Section 10 Computational Thinking Flashcards
Representational abstraction
● Removing excessive details to represent a problem using only the key features
● Must analyse what is relevant to a scenario and simplify a problem based on this
Data abstraction
● Details about how data is being stored are hidden
● Programmers can use data structures without knowing how they are implemented
Layers of abstraction
● Large, complex problems are split into layers of abstraction
● Each layer has a different role, with the highest layers being closest to the user
● These are usually responsible for providing a user interface
● The lowest levels perform tasks such as interacting with machine components
Abstraction by generalisation
● Grouping together similarities within a problem to identify what kind of problem
● Allows problems to be categorised as being of a particular type
● A common solution can be used to solve these problems
Procedural abstraction
● Allows programmers to utilise functions without knowing how they are implemented
● Used in decomposition and manipulating data structures
● Models what a subroutine does without considering how, as once a subroutine has
been written, it can be reused as a black-box
The need for abstraction
Abstraction allows non-experts to use of a range of systems or models by hiding
information that is too complex or irrelevant to the system’s purpose
● Enables for efficient software design as programmers can focus on core elements
rather than unnecessary details
○ Reduces the time spent on a project
○ Prevents a program from getting unnecessarily large
Programming languages use layers of abstraction:
Low-level languages directly interact with computers but are difficult to write
○ High-level languages abstract the machine code that is executed when a
program is run by providing easy-to-use syntax similar to natural language
○ Makes developing programs easier
○ High-level languages are easier to learn and use than assembly language or
machine code
○ Makes coding accessible to non-specialists
The TCP/IP model is an abstraction for how networks function, separated into four
layers: application, transport, internet and link
Each layer deals with a different part of the communication process
○ Each layer does not need to know how other layers function
The difference between abstraction and reality
● Abstraction is a simplified representation of reality
● Entities are represented as computational structures eg. tables and databases
● Real-world values can be stored as variables and constants
● Objects in object-oriented programming are an abstraction for real-world entities
○ Attributes represent the characteristics of an object
○ Methods represent the actions a real-world object is able to perform
Devise an abstract model for a variety of situations
you must consider:
- What is the problem that needs to be solved by the model?
- How will the model be used?
- Who will the model be used by?
- Which parts of the problem are relevant based on the target audience and purpose
of the model?
By thinking ahead, developers can
build programs that are easy and intuitive to use
● Requirements which must be met before a program can be executed.
○ Can be tested for within the code or included in the documentation
accompanying a particular subroutine, library or program.
● Specifying preconditions means that a subroutine expects the arguments passed to
it to meet certain criteria.
● Including preconditions within documentation reduces the length and complexity of
the program and saves time spent on debugging and maintenance.
● Preconditions make subroutines more reusable.
Reusable Program Components
● Commonly used functions can be packaged into libraries for reuse.
● Teams might create a library of components so they can be reused throughout a
project. Reusable components include:
○ Abstract data structures eg. queues and stacks
○ Classes
○ Subroutines eg. functions and procedures
● Problem decomposition is used to identify where previously-developed program
components can be reused.
● Reusable components are more reliable than newly-coded components, as they
have already been tested.
● They save time, money and resources.
● Components may need to be modified to be compatible with existing software.
● This can be more costly and time-consuming than developing them from scratch.
Problem Decomposition
● This breaks a large, complex problem down into smaller subproblems which can be
solved more easily.
● The project becomes easier to manage and can be divided between a team
● Top-down design, also known as stepwise refinement, is commonly used to do this
This divides problems into levels of complexity.
● Problems are broken down into subproblems until each subproblem is a single task
● Each subproblem can then be solved using a single subroutine.
● Subroutines can be developed and tested separately, so they are self-contained.
To simplify the decision making process, we
limit the solutions we can pick from
Concurrent Thinking
● Concurrent thinking is the process of completing more than one task at a given
● Does not always mean you have to be working on multiple tasks at once.
● Involves giving ‘slices’ of your time to different tasks.
● Parts of a problem which are related can often be solved concurrently.
Concurrent Processing
● Concurrent processing and parallel processing are not the same thing
● Parallel processing is when multiple processors are used to complete more than
one task simultaneously
● In concurrent processing, each task is given a slice of processor time to make it
appear as if tasks are being completed simultaneously.
● In reality, tasks are executed sequentially
Benefits of concurrent processing
● The number of tasks completed in a given time is increased.
● Less time is wasted waiting for an input or user interaction, as other tasks can be
completed in this time.
Drawbacks of concurrent processing
● Concurrent processing can take longer to complete when large numbers of users or
tasks are involved as processes cannot be completed at once.
● There is an overhead in coordinating and switching between processes, which
reduces program throughput.
● Just as with parallel processing, not all tasks are suited to being broken up and
performed concurrently