Section 1.0 1.1 General Flashcards
A hawk is …
A. A generic term describing a non eagle, non-vulture, diurnal bird of prey.
B. A member of the genus Accipiter
C. A diurnal raptor with short rounded wings, long tail and light eyes.
D. All the above
D. All the above
A “bird of prey” or “raptor” is …
A. Any bird that Perry’s on other living creatures
B. A bird with powerful taloned feet for grasping and killing, a hooked beak for tearing flesh and included all members of the Orders Falconiformes and Strigiformes.
C. A member of the Order Falconiformes but not the Strigiformes.
D. A member of the Order Falconiformes, but not the Order Strigiformes
B. A bird with powerful taloned feet for grasping and killing, a hooked beak for tearing flesh and included all members of the Orders Falconiformes and Strigiformes.
A falcon is …
A. The female of the species Falco peregrinus
B. A generic term to include all raptor with long pointed wings, long tails, small heads a broad shoulders
C. Any bird used in falconry
D. “A” and “B” but not “C”
D. “A” and “B” but not “C”
A Buzzard is …
A. A member of the genus Buteo with wide core wings, a heavy body, and a short or “stubby” tail and superb spearing capabilities.
B. A carrion-eating with a featherless head and superb soaring capabilities.
C. The European vernacular for the genus of raptors that includes the red-Tailed hawk, the red-shouldered hawk, the ferruginous hawk, the commmon buzzard, and the Broad-winged hawk.
D. “A” and “C” but not “B”
D. “A” and “C” but not “B”
An eagle is …
A. A member of the genus Aquila with long, broad wings and a medium tail
B. A large hawk like bird
C. Any hawk-like bird larger than the female gyrfalcon
D. All the above
A. A member of the genus Aquila with long, broad wings and a medium tail
What’s the difference between falcons and hawks?
A. “Falcons” include only member of the Family Falconidae
B.“Hawks” is generic term like “raptor” that includes all the species in the Order Faloniformes
C. Anatomical an behavioral differences
D. All the above
D. All the above
In genus Falco, the third and /or fourth primary from the leading edge of the wing is/are the longest.
Initial selection of a nesting area by migratory raptors, such as the prairie falcon, Accompanied later by aerial display, is generally made by the…
A. Male, who returns first to the nesting area
B. Female, who remains year round
C. Neither hawk-it just happens
D. None of the above
A. Male, who returns first to the nesting area
If the first clutch of eggs is destroyed, many hawks and falcons will lay a second clutch.
The falconer is most likely to encounter a brancher in June
Young hawks, particularly longwings, tend to take prey considerably larger than is typical for adults of the same species. This is because…
A. The youngsters are still growing and need more food than an adult
B. The young hawks are stronger and out-compete their elders for larger more nutritious prey
C. More skill is required to catch a smaller bird.
D. All the above
C. More skill is required to catch a smaller bird.
Hawks have long, pointed wings, small tails, small heads and broad shoulders.
Adult raptors are most likely to desert a nest …
A. Just prior to egg laying
B. During late incubation
C. During hatching
D. Just prior to hatching
A. Just prior to egg laying
Falconiformes generally come into their adult plumage at the first Mount which is at …
A. Six month
B. About one year
C. About two years
D. none of the above
B. About one year
You can tell the difference between male and female raptors by the …
A. Faster speed of the females
B. Faster speed of the males
C. Larger size of the females
D. Larger size of the males
C. Larger size of the females
Hawks in immature plumage appear to be …
A. smaller when they become adults
B. Larger than when they become adults
C. The same size as when they become adults
D. Larger or smaller then the adults, depending on how well they were fed as nestlings, and how successful they were as hunters after leaving the nest.
B. Larger than when they become adults
Hawks hunt by sight and hearing. Their sense of smell is not well developed.
If baby raptors are in the nest and one parent is lost…
A. The remaining parent of either sex takes over all parenting duties.
B. If only he male survives, he abandons the nestlings
C. If only the female survives, she finds another male to take over hunting
D. None of the above
A. The remaining parent of either sex takes over all parenting duties.
In which species of longwing is there sexual dimorphism as to coloration and pattern?
