Enzymes have 2-fold symmetry
DNA Ligase (isolated from T4 bacteriophages) is an enzyme that acts as glue, resealing sticky ends. Less efficiently reseals/ligates blunt ends. Uses hydrolysis of ATP as energy source. (Technically just seals the nicks, the ends re-anneal on their own bc of base pairing)
LIGASE REQUIRES PHOSPHATES AT 5’ END! otherwise no sealing
NOW we have a complete recombinant DNA plasmid molecule
Define and explain plasmids
3 Key features required to make plasmid useful
A plasmid is a fragment of DNA that replicates independently from the host chromosome
1. ORI (but YFG site can’t be here), so that it can replicate in a bacterial cell independently of the bacterial chromosome
2. A selectable marker: to detect plasmid once it’s in.
usually a gene encoding resistance to an antibiotic, Eg. Ampicillin
3. A site(s) into which YFG can be inserted. (aka, cleavage sites so that it can be easily opened to insert DNA fragment)
Describe the tools needed for gene cloning and explain how each functions.
We now have a DNA copy of YFG and are ready to clone it into the plasmid.
- restriction enzyme that’ll give sticky ends (to cut same site in plasmid and YFG)
- genome of bacteria in bacterial cell
-100ng of YFG
- thousands of ligated plasmids (‘vector’) (some will take up)
- T4 DNA Ligase
-Transformation provided by cell
- DNA Pol, oligo primer, dNTPs, ddNTPs for DNA sequencing
Describe the tools of recombinant DNA technology and explain how each functions: DNA Sequencing
-allows us to make sure taq polymerase didn’t make a mistake.. so checks base by base.
Uses ddNTP (have no 3’ OH so no strand extension)
- the ss YFG DNA fragment is hybridized with a fluorescent DNA primer (which is complementary to first 4 nucs of YFG)
- DNA Pol and a whole bunch of dNTPs are added to 4 separate tubes
- each tube receives a small amount of one Chain-Terminating ddNTP (one gets A, one T, one C, one G)
- each time a dNTP (eg, dA) is supposed to add that letter to the sequence, a ddNTP (eg, ddA) goes in its place, and that’s one DNA copy (all the DNA copies are from same sequence, and all have same 5’ end, just terminate at diff points and so differ by 3’ end)
- contents of tubes put in 4 diff wells in gel E. and so the bands in each lane represent fragments that have terminated at a given nucleotide, but at diff positions in the DNA
- by reading the bands in order from bottom(5’) to top (so longest strands at top), you get the sequence of the newly synthesized strand –COMPLEMENTARY TO OUR YFG
Now novel methods have been devised to obtain large amounts of DNA sequence at minimal cost (automated using reading of wavelengths of fluorescent dye on ddNTPs)
What kind of cuts does EcoRI do?
EcoRI – leaves 5’ overhangs (that’s the shorter side)
KpnI – 3’ sticky ends/overhangs
SspI – blunt ends
they’re sequence specific
Gene Cloning Steps
- CUT: break the desired genome into smaller, more manageable pieces, using restriction nucleases (overhang)
- PASTE: paste gene into plasmid to produce the recombinant DNA molecule (that will be amplified by transformation) using base pairing + DNA ligase +ATP. Also put a gene for antibiotic resistance in plasmid.
- now we introduce this recombinant DNA molecule into a bacterium/E.coli where it will be taken up by transformation. Then incubate on agar plates that are nutrient-rich medium so that bacteria can proliferate if it has gene, forming colonies. The plate has antibiotic on it, so you get rid of ones cells you don’t want because they die.
- split bacteria open (lyse) and isolate the plasmid DNA from the rest of the cell contents (take plasmids out basically)
- Analyze the isolated plasmids by restriction mapping, blotting or DNA sequencing to see if they have YFG. (all the bacteria in the culture will have a plasmid, but not all will have YFG because contaminating amp resistant DNA could be ligated into vectors. You could also get recircularization (sticky ends reannealing) of plasmid without actually having YFG in yet, bc its unimolecular rxn– can prevent by DEPHOSPHORYLATION - no 5’P!!)
- isolate DNA fragment: by cutting it out of the plasmid with same restriction nuclease, and then separating it from plasmid via gel electrophoresis (purification part)
Not all of the bacteria on the plate contain a plasmid with YFG inserted. What are reasons for this?
- Contaminating ampicillin resistant bacteria may appear (due to poor technique)
- The plasmid vector can recircularize without YFG (avoid by dephosphorylating)
- Contaminating DNA may be ligated into the vector (another DNA got in instead)
Restriction Mapping
Easy first way to verify colony and inexpensive
A DNA molecule/or fragment can be defined by the position and number of restriction enzyme cut sites it contains.
You cut/digest, then you analyze the sizes of the fragments using gel electrophoresis
If you added too much of the ddNTPs to a sequencing reaction what would happen?
The probability of stopping the chain would increase and few bases would be read
Site Directed Mutagenesis
to alter gene’s sequence in order to create a protein that has an altered function or no function at all
- extension of a oligonucleotide: the oligo contains a mismatch at the position you want altered. Anneal oligo to a separated ss plasmid, and extend with DNA Pol and Ligase using dNTPs. Introduce/Transform this now ds plasmid into cell, and have it be replicated into daughters. Some colonies will have mutant, some will have wild-type.
