Section 4 - Community Cohesion Flashcards
Why have attitudes between the roles of men and women changed
- WW 1+2, women proved they could do jobs just as well
- Suffragettes -> Women are longer prepared to be 2nd class citizens
- Industrial developments (1950 +60)-> more women workers to provide a 2nd income
- Success of councillors -> Development of health and social care (women are equals to men)
The CATHOLIC attitude towards equal rights for women in religion
- Genesis 1 -> God creates men + women of equal status
- Catechism -> Equal l(should have equal rights in society)
- Only MEN can be priests (apostles were all men)
- Only MEN can be priests (Jesus was a man, represent Jesus in mass)
The TRADITIONAL PRODESTANT Christina attitude towards equal rights for women in religion
- Bible -> St Paul, women shouldn’t speak in church
- St Paul, men have more rights (Adam was created first)
- Jesus chose 12 MEN as his apostles
- Traditional of the church (men should be leaders)
The MODERN ATTITUDE of protestant Christians attitude towards equal rights for women in religion
- Genesis 1 -> God creates men + women of equal status
- Paul -> in his letter said Jesus treated men + women as equals
- Gospel -> Jesus treated women as equals (had women disciples stay with him at the cross males ran away. First appeared to women after resurrection)
- Some evidence that their were WOMEN priests in the early church
Prejudice and discrimination can lead to…
- Employers denying work
- Landlords preventing accommodation
- Teachers prevent progress
- Police discrimination
Effects of racism and discrimination
- Groups feel alienated by society
- Disillusionment leads to crime
- Extremism leads to terrorist attacks
- Rise of groups like the B.N.P and the E.D.L
Benefits of living in a multi- ETHNIC society
- Less chance of war (different ethnic groups get to know each other)
- More progress (bring new ideas, ways of doing things)
- Life is more interesting (Variety of food, culture music)
- People realise we have more in common than we think (Vital in a world of multi national company’s)
How the government helps to make community cohesion
- Race Relations Act (makes it unlawful to discriminated against anyone bc of race, colour or nationality)
- Crime and disorder act (Allows a severe punishment of racial hatred)
- Racial and religious hatred act ( An offence to threaten/ behaviour about religious beliefs)
Why community cohesion is important fro multi-ethnic and multi-faith societies
- Different ideas about what society will be like(violence)
- 2005 London bombers (Citizens had lost sense of allegiance to Britain)
- Without it countries like Iraq violence is a way of life
- Lack of CC makes it impossible for people to co-operate in civilized means.
Why Catholics should help to promote racial harmony
- Parable of the good Samaritan -> love thy neighbour (people of all races)
- Simon of Cyrene (helped Jesus to carry his cross was a black African)
- Jesus treated a Samaritan woman as his equal
- St Paul -> God created all nations from one man (Adam) all nations are therefore equal
HOW the CATHOLIC CHURCH help asylum seekers and immigrant workers
- Parishes provide masses in other languages
- Set up legal advice clinics (cope with settling in the UK)
- Office of Refugee Policy (ORP) keeps a watch, prepares reports on immigrant issues
- Bishops conferences (help -> English classes, -> equipment set up home)
WHY the CATHOLIC CHURCH help asylum seekers and immigrant workers
- BIBLE -> God is justice (followers should behave justly seek justice for others)
- CHURCH -> No-one should be oppressed (Christians seek justice for oppressed)
- PARABLE -> Good Samaritan help those less fortunate
- Jesus was a refugee (accepted them)
Why the catholic church SHOULDNT help asylum seekers/ immigrants
- More money the church gives, more asylum seekers, already full in the UK
- Better to give help through CAFOD (own countries)
- Church should focus on stopping the wars that cause asylum seekers
Benefits of living in a multi-FAITH society
- People can learn about other religions
- Other religions practise (others may take their religion more seriously)
- Become more understanding/ respectful of other religions
- Think more about religion (come across religious ideas)
CATHOLIC attitudes towards other religions and why
Some truth in other religions but Christianity has the whole truth
- Teaching of the church in catechism
- Jesus is the son of God (shows what God is like)
- BIBLE -> Christianity has the truth + going to heaven -> believing in Jesus
EVANGELICAL PROTESTANTS attitudes towards other religions and why
Christianity is the only way to come to God
- Jesus said he was the only way to God
- Converting others is the only way to get them into heaven
- Jesus said to convert all the nations
LIBERAL PROTESTANTS CHRISTIANS attitudes towards other religions and why
All religions are equal, different paths
- Don’t regard the bible as the word of God
- God is a force -> discovered in different ways
- See Muslims, Sikhs as living good lives
- Room for others in heaven -> Jesus said there are many rooms in heaven
Issues raised by a multi-FAITH society
- Conversion
- Bringing up children
- Interfaith marriages
Ways in which religions promote community cohesion by INTER-FAITH MARRIAGES
- Protestant churches, liberal or reform jewish synagogues -> special wedding services
- Religious leaders -> Website (offer help and advice for couples of different regions)
Ways in which religions promote community cohesion by SOLUTIONS TO BRINGING UP CHILDREN
- Protestant churches, liberal or reform jewish synagogues -> Bring up children in both faiths
- Leaders from church of England -> teach the main religions practised in the UK in their school
Ways in which religions promote community cohesion by WORKING IN SPECIAL GROUPS
- Inter-faith network in UK
- Groups in towns + cities bring together different religious groups
- Individual places of worship which work together
Ways in which religions promote community cohesion by DISCOVERING SIMILARITIES BETWEEN DIFFERENT FAITHS
- Religions working together to discover what is the same in their religion -> Live together without trying to convert each other