A. Peregrine
B. American kestrel
C. Gyrfalcon
D. None of the above
B. American kestrel
A malar stripe is likely to found on…
A. peregrine
B. Ptarmigan
C. A Mollen hood
D. An ornate hawk eagle
A. peregrine
Which of the following does not have long pointed wings?
A. Tiercel
B. Jack
C. Jerkin
D. Musket
D. Musket
Which of the following largest hawk?
A. Jerkin
B. Jack
C. Falcon
D. Tiercel
A. Jerkin
A dark hood and a white superciliary line are the field identification markings of the adult goshawk.
One is most likely to find the cere ….
A. On the head of a raptor
B. On the feet of a raptor
C. On the wings of a raptor
D. Around the breast area of a raptor
A. On the head of a raptor
The tarsus of a raptor is part of the hawk’s …
A. Wing
B. Leg
C. Tail
D. Head
B. Leg
A hawks train is it’s…
A. Head
B. Wing
C. Foot
D. Tail
D. Tail
Deck feathers are the …
A. Central pair of tail feathers in the Train
B. Feather tuft on top of a long wing’s hood
C. Feathers used in imping broken wing or tail feathers
D. Row of feathers which run down the wing above the primaries and secondaries
A. Central pair of tail feathers in the Train
A good indication of completed growth in eyasses is when the hawk is …
A. Full summed
B. Hard penned
C. Both of the above
D. None of the above
B. Hard penned
Your hawk is likely to mantle …
A. When relaxed an contented
B. When standing over prey
C. Both “A” and “B”
D. Neither “A” and “B”
C. Both “A” and “B”
A hawk that is very comfortable with its surroundings and has a full crop is likely to …
A. Gorge
B. Hack
C. Rouse
D. Rangel
C. Rouse
A hawk is likely to preen …
A. Following a bath
B. When it is content
C. When it is under stress
D. Both “A” and “B”
D. Both “A” and “B”
After leaving the care of their parents, raptors gain upwards of 25% body mass and 10% greater wing span
A huge raptor soars overhead. It is mostly dark but has larger white patches under the wings. It is most likely an immature bald eagle.
There are seven species of harriers in North America.
Which of the following spices locates it’s prey by sound?
A. Marsh hawk
B. Osprey
C. Swallow-tailed kite
D. Audubon’ s caracara
A. Marsh hawk
Which of the following raptors can grip with two toes in front and two behind?
A. Gyrfalcon
B. Bald eagle
C. Osprey
D. Ferrguinous hawk
C. Osprey
Longwings are uniquely different from other members of the Falconiformes in that they…
A. Possess extra large feet
B. Have a “notched” beak
C. Feed only on birds
D. Are the most maneuverable
B. Have a “notched” beak
Longwings subdue their prey with the tremendous gripping power of their feet
The hawks that are the most efficient at killing their prey after catching are the…
A. Longwings
B. Buteos
C. Accipiters
D. Eagles
A. Longwings
The hawk least likely to slice is the…
A. Peregrine
B. Red-tailed hawk
C. Golden eagle
D. Goshawk
A. Peregrine
Nests are it built by Longwings
The basic requirements for nest site of all the large Longwings are…
A. Nearby supply of ptarmigans, lemmings or other rodents
B. Desart areas
C. Isolated woodland
D. Cliffs
D. Cliffs
Male hawks do most of the hunting after the young hatch
Some gyrfalcons nest in trees
Which hawk is apt to occupy and defend the largest territory?
A. Gyrfalcon
B. Marsh hawk
C. Cooper’s Hawk
D. American kestrel
A. Gyrfalcon
The gyrfalcon is closely related to the desert saker falcon.
The attack style of the gyrfalcon is similar to the peregrine
The peregrine could be called the worlds most successful hawk because it….
A. Occurs on nearly all continents
B. Lays more eggs per clutch than any other raptor
C. Preys on all other species
D. Has no species that competes with it except man
A. Occurs on nearly all continents
The plumage, skin and scale areas of adult peregrines differ from those of immatures.
