Section 2A - Programming Basics Flashcards
What are variables?
Variables are any data that is stored in memory locations, and as the program runs, the values in these locations change.
What is an integer?
A integer is a whole number such as 1, 2 or 3
What is a real/ float?
A number with a decimal point such as 3.456
What is a char/character?
A single character, where the character is anything that can be typed
What is a string?
Zero or more characters. A string can be null (empty), just 1 characters or many characters
What is a boolean?
A boolean variable has the value True or False
What is a constant?
A value which does not change in the memory
What does ASCII stand for?
“American Standard Code for Information Interchange”
What is Robust code?
Code which will not result in the program crashing due to an unexpected user input
What is an array?
An array is a list which stores a collection under 1 identifier
What is a data structure?
When we group data items together so they can be treated as a set of data