Section 3 - Multiple Choice Flashcards
What is the best translation of Acts 2:38 below?
“into” remission of sins
How are we moved from the position of sinful to having sins remitted?
Does the resurrection just point to a future physical resurrection?
If not, how does Christ’s resurrection apply to us in this life?
We have the promise of new life in the Spirit
In what key verse does Peter set forth the salvation experience?
Acts 2:38
What does Peter show in Acts 2?
Death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ
How does one become theologically “hid in Christ”?
- Repent
- Baptism in Jesus Name
- Filled with the Holy Ghost
What is the difference between the Holy Ghost and the Holy Spirit?
The term Holy Ghost most frequently refers to what?
God’s activity among and in humanity
What doe the terms “baptized with the Holy Ghost” and “filled with the Spirit” mean?
the initial experience of receiving the Spirit of God to dwell in one’s life
Are these terms contradictory?
Can one be “filled with the Holy Ghost” after initial salvation?
What does it mean for a saint to be “filled with the Spirit”?
- baptized with the Holy Ghost
- yielding to the Spirit
- anointed
What can the phrase “filled with the Spirit” mean according too Scripture?
- initial Spirit baptism
- Guidance and power Spirit grants to those who yield
- experiences that renew the initial experience
Is there a difference between the baptism of the Spirit and all Old Testament experiences with God?
How did the presence of God work with the OT saints?
It “moved on” the saints
What must we do after being baptized with the Spirit?
- want to be refilled continuously
- submit to the leading of the Spirit
- let God have full control
- bear the fruit of the Spirit
Is Spirit baptism a second or third “work of grace” or an experience after conversion?
Does the witness of Church history hurt us as Apostolic Pentecostals?
What must all doctrines concerning salvation be based on?
What doctrinal bias of modern church historians might cause them to misread Church history?
- They interpret from the perspective of their own beliefs
- They find teachings that are simply not there
What doctrinal bias of ancient church writers may cause people today to misread history?
They sometimes distorted or misrepresented the views of their doctrinal opponents
Do all existing documents from antiquity reflect the views of the average believer of that time period?
What affect does the notion “History is written by the victor” have on the record of Church history?
Many that opposed popular doctrines were persecuted and had little opportunity to leave record of their beliefs
Does the fact that a document is old guarantee it is authentic?
What did the leaders of the early post-apostolic era (AD 90-140) teach about baptism?
- it was for believers only
- repentance was necessary for baptism to be of value
As other methods of baptizing were being developed, what was the predominant and preferred mode even then?
What does the clear teaching of Church history show us?
- Baptism was part of salvation
- It was necessary to remit sins
- must be immersion
Sanctification literally means what?
to set a person or thing apart for the use intended by its designer
Hagios or saints mean what?
To be sanctified means what?
To be set apart or declared as holy (consecrate)