Section 2 People in Business Flashcards
Why do people work?
- Have a better standard of living: by earning incomes they can satisfy their needs and wants
- Be secure: having a job means they can always maintain or grow that standard of living
- Gain experience and status: work allows people to get better at the job they do and earn a reputable status in society
- Have job satisfaction: people also work for the satisfaction of having a job
What is motivation?
The reason why employees want to work hard and work effectively for the business.
What are the benefits of a well-motivated workforce?
When workers are well-motivated,
- they become highly productive and effective in their work
- become absent less often
- less likely to leave the job,
thus increasing the firm’s efficiency and output, leading to higher profits.
What is Maslow’s hierarchy?
Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs shows that employees are motivated by each level of the hierarchy going from bottom to top.
What are the levels of Maslow’s hierarchy?
Physiological needs -> Safety/security needs -> Social needs -> Esteem needs -> Self-actualization
What are the two motivational theories?
- F.W. Taylor’s Theory
- Herzberg’s 2 Factor Theory
What is Taylor’s theory?
Taylor based his ideas on the assumption that:
- workers were motivated by personal gains, mainly money and that increasing pay would increase productivity (amount of output produced).
- Therefore he proposed the piece-rate system, whereby workers get paid for the number of output they produce.
- So in order, to gain more money, workers would produce more.
What is Herzberg’s 2 Factor Theory?
Frederick Herzberg’s two-factor theory, he states that people have two sets of needs:
1. ‘hygiene factors’
- status
- security
- work conditions
- company policies and administration
- relationship with superiors
- relationship with subordinates
- salary
- ‘motivators’
- achievement
- recognition
- personal growth/development
- promotion
- work itself
What are wages?
Payment for work, usually paid weekly
What are 2 ways to calculate wages?
- Time rate
- Piece rate
What is a time rate?
The amount paid to an employee for one hour of work
What is a piece rate?
The amount paid for each unit of output
What is a salary?
Payment for work, usually paid monthly
What is a bonus?
An additional amount of payment above basic pay as a reward for good work
What is a commission?
Payment relating to the number of sales made
What is profit sharing?
A system whereby a proportion of the company’s profits is paid out to employees
What is job satisfaction?
The enjoyment derived from feeling that you have done a good job
What is job rotation?
Involves workers swapping and doing each specific task for only a limited time and then changing around again
What is job enrichment?
Involves looking at jobs and adding tasks that require more skill and/or responsibility
What is teamworking?
A group of workers is given responsibility for a particular process, product or development. They can decide as a team how to organize and carry out the tasks
What is training?
The process of improving a workers skills
What is promotion?
The advancement of an employee in an organization
What is an organizational structure?
Refers to the levels of management and division of responsibilities within a business. They can be represented on organizational charts
What are the advantages of an organizational structure?
- All employees are aware of which communication channel is used to reach them with messages
- Everyone knows their position in the business. They know who they are accountable to and who they are accountable for
- It shows the links and relationship between the different departments
- Gives everyone a sense of belonging as they appear on the organizational chart
What is the span of control?
The number of subordinates working directly under a manager in the organizational structure
What is the chain of command?
The structure of an organization that allows instructions to be passed on from senior managers to lower levels of management
What is the link between the span of control and the chain of command?
The wider the span of control the shorter the chain of command
What are the roles and responsibilities of directors?
They are senior managers who lead a particular department or division of a business
What are the roles and responsibilities of line managers?
They have direct responsibility for people below them in the hierarchy of an organization
What are the roles and responsibilities of supervisors?
They are junior managers who have direct control over the employees below them in the organizational structure
What are the roles and responsibilities of staff managers?
They are specialists who provide support, information and assistance to line managers
What are the roles and functions of management?
- Planning
- Organizing
- Coordinating
- Commanding
- Controlling
What is delegation?
Giving a subordinate the authority to perform particular tasks
What are the advantages of delegation for managers?
- Managers cannot do all the work by themselves, therefore when delegating, managers are able to concentrate their time on other important management functions
- Managers can measure the efficiency and effectiveness of their subordinates’ work
What is the disadvantage of delegation for managers?
Managers may be reluctant to delegate as they may lose their control over the work
What are the advantages of delegation for subordinates?
- The work becomes more interesting and rewarding- increased job satisfaction
- Employees feel more important and trusted– increasing loyalty to the firm
- Can act as a method of training and promotion opportunities, if they do a good job
What are the 3 main leadership styles?
- Autocratic leadership
- Democratic leadership
- Laissez-faire leadership
What is autocratic leadership?
Where the manager expects to be in charge of the business and to have their orders followed
What is a potential advantage of autocratic leadership?
- Quick decision-making
What is a potential disadvantage of autocratic leadership?
- No opportunity for employee input into key decisions which can be demotivating
What is democratic leadership?
Gets other employees involved in the decision-making process
What is a potential advantage of democratic leadership?
- Better decisions could result from consulting with employees and using their experience and ideas
- Also being a motivating factor
What is a potential disadvantage of democratic leadership?
Unpopular decisions such as making workers redundant could no effectively be made using this style of leadership
What is laissez-faire leadership?
Makes the broad objectives of the business known to employees but then they are left to make their own decisions and organize their own work
What is a potential advantage of laissez-faire leadership?
Encourages employees to show creativity and responsibility
What is a potential disadvantage of laissez-faire leadership?
Unlikely to be appropriate in organizations where a consistent and clear decision-making structure is needed