Section 3: CPR, AED & First Aid Flashcards
How to perform CPR in water?
- Tow them to the side of the pool
- Support the casualty with one arm behind their neck and shoulders. Use the other arm to hold on the poolside
- Check for breathing for 10sec and if not breathing, use mouth-to-nose rescue breaths, keeping the chin lift and keeping the casualty’s mouth closed
- Continue the rescue breaths until help comes
Why use a pocket mask in CPR?
It creates a barrier between the casualty and the lifeguard when giving rescue breaths
How to give CPR to somebody with a tracheostomy?
Wipe the mucus from the tube, do the normal 30:2 method but in rescue breaths, cover the mouth and nose, and breath in the tracheostomy
How to give CPR to somebody with air in the stomach
Some 30:2 method but improve the head/chin lift by increasing it, don’t apply pressure to the stomach
What to do if the casualty’s ribs are broken while doing CPR?
Carry on doing CPR until ambulance arrives
What to do if chest does not rise on rescue breaths?
Check if the airwaves are blocked and remove it if so, recheck the head/chin lift and do no more that 2 rescue breaths before chest compressions
What is the 30:2 method in CPR
30 chest compressions and 2 rescue breaths in a cycle method
All the steps to CPR
- Check for danger (say is quite loud)
- Hold the cast lift and check if they’re okay, to see if they’re responsive
- Check for breathing with the head/chin lift for 10seconds
- (IF NOT BREATHING) Tell somebody to say that they’re unresponsive, that you need and ambulance and a Defib and you’re going to perform CPR.
- (IF BREATHING) put them in the recovery position
- (IF A CHILD OR DROWNED) give 5 rescue breaths (IF AND ADULT ON DRYSIDE) give them 2 rescue breaths
- Do 30 chest compressions and then 2 rescue breaths until help comes
Is there a difference between CPR in Children and Adults?
Children have 5 rescue breaths before 30:2 method
Is there a difference between CPR on Children and Babies?
Children, need a full arm on chest compressions and have normal rescue breaths
while babies only need three fingers in chest compressions and the rescue breaths are both through the mouth and nose.
Is there similarities between CPR on Children and Babies?
- they both use 30:2 method
- both only need one arm chest compressions, unlike adults
- they both need 5 rescue breaths before the start of the 30:2 method
The differences between Severe airway obstruction and Mild airway obstruction
Severe airway obstruction = casualty unable to speak, weakening cough, change colour, veins out of the neck exposed
Mild airway obstruction = casualty can speak, couch and breathe but will be in some distress
What to do to relieve mild chocking?
- Encourage coughing
2. Continue to check for deterioration to ineffective cough or until obstruction is relieved
What to do to relieve severe chocking ?
- Encourage coughing
- (IF CONSCIOUS) 5 Back blows and 5 abdominal thrusts. Carry on the cycle
- (IF UNCONSCIOUS) Start CPR immediately
Is treating chocking on children and Babies different?
Although they have 5 back blows, the abdominal thrusts are too hard on babies so they have 5 three finger chest compressions instead of them
If an artery bleed is the most severe bleed, What is the more severe vein bleed or a capillary bleed?
Vein bleeds as more blood is released from oozing
How to treat a cut?
- Clean the wound with water and remove dirt
2. Dry the wound with a sterile dressing and apply a plaster/bandage
How to treat a graze?
- Clean the wound with water and remove dirt
2. Dry the wound with a sterile dressing and apply a plaster/bandage
How to treat a bruise?
- Reduce swelling with an ice pack, wrapped in a clean cloth (triangle bandage can be used?
- Remove the ice pack after 20min max
How to treat a patient with shock?
Have the casualty lied down and make sure their legs are above their head to have the blood around the head
What is a Varicose Vein Bleed?
Damage to veins in the legs
How to do the recovery position?
- Casualty’s hand closet to you up (hi sir)
- Have the back of their other hand on the cheek (slap me in the face)
- Move their furthest knee up
- Hold on their knee that is up and slowly flip them to the casualty’s arm that is up
- Check for breathing with head/chin lift
How to properly flip a casualty from their back facing you to their front?
- Move their head away from you
- Move their arm closest to you up
- Move their other arm to their hip
- Flip them over slowly, with your left hand secure on their head
How to treat a Varicose Vein Bleed?