Site Directed Mutagenesis
to alter gene’s sequence in order to create a protein that has an altered function or no function at all. (eg, change Asp to Ala in protein)
- extension of a oligonucleotide: the oligo primer contains a mismatch at the position you want altered. Anneal oligo to a separated ss plasmid, and extend with DNA Pol and Ligase using dNTPs. Introduce/Transform this now ds plasmid into cell, and have it be replicated into daughters. Some colonies will have mutant, some will have wild-type.
- can also do something similar with PCR (the mismatched oligonucleotide is amplified into a PCR product that can be used directly for cloning
Transgenic Organisms (GMOs) What are the 3 diff types of genetic changes?
- permanently alter an organisms genome by inserting a new gene into stem cells (cells that can differentiate into any cell type) or germ line cells of the genome
- replacement via Homologous Recombination (a DNA finds and replaces a like sequence in genome)(repairs DNA ds breaks )
3 diff types of genetic changes
- Gene Replacement – same gene with altered features bc of modification
- Gene Knockout – remove gene completely. good test for function of gene/protein
- Gene Addition – add a gene, leaving wild-type there (both genes active)
Uses of PCR
a. Rapid isolation of YFG – we did that!
b. Analysis of bacteria or virus in samples (get blood sample, remove cells, get DNA/RNA from it, reverse trans for cDNA, amplify via PCR. Gel E: band, yes HIV, no band, no HIV. (eg, band, yes E.coli in water) – will detect a single molecule.
c. Diagnosis of genetic disease – use same procedure
d. DNA fingerprinting
- Short tandem repeats (STRs)– repetitive sequences in our genome. These are amplified using PCR, and analyzed using gel E. The profile for all the repeats represents the fingerprint of that person. Very sensitive (all you need is a hair follicle)
- Each STR locus requires a distinct pair of primers for PCR; and the primers in a pair are different too. But primers on both maternal and paternal are identical bc homologous chromosomes.
- you should see 2 bands per STR locus bc our genome is diploid, which is why we analyze multiple STR loci (unless looking at X chromosome in males; or if parents have same # of repeats–no pattern/by chance but more common in relatives)
Describe how to construct a genomic library.
A collection of cloned DNA fragments that represent all of the DNA in an organism’s genome. (with its introns, exons and promoter sequence too)
- isolate human DNA fragments from millions of cells. Put all these millions of genomic DNA fragments into plasmids using Ligase, now you have Recombinant DNA molecules. Introduce these plasmids to bacteria, to obtain millions of clones.
Traditional Genome Sequencing involves.
- Creating a Genomic DNA Library.
- Many independent sequencing reactions.
- Aligning the independent sequences into a continuous sequence.
Describe the approaches used to fill in any gaps in the genome sequence.
Why did gaps result and how do you fix? And what are the two types
- Sequence Gaps
- these are within contigs - Physical Gaps
- occur because some DNA sequences are hard to clone in E.coli
- filled using PCR with genomic DNA (!!!!!not library) as template. Use two primers on either end of contig going opposite directions(going out of contig). (if same direction = no product). And then gel E. The DNA you get from that, you must sequence, and then you fill the gap!
- so these are btwn contigs. if 2 contigs are adjacent, they will yield a PCR product
What are the features of a protein encoding gene?
ORF (a series of codons starting with and ending with a specific codon): Start site (ATG); Long string of codons; Stop codon(TAG)
& Promoter
Annotating a genome
- computer scans genomic sequence for ORFs 6 times. Any stretch of DNA has 6 potential reading frames (3 on top, 3 on bottom strands)
- need to figure out if ORF encodes a protein
Describe strategies to identify protein encoding genes in a genome sequence.
How do you know if ORF even encodes a gene?
- Look for 100+ codons (Most proteins contain 100 amino acids)
- Codon bias: Look for codons that are common for proteins . organism-specific
- Related sequences, encoding similar proteins are usually found in other species (conserved)
b. Blast searches can reveal related sequences
c. Multi sequence alignment can show how conserved ORFs are - ORFs encoding genes are expressed as mRNA
a. Northern blot
b. Microarray
c. RNAseq - Contain appropriate regulatory sequences
a. 10 and -35 for bacteria
b. TATA for eukaryotes - Contain the chromatin signatures of expressed genes
a. Nucleosome acetylation and methylation patterns - Are found as proteins
a. Western blot
b. Mass spectrometry
Outline the strategy for sequencing a small genome.
Creating the H.influenza genomic library:
- extract DNA from millions of cells.
- sonicate them (randomly split DNA into fragments of various sizes using sound waves)
- take sonicated DNA through electrophoresis (purify it) and use fragments that are ~2000bp long (2.0kb), throw out the rest
- transform into E.coli
- prepare a clone library with 20,000 clones; each clone representing a fragment of the genome
- get plasmid DNA out of each clone and anneal the primer to the plasmid– do the dideoxy sequence thing (but only partially sequenced: partially digested: 500 of the 2000 bps of each clone)
- obtain end sequences of genes
- then you put all 25,000 sequences in correct order gives you the full genome sequence
- do this by putting sequences into Contigs (A continuous DNA sequence that represents a portion of the genome – computer aligned)
- Computer looks for overlaps btwn the sequences and groups these fragments together into what you call a contig. So each contig contains multiple sequence runs overlapped
- now the computer aligns all the 25,000sequences and 20,000 clones into 140 contigs