Section 108-command Element Flashcards
Discuss the function of the Command Element (CE) within the Marine Air/Ground Task Force (MAGTF).
• The missions of the CE is to command and control, direct, plan and coordinate the air, ground, logistics, intelligence, and communications and information systems (CIS) operations of assigned forces. The MAGTF commander is responsible for everything that his unit does or fails to do and is given commensurate authority. He cannot delegate his responsibility or any part of it although he may delegate portions of his authority.
• Chief of Staff
The C/S (or executive officer to the extent authorized by the commanding officer) is responsible for directing, coordinating, supervising, and training the staff.
The C/S frees the commander from routine managerial duties.
The C/S is the primary conduit for the exchange of critical information and insight between the staff and the commander.
• Principle Staff
The commander’s principal staff officers comprise the general staff in units commanded by a general officer and the executive staff for all other units.
• Special Staff
Special staff officers advise and assist the commander and other staff members in a particular military specialty such as supply or legal matters.
• Personal Staff
Personal staff members work directly for the commander.
Discuss the role of the following senior enlisted personnel in the chain of command:
Sergeant Major
• Directly responsible to the CG
• Acts as the principal enlisted advisor to the Commanding General on all matters pertaining to Marine enlisted personnel
• Acts as a member of the Commanding General’s party on visits and readiness evaluations/inspection trips when enlisted personnel arc involved.
• Keeps apprised of all policies of the Commanding General and disseminates such information to enlisted personnel
Command Master Chief
• Advise the Commanding General, staff and unit commanders regarding Navy policy for Navy enlisted matters. Interfaces and maintains the communication with the Command Master Chiefs and Navy personnel of Major Subordinate Commands (MSC’s), and providing them assistance and guidance as appropriate.
• Advises the CG, III MEF, Surgeon, Chaplain, and Dental Officer on all matters pertaining to the morale, welfare, utilization, and training of Navy enlisted members.
• Accompanies the CG, III MEF and the III MEF Surgeon on staff visits and official functions, as appropriate.
Define the role of the following staff officers:
• Staff Secretary -
The staff secretary is an administrative assistant to the C/S. The staff secretary is not a member of the general or special staff.
• Chaplain -
The staff chaplain has responsibility for matters pertaining to the moral, spiritual, and religious well-being of the command. The chaplain operates under the cognizance of the C/S. Advises the commanding officer or commander on moral issues and provides input to programs that emphasize Marine Corps core values.
• Surgeon -
The Surgeon is directly responsible to the Commanding General and functions under the staff cognizance of the AC/S, G-4 with respect to medical and medical service matters. Staff responsibilities include:
Advising the Commanding General, staff and unit commanders and representing them on all medical and medical service issues.
Advising of the medical effects on personnel of the environment and weapons, including those from NBC weapon systems.
Exercising staff supervision and technical control over medical activities throughout the MEF via the major subordinate command surgeons including: environmental health, first aid, sanitation aspects of food service, and other preventive medical activities affecting the health of all personnel.
Monitoring the professional health services provided in subordinate commands and for enemy prisoners of war and civilian internees/detainees, to include the processing of medical supplies and equipment.
Acting as the agent for the Commanding General, when credentialing all medical officers providing health care to include those that TAD to the command.
Evaluating medical evacuation, medical regulating and treatment of casualties.
Coordinating the activities of the Medical Planner to include approving health care appendixes and input for operational and contingency plans.
Ensuring deploying medical sections are provided current medical intelligence.
Preparing reports on the records of sick, injured and wounded Marines and Sailors.
Serves as a member of the Medical Coordinating Committee.
Directing the activities of other Naval personnel of the medical section who carry out the daily operations of the section.
Public Affairs Officer (PAO) -
The Public Affairs Officer (PAO) is responsible for advising the Commanding General on all public affairs matters.
• Comptroller -
The comptroller has responsibility for financial management. Operating under the staff cognizance of the C/S, a comptroller will be assigned only to major commands.
