Section 12 - Nuclear Physics Flashcards
How has our model of the atom changed over time?
- Democritus proposed that all matter was made up of little, identical lumps called atoms
- In 1804 John Dalton proposed a hypothesis that each element was made up of a different type of atom which were tiny spheres
- J.J. Thomson discovered that electrons could be removed ffrom atoms
- Thomson suggested that atoms were spheres of positive charge with tiny negative electrons in them - plum pudding
- Rutherford suggested that atoms didn’t have uniformly distributed charge and density
What is the Rutherford scattering?
- Fired a beam of alpha particles at thin gold foil
- A circular detector screen surrounding the gold foil was used to detect alpha particles deflected by any angle
- Most of the alpha particles went straight through the foil, while a few were deflected by a large angle
- Some were deflected back by 90°
- Occurs in a vacuum so that no collisions between air particles and alpha particles can occur
What were the conclusions of the Rutherford scattering?
- Most of the atom must be empty space because most of the alpha particles passed straight through the foil
- The nucleus must have a large positive charge, as some positively charged alpha particles were repelled and deflected by a large angle
- The nucleus must be small as very few alpha particles were deflected back
- Most of the mass must be in the nucleus, since the fast alpha particles (with high momentum) are deflected by the nucleus
What is the equation for electron capture?
X + e- –> z-1Y + Ve
Why is ionising radiation dangerous?
It can kill or mutate cells, which could lead to mutations and lead to things such as cancer
What is an application of beta decay, and why is beta used?
- Used to measure the thickness of paper or alumnium foil
- Alpha isn’t used as it’s less penetrative and wouldn’t reach the detector on the other side of the sheet
- Gamma radiation is too penetrative and would pass through everything
What is the inverse sqaure law and what type of radiation does it apply to?
- Gamma
- The intensity is inversely proportional to the square of the distance from the source (W/m^2 - watts per square meter)
Why might experimental evidence not support the inverse square law?
- The random nature of the radiation count
- Dead-time in the G-M detector
- d is not the real distance between source and detector
- Source is not a point source
- The source may not be a pure gamma emitter
- Assumes no absorption between source and detector
What investigation can be used to show the inverse sqaure law?
- Measure the background radiation using a Geiger Muller tube, without the source in the room
- Put the gamma source at 1m from the GM tube and measure the count rate per minute - record 3 measurements for each distance and take an average
- Do this for at least 8 distances going up in 10cm intervals
- Take away the background radiation from each reading
- Square each of the distances
- Plot a graph of the count rate per minute against 1/distance sqaured
- If it is a straight line through the origin, then it confirms 1/d^2 and count rate per minute are directly proportional
What is background radiation?
Radiation that is constantly in the surrounding from sources such as rocks and food
What is the decay constant?
The probability of a nucleus decaying per second (s^-1)
What is half life?
The time it takes for half of the unstable nuclei in a substance to decay
The time it takes for the activity of a nucleus to half (Bq - decays per second)
How do radioactive isotopes decay?
Why is Technetium 99m useful in medicine?
- It releases gamma radiation
- It has a short half life therefore it doesn’t stay radioactive for long
- Half life of 6 hours: long enough for it to be detected
- It can be made near to the hospital
- Easy to detect outside the patient
What does the graph of n against Z show?
- The relationship between proton number and neutron number
- The graph shows a stability curve which starts at N=Z until N value of 20
- After that the graph curves upwards and becomes steeper
Where on the stability curve does β- decay occur and why?
- Above the stability line, because the nuclei found there contains too many neutrons
- When beta minus decay occurs the neutron turns into a proton and it becomes more stable