Section 2 Flashcards
Color of the DC MOST form
Bright blue
The MOST form is divided into 4 sections
PDOA, pulseless, apneic, no signs of life and what?
Rigor, lividity, decomp, decap, transection of torso, incineration, whole body crush, brain matter, valid MOST or DNR, on scene MD, compelling reasons, black tag
Compelling reasons
End stage terminal condition
Written or verbal information from family, caregivers or patient stating the patient did not want resuscitation
Air medical transport is primary to who
Eagle 1
The red zones : ground transport may exceed ____ minutes
Pink zones
15 min transport 15 mph
Red zones
15 mins speed of 30 mph
Patient assessment and decision to fly should take less than ____
60 seconds
OIC can make “pre-flight” request to USPP by who
Utilizing air transport *hypotensive systolic BP of
Patient assessment and decision to fly takes_______
60 seconds
To fly the patient should have a BP of
90< systolic
Rigor Mortis- face and neck how many hours?
Rigor mortis arms and chest, time?
7-9 hours