• Staff Judge Advocate (SJA)/Legal Officer -
The SJA is responsible for assisting the commander in the administration of military justice and the processing of legal matters
Define the following staff sections:
• Inspector / Safety
• The mission of the III MEF inspector is to advise and assist CG III MEF with respect to the evaluation and inspection of subordinate activities and units, request mast and other matters as directed or assigned.
The mission of the Comptroller is to advise the Commander in all matters pertaining to financial management.
- Directly responsible to the Commanding General for personnel matters.
- The G-1 Division consists of:
- Manpower Branch
- Operations and Plans Branch
- Reserve Affairs Branch
- Adjutant
- Personnel
- and Career Planning
Directly responsible to the Commanding General for intelligence matters.
• The G-2 Division consists of:
• Executive/Administrative Branch
• Intelligence Operations Branch
• Counterintelligence/Human Intelligence Branch
• Signals intelligence/Special Security Branch
• Planning Branch
- Directly responsible to the Commanding General for operational matters.
- The G-3 Division consists of:
- Current Operations/Exercises Branch
- Future Operations Branch
- Air Branch
- Force Fires/Training Branch
- Tactical Exercise Control Group (TECG)
- Special Operations Training Group (SOTG)
- Reserve Affairs Branch
- Directly responsible to the Commanding General for logistics support of III MEF; forces.
- The G-4 Division consists of the following branches:
- Executive/ Administrative
- Operations
- Engineer
- Strategic Mobility
- Logistic Plans
- Supply
- and Health Services
- Directly responsible to the Commanding General for planning.
- The mission of the G-5 is to assist and advise the Commanding General in matters pertaining to:
- general war planning
- contingency planning
- forces planning
- joint policy and doctrine
- command relationships
- service programs
- Rules of Engagement
- other matters as may be directed
- Directly responsible to the Commanding General for communications and information systems matters.
- The G-6 Division consists of:
- Executive/ Administrative Branch
- Operations Branch
- Maintenance Section
- Information Systems Management Section
- MEF Communications Management Security (COMSEC) Management office JCMO).
Inspector / Safety
• The mission of the III MEF inspector is to advise and assist CG III MEF with respect to the evaluation and inspection of subordinate activities and units, request mast and other matters as directed or assigned.
The mission of the Comptroller is to advise the Commander in all matters pertaining to financial management.
The mission of the Comptroller is to advise the Commander in all matters pertaining to financial management.
Define the Table of Organization (T/O) and discuss as it pertains to your unit.
Marine Corps Imagery Support Unit (MCISU)
• The mission of the communication battalion is to provide communications and information systems support to MARFOR component headquarters and MAGTF CEs.
Civil Affairs Group (CAG)
• The mission of the communication battalion is to provide communications and information systems support to MARFOR component headquarters and MAGTF CEs.
Discuss the Command Element (CE) of the following:
Command Element (CE) of a Marine Expeditionary Force?
• To provide command and control of the Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF). The MEF Command Element (CE) is responsible for the command, control, direction, planning and coordination of corps-level air, ground, and logistical operations of assigned forces, normally consisting of one or more Marine divisions, Marine aircraft wings, and Marine Logistics Groups, and other separate units
What is the Command Element (CE) of a MEB?
• To provide command and control of the Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB). The MEB Command Element (CE) is responsible for the command, control, direction, planning and coordination of corps-level air, ground, and logistical operations of assigned forces, normally consisting of one or more Marine Regiments, Marine aircraft groups, and Marine Logistics Regiments, and other separate units.
What is the Command Element (CE) of a MEU?
• The mission of the MEU CE is to provide command and control to the MEU. The MEU CE is responsible for the command and control, direction, planning, and coordination of air, ground, and logistic operations of assigned forces, consisting of a Marine battalion landing team, Marine composite squadron, MEU service support group, and other separate units.
• A document which provides the authority for personnel staffing of a unit and the basis for all other resources. The table of organization contains a unit’s mission, organization, concept of employment, administrative capabilities, and logistics capabilities.
Define the Table of Equipment (T/E) and discuss as it pertains to your unit.
- A document listing the equipment, which a unit is required to possess and maintain in order to accomplish its mission.
