National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA):
A set of economic statistics that track the overall economic performance of a country, including measures of national income, production, and spending.
National Accounts:
Records and reports of a country’s economic transactions, which include data on production, income, and expenditures. These accounts provide a comprehensive picture of the economic activity within a nation.
An individual or a group of people living together and making joint economic decisions. Households are the primary consumers of goods and services and provide labor to firms.
A business organization that produces goods and services to sell in the market. Firms are the primary producers in an economy and pay wages to households for their labor.
Product Markets:
Markets where final goods and services are bought and sold. Consumers purchase products from firms in these markets.
Factor Markets:
Markets where factors of production (like labor, capital, and land) are bought and sold. Firms purchase factors of production from households in these markets.
Consumer Spending:
The total amount of money spent by households on goods and services. This spending is a major component of aggregate demand.
A type of financial security that represents ownership in a corporation. Stocks give shareholders a claim on a portion of the company’s assets and earnings.
A type of financial security that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower (typically a corporation or government). Bonds pay interest over time and return the principal at maturity.
Government Transfers:
Payments made by the government to individuals or households without requiring any goods or services in return, such as Social Security or unemployment benefits.
Disposable Income:
The amount of money that households have left after paying taxes and receiving government transfers. It represents the income available for consumption and savings.
Private Savings:
The portion of disposable income that households do not spend on consumption. It is saved and potentially invested in financial markets.
Financial Markets:
Markets where financial securities, such as stocks and bonds, are bought and sold. They help allocate resources and distribute risk.
Government Borrowing:
The process by which the government raises funds by issuing bonds or taking loans. Government borrowing can fund public projects and services.
Government Purchases of Goods and Services:
Spending by the government on goods and services that are used for public purposes, such as defense, education, and infrastructure.
Goods and services produced domestically and sold to foreign buyers. Exports contribute to a country’s GDP and trade balance.
Goods and services produced abroad and purchased by domestic consumers. Imports are subtracted from GDP when calculating net exports.
Goods that firms produce but have not yet sold. Inventories are counted in GDP calculations as part of investment spending.
Investment Spending:
Expenditures by firms on capital goods (like machinery and buildings) and by households on new housing. It represents spending on new productive assets.
Final Goods and Services:
Products that are purchased for final use by consumers, businesses, or the government, rather than for further production or resale.
Intermediate Goods and Services:
Products that are used as inputs in the production of final goods and services. They are not counted separately in GDP to avoid double counting.
Gross Domestic Product (GDP):
The total value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given period. It measures the economic performance of a country.
Aggregate Spending:
The total amount of spending in an economy, including consumption, investment, government purchases, and net exports (exports minus imports).
Value Added:
The additional value that a firm adds to a product at each stage of production. It is the difference between a product’s sales price and the cost of intermediate goods used to produce it.
Net Exports:
The value of a country’s exports minus its imports. It measures the trade balance and is a component of GDP.
Aggregate Output:
The total quantity of goods and services produced in an economy over a specific period. It measures the economy’s overall production.
Real GDP:
The measure of a country’s economic output adjusted for inflation. It reflects the value of all final goods and services produced within a country, expressed in constant prices, and allows for comparisons across different time periods.
Nominal GDP:
The measure of a country’s economic output using current prices, without adjusting for inflation. It reflects the value of all final goods and services produced within a country at the prices that are actually observed in the market.
A method used to calculate real GDP that links together different years’ GDP estimates to produce a more accurate measure of economic growth. It adjusts for changes in prices and quantities over time.
GDP per Capita:
The measure of a country’s economic output per person, calculated by dividing the GDP by the total population. It provides an average economic output per individual and is often used as an indicator of living standards.
Individuals who are currently working for pay or profit, including part-time and full-time jobs.
Individuals who are actively seeking work and are available to work but are currently without a job. They are counted as part of the labor force.
Labor Force:
The total number of people who are either employed or actively seeking employment. It includes both the employed and the unemployed.
Labor Force Participation Rate:
The percentage of the working-age population that is either employed or actively seeking employment. It is calculated by dividing the labor force by the working-age population and multiplying by 100.
