Section 2, Chapter 3 Flashcards
What is GASB Statement 34?
- ) Added the government wide level of reporting for state and local governments.
- ) established an additional reporting requirement - MD&I.
What does the government wide level of reporting focus on?
the activities of the government - governmental and business type.
What is MD&A?
MD&A is required supplemental information that precedes the financial statements.
What should be done with interfund transactions in government wide financial statements?
They should be eliminated.
Where are internal funds generally included?
With governmental activities.
What should the MD&A discuss? (2)
- ) current year results compared with prior year.
2. ) distinguish between the primary government and component units.
What is the primary emphasis for the MD&A?
The primary government
What measurement focus are government wide financial statements prepared using?
economic resources measurement focus
What basis of accounting are the government wide financial statements prepared using?
the accrual basis of accounting.
What formula does the statement of net assets use?
Assets - Liabilities = Net Assets
In the statement of net assets, how should assets and liabilities be presented?
in order of their relative liquidity and in two categories; 1) due within one year and due in more than one year.
What three components should net assets be presented?
- ) Invested in capital assets, net of related debt
- ) Restricted assets
- ) Unrestricted assets
What is the formula for “invested in capital assets, net of related debt?”
Capital assets, net of accumulated depreciation - outstanding debt attributable to the acquisition, construction or improvement of the capital asset.
What are restricted assets?
constraints placed on net asset use, either externally imposed by creditors, grantors, contributors, or laws or regulations of other governments; or imposed by law through enabling legislation or constitutions.
What are examples of restricted assets?
- ) prohibitions against using taxes derived from the sale of gasoline to be used for purposes outside of, or not related to highways.
- ) Intergovernmental grants
When should the categories expendable and non expendable be used?
when endowments or the principal of restricted funds are included in fund balance to distinguish between those that are required to be maintained in perpetuity and those that are not.
What is the format for the Statement of Net Activities?
Net Cost Format
What is the purpose of the net cost format? (2)
(1) to identify the extent to which a particular function requires financial support from the taxpayers.
(2) to determine the operating results for the fiscal year including the economic cost and net cost of services.
Who are the 4 sources of revenue?
- ) Those who purchase, use or directly benefit from the goods or services.
- ) Parties who are outside the reporting governments citizens, including other governments.
- ) Taxes paid by taxpayers
- ) Financing from the government itself, such as investment earnings.
Program revenues are reported in what three categories?
- ) Charges for Services
- ) Program specific operating grants and contributions
- ) Program specific capital grants and contributions
When should earnings on endowments or investments from restricted funds be reported as program revenues?
if they are specifically restricted pursuant to an agreement or contract - if not, they are classified as general revenues.
What are examples of general revenues?
1.) taxes, 2.) unrestricted grants 3.) fain from sale of assets and 4.) earnings from investments.
What are special items?
significant transaction or events that are within the control of management and are either unusual in nature of infrequent in occurrence.
How should special items be reported?
separately in the statement after general revenues.
What is an example of a special item?
sale of major capital asset or the settlement of major lawsuit
What is an extraordinary item?
transactions that are both unusual in nature and infrequent in occurrence.
How are extraordinary items reported?
separately after special items
What is an example of an extraordinary item?
damage from a hurricane or tornado
What is a “near special item”?
either unusual in nature or infrequent in occurrence, but not in control of management.
how is a near special item reported?
separately in the appropriate revenue or expense category or disclosed in the notes to financial statements.
How are interfund receivables and payables eliminated?
Due from/to amounts among governmental funds would be eliminated and due from/to amounts among enterprise funds would be eliminated.
What are the three ways that major component units can be reported?
- ) separate column of the statement of net assets an statement of activities
- ) providing combining statements in the basic financial statement after the fund financial statement
- ) presenting condensed financial statements in the notes to the financial statemetns.