- When used with the table of organization, it serves as the basis for determining what publications and additional equipment may be required by the unit.
MEF Headquarters Group (MHG)
• To provide administrative and service support to the MEF command element (CE) and to intelligence, counterintelligence, ground reconnaissance, communications and information systems (CIS), and liaison organizations subordinate to the MEF CE.
radio Battalion
Radio Battalion
• The mission of the radio battalion is to provide tactical signals intelligence (SIGINT), ground-based electronic attack (EA), communications security (COMSEC) monitoring, and special intelligence (SI) communication support to the MAGTF.
Communications battalion
Communications Battalion
• The mission of the communication battalion is to provide communications and information systems support to MARFOR component headquarters and MAGTF CEs.
Intelligence Battalion
Intelligence Battalion
• Activated in October 1989 at Camp Pendleton, Ca, as 1st Intelligence Company, 1st Surveillance Reconnaissance Intelligence Group (SRIG), and redesigned in November 1998 as 1st Reconnaissance Battalion. The intelligence organizes, trains, and equips task organized intelligence detachments for service with MAGTFs or other commanders as directed.
Counterintelligence (CI)/Human Intelligence (HUMMIT) Company
Counterintelligence (CI)/Human Intelligence (HUMMIT) Company
• The mission of the communication battalion is to provide communications and information systems support to MARFOR component headquarters and MAGTF CEs.
Marine Corps Imagery Support Unit (MCISU)
Discuss the Command Element (CE) of the following:
Command Element (CE) of a Marine Expeditionary Force?
• To provide command and control of the Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF). The MEF Command Element (CE) is responsible for the command, control, direction, planning and coordination of corps-level air, ground, and logistical operations of assigned forces, normally consisting of one or more Marine divisions, Marine aircraft wings, and Marine Logistics Groups, and other separate units
What is the Command Element (CE) of a MEB?
• To provide command and control of the Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB). The MEB Command Element (CE) is responsible for the command, control, direction, planning and coordination of corps-level air, ground, and logistical operations of assigned forces, normally consisting of one or more Marine Regiments, Marine aircraft groups, and Marine Logistics Regiments, and other separate units.
What is the Command Element (CE) of a MEU?
• The mission of the MEU CE is to provide command and control to the MEU. The MEU CE is responsible for the command and control, direction, planning, and coordination of air, ground, and logistic operations of assigned forces, consisting of a Marine battalion landing team, Marine composite squadron, MEU service support group, and other separate units.
• The mission of the communication battalion is to provide communications and information systems support to MARFOR component headquarters and MAGTF CEs.
Civil Affairs Group (CAG)
Civil Affairs Group (CAG)
• The mission of the communication battalion is to provide communications and information systems support to MARFOR component headquarters and MAGTF CEs.
Discuss the Command Element (CE) of the following: Command Element (CE) of a Marine Expeditionary Force?
What is the Command Element (CE) of a MEU?
• The mission of the MEU CE is to provide command and control to the MEU. The MEU CE is responsible for the command and control, direction, planning, and coordination of air, ground, and logistic operations of assigned forces, consisting of a Marine battalion landing team, Marine composite squadron, MEU service support group, and other separate units.
• To provide command and control of the Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF). The MEF Command Element (CE) is responsible for the command, control, direction, planning and coordination of corps-level air, ground, and logistical operations of assigned forces, normally consisting of one or more Marine divisions, Marine aircraft wings, and Marine Logistics Groups, and other separate units
What is the Command Element (CE) of a MEB?
• To provide command and control of the Marine Expeditionary Brigade (MEB). The MEB Command Element (CE) is responsible for the command, control, direction, planning and coordination of corps-level air, ground, and logistical operations of assigned forces, normally consisting of one or more Marine Regiments, Marine aircraft groups, and Marine Logistics Regiments, and other separate units.
What is the Command Element (CE) of a MEU?
• The mission of the MEU CE is to provide command and control to the MEU. The MEU CE is responsible for the command and control, direction, planning, and coordination of air, ground, and logistic operations of assigned forces, consisting of a Marine battalion landing team, Marine composite squadron, MEU service support group, and other separate units.