Unemployment Rate:
The percentage of the labor force that is unemployed and actively seeking work. It is calculated by dividing the number of unemployed individuals by the labor force and multiplying by 100.
Discouraged Workers:
Individuals who have given up searching for work because they believe there are no job opportunities available for them. They are not counted as part of the labor force.
Marginally Attached Workers:
Individuals who are not currently in the labor force but have looked for work in the past 12 months and are available to work. They are not counted as unemployed because they are not actively seeking work at the moment.
Individuals who are working part-time or in jobs below their skill level but would prefer full-time or higher-skilled employment. They are employed but may not be fully utilizing their capabilities.
Job Search:
The process of looking for employment opportunities. It involves activities like applying for jobs, attending interviews, and networking to find suitable work.
Frictional Unemployment:
The type of unemployment that occurs when people are temporarily unemployed while transitioning between jobs or entering the labor force for the first time. It is usually short-term and results from the normal job search process.
Structural Unemployment:
The type of unemployment that arises from a mismatch between the skills that workers have and the skills needed by employers. It often results from long-term changes in the economy, such as technological advancements or shifts in industry demand.
Efficiency Wages:
Wages that are set above the market equilibrium level to increase worker productivity, reduce turnover, or attract higher-quality workers. Employers pay efficiency wages to improve their overall efficiency and performance.
Natural Rate of Unemployment:
The rate of unemployment that exists when the economy is operating at full potential. It includes frictional and structural unemployment but excludes cyclical unemployment. It reflects the normal, long-term level of unemployment in a healthy economy.
Cyclical Unemployment:
The type of unemployment that results from economic downturns or recessions. It occurs when there is a decrease in overall demand for goods and services, leading to reduced production and job losses.
Real Wage:
The wage rate adjusted for inflation, reflecting the purchasing power of the income earned by workers. It represents the amount of goods and services that can be bought with the nominal wage.
Real Income:
The income of individuals or households adjusted for inflation. It shows the purchasing power of the income received, indicating how much can be bought in terms of goods and services.
Inflation Rate:
The percentage increase in the general level of prices of goods and services over a specific period, usually measured annually. It reflects how much prices have risen and how purchasing power has changed.
Shoe-Leather Costs:
The costs associated with reducing cash holdings and making more frequent trips to the bank due to inflation. It refers to the inconvenience and costs incurred from having to manage cash more frequently in a high-inflation environment.
Menu Costs:
The costs to firms of changing prices, such as printing new menus or updating price lists, are due to inflation. It represents the administrative and operational expenses related to adjusting prices.
Unit-of-Account Costs:
The costs arise from the confusion and distortion caused by inflation when money’s role as a measure of value is compromised. It affects how well money can serve as a consistent measure for pricing and valuing goods and services.
Nominal Interest Rate:
The interest rate expressed in current dollars, is not adjusted for inflation. It is the percentage increase in money paid to lenders or received from borrowers.
Real Interest Rate:
The interest rate is adjusted for inflation, reflecting the true cost of borrowing or the true return on investment. It is calculated by subtracting the inflation rate from the nominal interest rate.
A decrease in the rate of inflation means that prices are still rising but at a slower rate. It indicates a slowdown in the rate at which inflation is increasing.
Aggregate Price Level:
The overall level of prices for all goods and services in an economy. It represents the average price of a broad range of products and services and is used to gauge inflation and economic stability.
Market Basket:
A collection of goods and services that is used to track changes in the price level over time. The market basket is a representative sample of items typically purchased by households and is used to calculate price indices.
Price Index:
A statistical measure that reflects changes in the price level of a selected set of goods and services over time. It is used to compare the current price level to a base period, helping to track inflation or deflation.
Consumer Price Index (CPI):
A price index that measures the average change in prices paid by consumers for a fixed basket of goods and services over time. The CPI is widely used to assess changes in the cost of living and inflation rates.
Producer Price Index (PPI):
A price index that measures the average change in selling prices received by domestic producers for their output over time. It reflects changes in wholesale prices before they reach consumers and can signal future consumer price changes.
GDP Deflator:
A measure of the overall change in prices for all goods and services included in Gross Domestic Product (GDP). It is used to convert nominal GDP (measured in current prices) into real GDP (measured in constant prices) by accounting for inflation.