Section 2: Chapter 3 Flashcards
What guidance required a new level of reporting for state and local governments to add the government-wide level?
GASB statement 34
What guidance established requirements for management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A) for State and Local government?
GASB statement 34
True or False: MD&A is a type of RSI, even though it is reported separately than RSI.
What is eliminated from the government-wide financial statements?
Inter-fund transactions and Fiduciary funds.
A government purchases vehicles for its fire department. What are the JEs for the purchase for both current financial resources and economic resources measurement focuses?
Current financial resources:
(DR) Capital Outlay - vehicles
(CR) Cash
Economic resources:
(DR) Capital Asset - vehicles
(CR) Cash
A government purchases vehicles for its fire department paid out of the General fund. What is the adjusting entry to reconcile the fund statements to the government-wide statements?
(DR) Capital Asset - Vehicles
(CR) Capital Outlay - vehicles
A government borrows $500,000 to be repaid equally over 10 years, beginning the following fiscal year. What are the JEs for the purchase for both current financial resources and economic resources measurement focuses?
Current financial resources:
(DR) Cash
(CR) Other financing sources - bonds
Economic resources:
(DR) Cash
(CR) Long term debt
A government borrows $500,000 to be repaid equally over 10 years, beginning the following fiscal year. What is the adjusting entry to reconcile the fund statements to the government-wide statements?
(DR) Other financing sources- bonds
(CR) Long term debt
The property tax levy of a government is $1 million for the fiscal year (and is assumed to be 100 percent collectible). By the end of the fiscal year, the government has received $900,000. The government receives an additional $50,000 during the next two months. The remaining $50,000 is received in subsequent months. What is/are the JEs for recording the transaction under the accrual basis of accounting?
(DR) Property tax receivable $1M
(CR) Property tax revenue $1M
(DR) Cash $900,000
(CR) Property tax receivable $900,000
The property tax levy of a government is $1 million for the fiscal year (and is assumed to be 100 percent collectible). By the end of the fiscal year, the government has received $900,000. The government receives an additional $50,000 during the next two months. The remaining $50,000 is received in subsequent months. What is/are the JEs for recording the transaction under the modified accrual basis of accounting?
(DR) Property tax receivable $1M
(CR) Property tax revenue $1M
(DR) Cash $900,000
(CR) Property tax receivable $900,000
(DR) Cash $50,000
(CR) Property tax receivable $50,000
(DR) Property tax revenue $50,000
(CR) Deferred property tax revenue $50,000
The property tax levy of a government is $1 million for the fiscal year (and is assumed to be 100 percent collectible). By the end of the fiscal year, the government has received $900,000. The government receives an additional $50,000 during the next two months. The remaining $50,000 is received in subsequent months. What is the adjusting entry to reconcile the fund statements to the government-wide statements?
(DR) Deferred property tax revenue
(CR) Property tax revenue
To prepare government-wide statements from fund statements, if a government reported total expenditures of $500,000 for various capital outlays, what JE would be recorded?
(DR) Capital assets $500,000
(CR) Capital outlay $500,000
What is the JE to post beginning balance for capital assets when preparing government-wide statements from fund statements?
(DR) Capital assets net of depreciation
(CR) Net position
What is the JE to post beginning balance for long term liabilities when preparing government-wide statements from fund statements?
(DR) Net position
(CR) Long term debt
What is the format / equation of the Statement of Net Position?
assets + deferred outflows of resources - liabilities - deferred inflows of resources = net position
Assets, liabilities and net position of the primary government are reported using two columns - which types of activities comprise the columns?
Governmental activities and business-type activities.
A government has a long-term debt liability of $10 million. The amount due in the next fiscal year is $500,000. How would the line items would be reported on the statement of net position?
Long term debt - current $500,000
Long term debt - noncurrent $9,500,000
What are the three components of Net Position?
- net investment in capital assets;
- restricted assets; and
- unrestricted assets (or deficit).
If a government has capital assets net of accumulated depreciation reported as $120 million and there is $60 million in long-term debt outstanding associated with those assets, how would it be presented?
Capital assets net of depreciation $120M
Long-term debt $60M
Net Position
Net investment in capital assets $60M
What are the criteria for using a modified approach for reporting infrastructure assets?
The government needs an asset management system that meets the following requirements:
• It has an up-to-date inventory of the infrastructure.
• It performs condition assessments using a measurement scale.
• It estimates, annually, the amounts needed to maintain and preserve the assets based on the condition level it has established and disclosed.
Also, condition assessments have to be performed at least every three years for all infrastructure assets and the results of the three most recent assessments have to provide reasonable assurance that the assets are being preserved at, or above, the condition level that has been established.
What are Preservation costs?
Costs that extend the life of infrastructure beyond its previously established useful life.