section 1.1 Flashcards
what does TCP/IP stand for?
TCP: Transmission Control Protocol / IP: internet Protocol
*protocol suite used to describe the protocols used for internet communication/ networking
interconnection of networks sometimes called the internet
what is the Internet vs the internet?
Internet with a capital I means: connected internet or worldwide set of connected networks.
what is a NAP?
NAP: Network Access Point- commercial owned networks that make up the backbone of the Internet. sometimes called IXP: internet exchange points
what is an IXP?
IXP: Internet exchange point: the backbone networks for the Internet and are owned commercially.
what are he different parts of the TCP/IP stack (top down)?
TCP/IP stack: Application, Transport, Internet, Network Access
what is a bridge?
a device used to connect LAN’s at the interface layer level similar to a MAC relay. (independent of higher protocols). IP packets are unaware of bridges.
what are some outdated terms used for routers?
IP router, IP gateway, Internet gateway and gateway
routes ip data gram packets between networks at the inter-network layer level, selects best transmission path.
can an ip datagram pass through a gateway?
no, ip datagrams can only be sent to a gateway not through it. routers allow datagrams through them but gateways are used to provide support for certain types of protocols like SMTP gateway.
what is DARPA?
DARPA: defence advanced research projects agency: created a protocol suite that became the standard so that diff. companies were able to communicate with one another.
what is NCP?
network control program: host to host protocol before tcp/ip
Birkley software Distribution: a tcp/ip protocol suite implemented in unix and distributed fro free in 1983