Section 26 - Public Key Infrastructure Flashcards
What is PKI?
Public Key Infrastructure
An entire system of hardware, software, policies, procedures, and people that is based on asymmetric encryption.
*** This is the system that creates the asymmetric key pairs that consist of those public and private keys that are used in encryption and decryption. As well as managing those key pairs to make sure that they’re valid and can be trusted.
What is the difference between PKC, PKE and PKI?
PKC (Public Key Cryptography) is just talking about the encryption and decryption process. It is a small part of the overall PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) architecture.
PKE (Public Key Encryption) is just the asymmetric encryption and decryption piece.
PKI is the system that creates the asymmetric key pairs
Remember that PKI uses PKC to do its function but PKI is the entire system of things that are done to be able to create the secure connection from end to end
For PKI to work successfully, we need to have a trusted third party involved. This is known as…?
A certificate authority
What do certificate authorities do?
They are going to issue digital certificates and are going to keep the level of trust between all of the certificate authorities around the world
What is a digital certificate?
A certificate is a digitally signed electronic document that binds a public key with a user’s identity
*** The user in this case can be a human or a server, work station or device.
Certificates commonly use the ____ standard for digital certificates.
*** This contains the owner’s or user’s information like their name, organization, certificate authority information and their public key.
To get a digital certificate for your web server, you have to purchase that certificate from…?
A certificate authority or a registration authority
When a certificate is purchased for a server, it’s only applied to…?
one server by default
What is a wildcard certificate?
Allows all of the subdomains to use the same public key certificate and have it displayed as valid
*** A bypass for a certificate typically only allows one certificate
What is the SAN field?
Subject Alternate Name
This field in a certificate specifies what additional domains and IP addresses are going to be supported by that certificate
What is a single sided certificate?
Only one side of this authentication is happening with the certificate
*** When you connect to a website, there’s a secure session that’s established and the server is going to identify itself to your web browser using the server’s digital certificate. You are not required to have your own certificate to be authenticated back to the server.
What is a dual-sided certificate?
When an organization requires both the server and the user to validate each other using certificates
With digital certificates, each certificate is validated using the concept of…?
Chain of Trust
Moving from the bottom upward
** Think of this like a family tree. Your child would have to go up the family tree through the Chain of trust to get approved.
Digital certificates are usually based on the X.509 standard but the certificate itself must be ___ before it can be used.
What are the three different encoding methods under the X.690 standard?
What is BER?
Basic Encoding Rules
The original rule set governing the encoding of data structures for certificates
*** BER has the ability to have multiple encoding types which makes it different from CER
What is CER?
Canonical Encoding Rules
The restricted version of BER that only allows the use of one encoding type
What is DER?
Distinguished Encoding Rules
Another restricted version of BER that only allows one encoding type as well but it has more restrictive rules for length, character strings and how a particular element or digital certificate is stored.