Section 2 Unit 1 to 8 Flashcards
Kocken lagar alltid god mat
The cook always cooks good food
Maten kommer
The food is coming
Betalar du?
Are you paying?
Vi köper(shuh-per) mat
We are buying food
Björnen hittar mat
The bear finds food
Jag hittar inte mina strumpor
I cannot find my socks
Jag ritar ett äpple
I’m drawing an apple
De(dom) vill ha glass
They want ice cream
Hon leker
She’s playing
De lyssnar inte
They are not listening
Hon skrattar
She is laughing
De visar sina skor
They are showing their shoes
Flickan visar sin bok
The girl is showing her book
Hon använder sin bok
She is using her book
De tvättar sina byxor
They are washing their pants
Jag flyger(fligar)
I am flying
Barnen står
The children are standing
Pojken sitter
The boy is sitting
Vi stöttar dig
We support you
Männen tar glasen
The men are taking the glasses
Det regnar aldrig
It never rains.
Jag läser en tidning medan han lagar mat
I’m reading a newspaper while he is cooking
Hon vill ha kläderna
She wants the clothes
Männen tar glasen
The men are taking the glasses
Vi betalar inte
We aren’t paying
De skriver inte
They aren’t writing
Björnen hittar mat
The bear finds food
Han visar mig sin bil
He is showing me his car
Katten hoppar och leker
The cat is jumping and playing
Vi stöttar dig
We support you
Hon väljer honom
She chooses him
Jag köper en billig hatt
I’m buying a cheap hat
De tvättar sina byxor
They are washing their pants
Han vill ha pengar
He wants money
Barnen skrattar
The children are laughing
De använder sina strumpor
They are using their socks
Hon går och sjunger
She is walking and singing
Jag skriver brevet i morgon
I am writing the letter tomorrow
De använder sina strumpor
They are using their socks
Jag sjunger medan jag lagar mat
I sing while I cook
Går du på universitetet?
Do you go to the university?
Sitter din fru på en älg?
Is your wife sitting on a moose?
Hon hör mig inte
She does not hear me
Pojken hör oss
The boy hears us
Mannen säljer ett bord
Han lagar mat medan vi sover
He cooks while we sleep
Det regnar och barnen springer
It is raining and the children are sleeping
Det regnar och barnen springer
It is raining and the children are running
Flickan ritar en älg
The girl is drawing a moose
Jag hittar inte mina strumpor
I cannot find my socks
Pojken köper en tidning
The boy is buying a newspaper
Jag tvättar mina kläder
I am washing my clothes
Flickan visar sin bok
The girl is showing her book
Flickan visar sin bok
The girl is showing her book
Hon leker
She is playing
Finns det Kaffe?
Is there coffee?
Hunden tar(tor) din tomat
The dog is taking your tomato
Hunden springer från älgen
The dog is running from the moose
Hon tvättar dina strumpor
She is washing your socks
Flickan leker ofta med hunden
The girl often plays with the dog
Här finns det mycket mat
Here’s a lot of food