Section 2 - Strategies, Tactics, and Technology Flashcards
What is the strategy of attrition in terrorism?
The strategy involves a constant stream of low-level attacks by a terrorist group, inflicting casualties, destroying property, and slowly wearing down the opposing side (security services, government, public morale).
What are the key factors in the success of attrition?
- Government’s concern for public opinion.
- How much the dispute matters to the government.
- The terrorist group’s ability to survive government retaliation
What challenges do terrorist groups face in the attrition strategy?
Terrorist groups need to survive a government onslaught, maintain attacks, and deal with the unpopularity of their violence, especially among the people they claim to champion.
Example of a successful attrition strategy: The Irish Republican Army (IRA)
The IRA waged constant attacks in Northern Ireland after the suppression of peaceful protests.The British deployed 20,000 soldiers, facing growing costs.Over time, it led the British government to question their commitment, eventually resulting in political concessions.
What is one strategy terrorist groups use to expand?
Terrorist groups aim to evolve from small groups using terrorism into larger insurgent organizations that conduct guerrilla warfare.
What is the main difference between terrorism and insurgency?
Terrorism is typically smaller scale and focused on attacks, while insurgency involves larger-scale military operations and attempts to control territory.
What is the result of government mistakes in handling terrorist groups?
Government mistakes lead to loss of faith in its ability to protect citizens, increased support for terrorist groups, and recruitment of new members.
How do terrorist groups grow and gain power?
By gaining recruits, funds, and providing services (e.g., education, healthcare), they can control territory, tax the population, and act like a mini-government.
How does attrition relate to creating an insurgency?
Attrition can weaken the government and, over time, lead to the creation of an insurgency, as seen in Al-Qaeda’s operations in Iraq.
What happened after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003?
*US installed a Shia govt
Violence escalated, and Al-Qaeda-linked groups took advantage of the power vacuum, with local populations turning to them for protection against the Shia-dominated government.
How did the US and Iraqi government’s initial response to insurgents backfire?
They lacked precise intelligence, leading to wrongful arrests and killings, which fueled anger and recruitment for insurgent groups.
What is “propaganda of the deed”?
Propaganda of the deed is the use of dramatic, high-profile violence to inspire the population to rise up and join the terrorist cause.
Why is media coverage crucial for “propaganda of the deed”?
Media coverage ensures the act receives attention, raising awareness and forcing the target population to acknowledge the terrorist group’s message.
What are the challenges terrorist groups face with “propaganda of the deed”?
High-profile attacks are difficult to execute repeatedly, and after such an attack, the group is often under government siege.
How does violence in “propaganda of the deed” aim to affect the population?
The violence is intended to dispel fear of the government and encourage people to join the terrorist cause, through recruitment or fundraising.
What is the “spoiler” strategy used by terrorist groups?
The “spoiler” strategy is when terrorist groups disrupt peace negotiations to discredit moderates and prevent a peace deal from happening, leading people to embrace violence instead.
How does terrorism act as a spoiler during peace negotiations?
Terrorism discredits moderates on all sides, makes people believe peace isn’t possible, and undermines efforts to negotiate, pushing people toward extreme actions
What is a recent example of terrorism acting as a spoiler in peace negotiations?
In the 1990s, during the Israeli-Palestinian peace process, bombings by Hamas and Palestine Islamic Jihad disrupted negotiations, leading to skepticism about the possibility of peace.
How did the Israeli-Palestinian bombings affect the peace process?
Israelis questioned Yasser Arafat’s ability to stop the violence. This raised doubts about negotiating with him, leading to a delay in agreements and a souring of support for peace on both sides.
What is the lone-wolf strategy in terrorism?
It refers to individual terrorists or small groups acting independently but inspired by a larger ideology, committing violence.
Why is the lone-wolf strategy so frightening to people?
It’s hard to stop because there’s no larger organization or leadership to infiltrate, making it unpredictable and difficult to prevent.
How has the Internet affected the lone-wolf strategy?
The Internet allows individuals to communicate their ideology to a global audience, making lone-wolf attacks part of a broader global ideology.
hat is the main contrast between modern warfare and terrorism according to Bruce Hoffman?
Modern warfare has advanced technologically, but terrorism has largely remained reliant on traditional weapons, such as guns and bombs.
Why do terrorists continue to use familiar weapons like guns and bombs?
They prefer the assurance of success with weapons they are familiar with rather than risking failure with more complex or exotic weapons.
Why do terrorists tend to avoid complex weapons or tactics?
Because they are harder to execute and their success is less guaranteed, making them potentially ineffective.
What does Leonardo da Vinci’s quote about simplicity relate to terrorism?
Terrorists value simplicity and ease in their tactics, as simple methods can be more effective and cost-efficient.
What was notable about the 1993 World Trade Center bombing?
The bomb, made from inexpensive materials like lawn fertilizer, cost around $400 but caused $500 million in damage.
What does the IRA’s adaptation to countermeasures demonstrate about terrorism?
It shows that terrorists continuously innovate to stay a step ahead of counter-terrorism technology, often using simple technologies to overcome complex barriers.
How did the PIRA adapt their bombing methods over time in response to countermeasures?
Initially, PIRA bombs were crude, made from dynamite, electrical tape, and timers, requiring the bomber to reveal himself. To improve safety, they used command wire detonation, remotely triggering bombs from a distance. However, after the army and police responded quickly to explosions, the IRA adapted by using radio-controlled technology from model planes, allowing for remote detonation without wires. When the British Army used jammers to block radio signals, the IRA responded by using radar detectors and radar guns to detonate bombs, staying a step ahead of countermeasures.
How can unsuccessful terrorist attacks still be considered successful?
They can generate publicity, fear, and anxiety, even if they don’t kill or destroy the target.
What famous phrase did the IRA use after their attempt on Thatcher’s life?
“You have to be lucky all the time. We only have to be lucky once.”
Why was the 2009 Al-Qaeda shoe bombing attempt notable despite its failure?
It gained significant publicity, affected aviation security, and led to greater investments in airport and aircraft security.
Why haven’t terrorists commonly used weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) like chemical, biological, radiological, or nuclear weapons?
Despite efforts, terrorists have faced challenges with sophisticated weapons and explosives, leading to a relatively low occurrence of WMD use. This does not mean they haven’t considered or attempted to use them
hat significant meeting took place before the September 11, 2001 attacks?
On the eve of the 9/11 attacks, two Pakistani nuclear scientists met with bin Laden to discuss his desire to develop a nuclear weapon and Al-Qaeda’s efforts with chemical and biological weapons.
How did Al-Qaeda attempt to use ricin in 2003?
Al-Qaeda discovered ricin, a poison, in London in 2003, hoping to poison individuals and cause nationwide panic. The attempt was unsuccessful but demonstrated the psychological impact of new weapon attempts