Section 2 GRAM POSITIVE COCCI Flashcards
What are the leading cause of infections?
Where are Staphylococci found?
Part of normal flora
What do the Staphylococci on the skin do?
- Function as competitors to prevent pathogens from colonizing skin
- Produce antimicrobial substances that are active against other G+
Is the normal flora in the GI in higher number in the upper or lower intestine?
In higher numbers in lower intestine, due to flushing of gastric juices through
upper intestine
Which exotoxin is the most potent membrane damaging toxin?
Alpha (α) toxin
Which toxin is a sphingomyelinase which damages membranes rich in lipids?
Beta (β) toxin
Which toxin lyses erythrocytes (RBCs)
Gamma toxin (γ)
Which exotoxin destroys leukocytes (WBCs)
*Causes release and rupture of lysosomes (contain hydrolytic enzymes) resulting in further tissue damage
What is a Toxic Shock Syndrome Toxin (TSST) and what does it do?
A superantigen causing massive release of cytokines which cause a drop in blood pressure and kidney failure
- Powerful exotoxin that stimulates tumor necrosis factor (TNF) leading to necrosis
- Also stimulates interleukin leading to fever, rash
- Originally associated with tampon use, also affects men and non-menstruating women
What is the name for Exotoxins that destroy material the binds together the layers of skin?
Which toxin is being described?
“Unlike most exotoxins S. aureus enterotoxin is heat-stable, cooking food will not destroy it
-If present in food when consumed causes nausea and vomiting”
Which extracellular enzyme breaks down proteoglycans in connective tissue?
What is the extracellular enzyme that converts hydrogen peroxide to oxygen and water?
Which extracellular enzyme reacts with prothrombin in blood resulting in
staphylothrombin causing blood to clot?
Which extracellular enzyme lyses clots?