Section 2: Obstetrics 2 Flashcards
A 28-year-old woman in her 28th week of pregnancy presents for severe lower back pain. She complains that the pain is cyclical and that it seems to be increasing in intensity. On physical examination, she seems to be in pain. Her temperature is 98.9°F, HR 104 bpm, BP 135/80 mm Hg, RR 15 per minute. On pelvic examination, her cervix is 3 cm dilated. Which of the following is the most likely diagnosis?
a. Premature rupture of membranes
b. Preterm labor
c. Cervical incompetence
d. Preterm contractions
Fischer, Conrad (2012-11-01). Master the Boards USMLE Step 2 CK (Page 452). Kaplan Medical Test Prep. Kindle Edition.
B. Preterm labor is diagnosed when there is a combination of contractions with cervical dilation. A premature rupture of membranes patient would have a history of a “gush of fluid” from the vagina. Patients with cervical incompetence do not have a history of contractions, but there is painless dilation of the cervix. Preterm contractions do not lead to cervical dilation.
Fischer, Conrad (2012-11-01). Master the Boards USMLE Step 2 CK (Page 452). Kaplan Medical Test Prep. Kindle Edition.
List the risk factors for preterm labor
- Premature rupture of membranes
- Multiple gestation
- Previous history of preterm labor
- Placental abruption
- Maternal factors
- Uterine anatomical abnormalities
- Infections (chorioamnionitis)
- Preeclampsia
- Intraadominal surgery
Fischer, Conrad (2012-11-01). Master the Boards USMLE Step 2 CK (Page 452). Kaplan Medical Test Prep. Kindle Edition.
List the circumstances under which preterm labor should not be stopped with tocolytics and delivery should occur
- Maternal severe HTN (preeclampsia)
- Maternal cardiac disease
- Maternal cervical dilation of more than 4 cm
- Maternal hemorrhage (abruptio placenta, DIC)
- Fetal death
- Chorioamnionitis
List the causes of late pregnancy bleeding (i.e., bleeding that occurs after 20 weeks’ gestation)
- Abruptio placenta (painful)
- Placenta previa (painless)
- Vasa previa (painless)
- Less commonly, lower genital tract lacerations and uterine rupture
- bleeding: • Perform initial management: – Get the patient’s vitals
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12464-12480). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
List the initial steps in the management of late pregnancy bleeding
- Perform initial management:
- Get the patient’s vitals
- Place external fetal monitor
- Start IV fluids with normal saline
- Order lab tests:
- DIC workup (platelets, PT, PTT, fibrinogen, and D-dimer)
- Type and cross-match
- Obstetric ultrasound to rule out placenta previa
- Perform further steps in management:
- Give blood transfusion for large volume loss
- Place Foley catheter and measure urine output
- Perform vaginal exam to rule out lacerations
- Schedule delivery if fetus is in jeopardy or gestational age is ≥ 36 weeks
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12477-12499). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
True or False: Never perform a digital or speculum examination in a patient with late vaginal bleeding until a vaginal ultrasound first rules out placenta previa
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12477-12499). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
How do we know there is compromise in late pregnancy bleeding?
What condition most likely causes this and why?
