Section 3 : Consumers Flashcards
How do Kafka Consumers work?
- Kafka consumers is an application that consumes messages (generated by producers) by subscribing to a topic.
- Step 1: Create a Kafka consumer object
- Step 2: Subscribe/assign to the topic (Depending upon whether it’s standalone consumer or part of consumer group)
- Step 3: Start receiving messages
- Step 4: Validate message
- Step 5 : Send for further processing

What is Kafka Consumer?
- Consumer can be either standalone consumer or can be part of a consumer group but not both at the same time
Standalone consumer:
- Simple to implement
- No need for rebalancing
- Needs to find partitions by itself:
- Uning consumer.partitionsFor() periodically
- Consumer assigns partitions to itself
- using assign() method as it’s the only consumer which needs to read all records from the all the partitions
What are Kafka Consumer Group?
- Consumer group is a group of consumers all of which read from the same topic.
- You add consumer to help deal with the load
- Kafka can scale to a large number of consumer and consumer groups without reducing performance.
- If Number of consumer in the group > number of partitions of the topic, some of the consumer may be iddle [Though having 1 or 2 idle consumers in the consumer group is recommended]
- Create a new consumer group for each application that needs all the messages from one or more topics consumers to an existing consumer
- Consumer group is to scale the reading and processing of messages from topics.
- To maintain membership to consumer group and to maintain ownership of the partitions assigned, consumers send heartbeats to the Group coordinator.
- Heartbeats are sent:
- When the consumer polls
- When consumer commits records it has consumed
- Release 0.10.1 onwards, heartbeats can be sent in between polls as well
- If heartbeat are not received for soemtime, the repartition is triggered
- Heartbeats are sent:

What is Partition Rebalance?
- Moving partition ownership from one consumer to another is called Partition Rebalancing
- When Partition Rebalancing comes into picture?
- When a new consumer is added to the group
- When a consumer shuts down
- When a consumer crashes
- When a consumer leaves the consumer group
- When the topics are modified
- When a new partition is added
- Why Partition Rebalancing?
- To enable consumer group for high availability and scalability
What is Partition Rebalance Functioning?
- The consumer sends “JoinGroup request” to the group Coordinator
- The first consumer in the group becomes the group leader
- Leader consumer gets the following:
- List of consumers in the groups
- List of partition assignments
- Group leader decides partition/ set of partition to the other consumers in the group.

What is Partition Rebalance Issues?
- Unavailability
- During rebalancing process entire consumer group is unavailable
- Loosing state
- Consumer looses it’s current state
- Impact on performance
- Looses cache and hence slows down the preformance for a while
- Partition rebalance is not desired and should be avoided