Section 2 - Limitations Flashcards
Instrument markings - Red
Operating limit
Instrument markings - Yellow
Precautionary or special operating procedure range
Instrument marking - Green
Normal operating range
Airspeed limits - Vne
- Up to 3000 feet DA - Above 3000 feet DA
Up to 3000 feet DA: 102 KIAS
Above 3000 feet DA: see placards on page 2-11
Rotor speed limits
- Power On - Power Off
Power On: 101% - 104%
Power Off: 90% - 110%
Engine maximum speed
2652 RPM (104%)
Cylinder head max temperature
500 degrees F
Oil maximum temperature
245 degrees F
Oil pressure - Minimum during idle - Minimum during flight - Maximum during flight - Maximum during start & warm up
Minimum during idle: 25 psi Minimum during flight: 55 psi Maximum during flight: 95 psi Maximum during start & warm up: 115 psi
Oil quantity, minimum for flight
4 qts (Robinson POH)
5 qts (as per Quantum
Manifold pressure
See placards on pages 2-10 and 2-11 for MAP schedules.
Maximum gross weight
1,370 lbs
Minimum gross weight
920 lbs
Maximum weight per seat
240 lbs
Maximum in either baggage compartment
50 lbs
Maximum operating density altitude
14,000 feet DA
Required 4 components for flight
RPM governor
Low rotor RPM warning system
OAT gage
Minimum flight crew
One pilot in the right seat.
Flight instructor may act as PIC from left seat.
Solo flight from right seat only.
100LL (blue)
- Other fuels are approved as per POH
Fuel capacity (usable)
Main tank: 16.9 gal
Auxiliary tank: 9.4 gal
Combined capacity: 26.3 gal
Manifold pressure
- Yellow arc - Red arc
Yellow arc: 19.6 in. Hg
Red arc: 24.1 in. Hga
Carburetor air temperature
- Yellow arc
Yellow arc: -15 deg C to 5 deg C
Wind limitations as per FAA AD 95-26-04
(Unless Pilot manipulating controls has logged 200 or more flight hours in helicopters, at least 50 of which must be in a RHC Model R22 helicopter)
Flight is prohibited when:
- Flight surface winds exceed 25 knots, including gusts.
- Flight when surface wind gust spread exceeds 15 knots.
- Continued flight in moderate, severe, or extreme turbulence