Late decelerations and/or bradycardia
Vasa previa because the bleeding is from fetal circulation
List (1) diagnosis, (2) diagnostic test, (3) management and (4) complication based on the following presentation
- Sudden onset vaginal bleeding
- Pain
- Hx of HTN
- +/- Trauma
- +/- Cocaine abuse
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12502-12522). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
- Abruptio placenta
- Abd/Pelvic US
- Mgnt:
- Emergent c-section
- Vaginal delivery may be attempted if ≥ 36 weeks and placenta is > 2 cm from internal os
- Admit and observe if bleeding has stopped, vitals and fetal heart rate (FHR) stable, or < 34 weeks
- DIC. Amniotomy and induction of labor decrease the risk of DIC
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12587-12590). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
List (1) diagnosis, (2) diagnostic test, (3) management and (4) complication based on the following presentation
- Sudden onset vaginal bleeding at rest or during activity without warning
- No pain
- +/- Trauma, coitis, or pelvic examination
- +/- Multiparity
- +/- Structural abnormalities (e.g. fibroids)
- Advanced maternal age
- Placenta previa. Occurs when the placenta is implanted in the lower uterine segment. As the lower uterus stretches, placental villi dislodge and painless vaginal bleeding results
- Abd/pelvic US
- Mgnt:
- Emergent c-section if patient/ fetus is deteriorating
- Vaginal delivery if ≥ 36 weeks or continued bleeding
- Admit and observe if bleeding has stopped, vitals and fetal heart rate (FHR) stable, or < 34 weeks
- Placenta accreta/increata/percreta → hysterectomy
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12502-12522). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
List (1) diagnosis, (2) diagnostic test, (3) management and (4) complication based on the following presentation
- Rupture of membranes
- Painless vaginal bleeding
- Fetal bradycardia
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12523-12544). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
- Vasa Previa
- Abd/pelvic US
- Emergency CS
- Fetal exsanguination
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12523-12544). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
List (1) diagnosis, (2) diagnostic test, (3) management and (4) complication based on the following presentation
- Hx of uterine scar
- Sudden onset abd pain
- Sudden vaginal bleeding
- Loss of electronic fetal heart rate
- Loss of electronic uterine contractions
- Recession of the fetal head
- +/- Myomectomy for fibroids
- +/- Excessive oxytocin
- +/- Grand multiparity
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12523-12544). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
- Uterine rupture
- N/A
- Immediate surgery and delivery
- Hysterectomy for uncontrolled bleeding
A 28-year-old woman presents at 36 weeks’ gestation with rupture of membranes. On examination she is found to have 7 cm cervical dilatation. She received all of her prenatal care, and her only complication was a course of antibiotics for asymptomatic bacteriuria. GBS screening was negative. Her first baby was hospitalized for 10 days after delivery for GBS pneumonia and sepsis. What is the most appropriate management?
a. Administer intrapartum IV penicillin
b. Administer intramuscular azithromycin
c. Rescreen for group B streptococci
d. Schedule cesarean section
e. No intervention is needed
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12602-12613). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
A. Intrapartum IV penicillin is indicated because the patient’s previous birth was complicated with neonatal GBS sepsis.
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12602-12613). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
True or False:
- Thirty percent of women have asymptomatic vaginal colonization with GBS
- Vertical transmission results in pneumonia and sepsis in the neonate within hours to days of birth
- There is a 50 percent mortality rate with neonatal infection
- GBS-related meningitis occurs after the first week and is a hospital-acquired infection that is related to vertical transmission
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12613-12632). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
- True
- True
- True
- False. The infection is unrelated to vertical transmission
List the Rx of GBS
- Intrapartum IV penicillin G
- Penicillin allergy: IV cefazolin, clindamycin, or erythromycin
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12613-12632). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Indications for Rx of GBS
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12613-12632). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
- GBS (+) urine, cervical, or vaginal culture at any time during pregnancy
- Presence of high-risk factors:
- Preterm delivery
- Membrane rupture > 18 hours
- Maternal fever
- Previous baby with GBS sepsis
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12613-12632). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Exceptions to antibiotic use in GBS
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12634-12654). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
- Planned c-section without rupture of membranes (even if culture is [+])
- Culture (+) on a previous pregnancy, but culture (–) in the current pregnancy
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12634-12654). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
Interpret the following results:
- IgG antibodies to GBS in the mother
- IgM antibodies to GBS in the mother
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12613-12632). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.
- Past exposure and are protective
- Suggests recent exposure and risk of exposure to the fetus.
Fischer, Conrad (2012-09-22). Master the Boards: USMLE Step 3 (Kaplan Medical Usmle Master the Boards Step 3) (Kindle Locations 12613-12632). Kaplan Publishing. Kindle Edition.