Section 4 - Rings Flashcards
Binary Operation
A binary operation on a set A is a function *: A x A -> A. Usually we write a * b
A ring is a non-empty set R together with two binary operations: addition and multiplication. It satisfies all of the following: axioms of addition, associativity of multiplication, distributivity
Axioms of addition
(A1) For all a,b,c∈R, (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) (associativity of addition)
(A2) For all a,b∈R, a + b = b + a (commutativity of addition)
(A3) There exists 0∈R such that, for all a∈R, 0 + a = a (existence of a neutral element for addition)
(A4) For all a∈R, there exists b∈R such that b + a = 0 (existence of additive inverses)
Associativity of Multiplication
For all a,b,c∈R, (ab) × c = a × (bc)
For all a,b,c∈R:
(i) a(b+c) = ab + ac
(ii) (b+c)a = ba + ca
Commutative Rings
A ring R is called commutative if its multiplication operation is commutative: ab = ba for all a,b∈R
Unital Rings
A ring R is called unital if there is an element 1∈R such that, for all a∈R: 1 x a = a x 1 = a
Let R be a unital ring. An element a∈R is called a unit if there are b,c∈R such that ba=ac=1
[a] = {b∈Z | b ≡ a mod n} = {b∈Z | n divides b - a}
Units in Z/nZ
Let n be a positive integer and a∈Z. Then a is a unit of Z/nZ iff gcd(a, n) = 1
Let R be a ring. A subring of R is a subset of R that is itself a ring with respect to the same operations of addition and multiplication as in R.
Properties of Subrings
Let R be a ring and S a subset of R. Then S is a subring of R iff all of the following hold:
(i) S is non-empty
(ii) ∀a,b∈S, a-b∈S (closure under subtraction)
(iii) ∀a,b∈S, ab∈S (closure under multiplication)
Let R be a ring. An ideal of R is a nxn non-empty subset I of R such that both of the following hold:
(i) ∀a,b∈I, a-b∈I (closure under subtraction)
(ii) ∀a∈I and ∀r∈R, ra∈I and ar∈I (closure under multiplication by ring elements)
Concerning ideals and subrings, fill in the blanks: Every ______ is a __________
Every ideal is a subring
Principal Ideal
An ideal that consists of only 1 element
Ideal generated by X
The intersection of all ideals of R containing X
Quotient Ring (R/I)
Let R be a ring and I an ideal of R. R/I = {a+I | a∈R}. R/I is a ring called the quotient of R by I.
The equivalence class a+I is called a coset of I containing a
What condition can be used to determine if a+I=b+I for some a,b∈R?
If a,b∈R, then a+I=b+I iff a-b∈I