Section 2B Flashcards
praeda ae, f.
booty, plunder
ager agrī, m.
land, field, territory
lēgātus ī, m.
ambassador, army official
castra ōrum,
proelium ī n.
hostis is m.
opus operis n.
job, work, task
saeuus a um
wild, angry
pugnō (1)
I fight
caueō, cauēre, cāuī, cautus
I am wary
respondeō, respondēre, respondī, respōnsum
I reply
agō, agere, ēgī, āctus
I do, act
cognōscō, cognōscere, cognōuī, cognitus
I get to know, examine
dēdūcō, dēdūcere, dēdūxī, dēductus
I lead away, down
nesciō (4)
I do not know
īnspiciō , īnspicere, īnspexī, īnspectus
I look into; inspect, examine
perficiō, perficere, perfēcī, perfectus
I finish, complete; carry out
caput capitis 3n.
head; source
diēs diēī 5m. or f.
rēs rēī 5f.
thing, matter, business, property, affair
hortor (1)
I encourage
minor (1)
I threaten (+ dat.)
opīnor (1)
I think
precor (1)
I beg, pray
recordor (1)
I remember
polliceor (2)
I promise
adipīscor, adipīscī, adeptus
I gain, get
adloquor, adloquī, adlocūtus
I address, talk to
loquor, loquī, locūtus
I talk, speak, say
oblīuīscor, oblīuīscī, oblītus
I forget
proficīscor, proficīscī, profectus
I set out
sequor, sequī, secūtus
I follow
mentior 4
I lie, deceive
adgredior, adgredī, adgressus
I approach
ēgredior, ēgredī, ēgressus
I go/come out
prōgredior, prōgredī, prōgressus
I advance