- Lie the casualty down
- Apply form pressure to the injury
- Apply bandages or another form of dressing for pressure
- Call 999/112 for emergency help
- Recheck limb every 10min
How to treat somebody with hypoglycaemia
- Put them in a comfortable position
- Give them a non diet sugary drink
- If worsened call for an ambulance
How to treat somebody with a stroke?
- Have them in a comfortable position
- Call for an ambulance
- Keep on talking to them and reassuring them that they’re okay, to reduce the risk of it getting worse
- Do not give them food in case of operation
How to treat somebody hyperventilating?
- Move them to a quiet area
- Tell them to keep breathing through their nose and sip on the water that you give them
- Be prepared to treat for shock if needed
How to treat somebody with a seizure?
- Let them have the seizure but always protect the head with something soft
- Time it
- If the seizure is longer than normally, of if there never had a seizure before, Call an ambulance
How to treat somebody with a heart attack?
- Keep casualty in a comfortable position
- Loosen all clothing around the chest and neck
- Call 999
How to treat somebody with hypothermia?
- Move them to a much warmer place
- Remove wet clothing
- Keep them insulated with blankets or a foil blanket
- Give them hot drinks
- Monitor breathing to prepare for cpr if they stop breathing
- Call for ambulance if worsened
How to treat somebody with hyperthermia?
- Get them to a cool area, eg. With air conditioning
- Give them a cold isontonic drink or water
- Gently stretch any muscles that are cramping
- Treat for shock if needed
- Call for an ambulance if worsened
How to treat somebody who has chemical poisoning?
- Call 999 immediately
- Do not induce vomiting
- Rinse mouth with water or milk
- Treat any burns
- If they’re not breathing and CPR is needed then a pocket mask is essential
How to treat an eye injury?
- Advise not to rub the eye
- Separate the eyelids to examine eye
- If there’s a foreign object rinse in water
- If unsuccessful put in an eye pad and they’ll the to close the good eye while doing so
- Make arrangements for medical help
How to treat for fainting?
- Reassure them and advise them to breathe slowly
- Lay them down and raise their legs (treat for shock)
- Losses tight clothing
- On recovery, they’ll them to sip water
Explain secondary survey
Introduce yourself and ask for consent to check for any wounds or areas of pain. Do so by checking
- head, ears, eyes and neck
- ribs, stomach
- pelvis
- arms
- legs
How to treat head injuries?
- Call 999 immediately
- Lie the casualty down, keeping the head neck and spine in line with each other
- Treat any other injuries on the casualty
- If breathing but unconscious put in recovery position
Treating penetrating chest injury?
- Call 999 immediately
- Sit the casualty down comfortably
- Do not cover the wound but cover around the wound to apply pressure
- If unconscious:
- and breathing put in recovery position
- and not breathing, perform CPR
How to put on a support sling?
- Casualty’s is horizontal and sling is positioned small point to their elbow
- Top of sling goes under the arm and in their nearest shoulder
- Bottom of sling goes around the arm and on the other shoulder to tie around the neck
- Twist the point in the elbow
How to put in an elevated sling?
- Casualty’s arm is holding their opposite shoulder and sling is positioned small point to their elbow
- Top point of sling goes to their hand and ask them to keep hold of it
- Bottom point goes under their arm to be at their other shoulder to be tied around the neck
- Twist the point in the elbow
How to use a pocket mask in CPR?
- Top hand covers the top of mask like a c- cup
- Bottom hand’s thumb is holding hard on the bottom of the mask while the hands remaining fingers are holding the chin
- Do a head/chin lift while holding the mask in place and breathe through the tube
What should you always do before performing any first aid?
Wash hands and put on gloves
If the casualty feels like they’re getting worse what should you always do?
Call for and ambulance
How to treat a burn?
- Have hand run through cold (not icy) water for a minimum of 20 minutes
- Remove any jewellery and clothing
- Keep them in a comfortable position
- Treat for shock if needed
How to use a Defib (AED)?
Follow the instruction given by the Defib:
- Stick the pads in the top of the chest and the bottom of the abdomen
- Once it says it’s analysing shout “step back”
- If:
- it needs to shock then shout “step back” and wait for the shock
- it doesn’t need to shock carry on CPR as usual
What is the chain of survival?
Early Recognition
Early CPR
Early Defib
Post Resuscitation Care
What are the Priorites of First Aid?
Preserve Life
Alleviate Suffering
Prevent the situation from getting worse
Promote Casualty Recovery
Priorities of casualty Management