The incubation period for peregrine eggs is…
A. Twenty-one days
B. Twenty-four days
C. Thirty-two days
D. Forty-four days
C. Thirty-two days
The large dark peregrine which dwells on the American northwest coast and islands from Oregon to British Columbia, southeastern Alaska and the Aleutians is known as …
A. Falco peregrinus anatum- anatum falcons
B. Falco peregrinus Pealei- Peal’s falcon
C. Falco peregrinus tundrius- tundra falcon
D. Falcon peregrinus peregrinus-European falcon
B. Falco peregrinus Pealei- Peal’s falcon
The distinguishing identification characteristic of the this hawk is the almost black patch underneath the wing where flank and wing feathers meet.
A. Prairie falcon
B. Lugger
C. Peal’s falcon
D. Lanner
A. Prairie falcon
Blow dies and whitewash are a good indications of an occupied prairie falcon eyrie
The nest cliff of the prairie falcon will likely face…
A. North to northwest
B. South to southeast
C. Due East
D. West by southwest
B. South to southeast
A young prairie falcon will leave at approximately…
A. Five to six weeks
B. Eight to nine weeks
C. Twelve to thirteen weeks
D. Sixteen to nineteen weeks
A. Five to six weeks
The hunting style of the prairie falcon is best described as …
A. More opportunistic than the peregrine
B. Almost exactly like the gyrfalcon
C. The falcon one counterpart of the red-tailed hawk
D. None of the above
C. The falcon one counterpart of the red-tailed hawk
Prairie falcons are migratory throughout their breeding range
The longwing with the most accipitrine hunting style is the …
A. Merlin
B. Prairie falcon
C. Peregrine
D. Gyrfalcon
A. Merlin
The attack style of the Merlin is similar to the gyrfalcon
The longwing most likely to be found nesting in a deserted crow’s nest is the …
A. Peregrine
B. Prairie falcon
C. gyrfalcon
D. Merlin
D. Merlin
Merlin’s have much the same measurements of wingspan and tail lenth as American kestrel, have a similar form of plumage sexual dimorphism, but weight more.
Which of these bird lacks highly distinctive “immature” plumage during its first year?
A. Goshawk
B. Red-tailed hawk
C. Peregrine
D. American kestrel
D. American kestrel
The American kestrel or American sparrowhawk is closely related to the European Sparrowhawk.
A small hawk alights nearby, and immediately pumps the tail up and down sever times. This “tail pumping” is a good field indication mark of a …
A. Sharp-shinned hawk
B. American kestrel
C. Merlin
D. Male Cooper’s hawk
B. American kestrel
A small raptor hovering in place twenty feet over a field by a well-traveled road is most likely a…
A. Sharp-shinned hawk
B. American kestrel
C. Merlin
D. Male Cooper’s hawk
B. American kestrel
This hawk utilizes a summer buteonine style adapted to catching grasshoppers and mice. Wintering individuals often show a more falconine style capturing small birds. This is the ….
A. Marsh hawk
B. American kestrel
C. Merlin
D. Sharp-shinned hawk
B. American kestrel
The strongest foot for it size is found on the ….
A. Peregrine
B. Merlin
C. American kestrel
C. American kestrel
A raptor that will often accept a man made bird house for nesting is a the…
A. American Kestrel
B. Harrier
C. Red-tailed hawk
D. Cooper’s Hawk
A. American Kestrel
How can you tell a passage American kestrel from a haggard American kestrel?
A. The passage’s feathers are in better condition
B. The overall color of the plumage is different: brownish for the passage and bluish for the adult.
C. The passage American kestrel is larger than the haggard.
D. The passage retains immature wing feathers until mounted during its first winter.
D. The passage retains immature wing feathers until mounted during its first winter.
A species which normally breeds successfully at one year of age is the …
A. American kestrel
B. Peregrine
C. Bald eagle
D. All the above
A. American kestrel
The incubation period for the eggs of the American kestrel is thirty-three days
The correct descending order in size for accipiters is ….
A. Goshawk, Cooper’s Hawk, sharp-shinned hawk, Sparrowhawk,
B. Goshawk, Cooper’s hawk, sparrowhawk, sharp-shinned hawk
C. goshawk, sparrowhawk, Cooper’s hawk, sharp-shinned hawk
D. Goshawk, sparrowhawk, sharp-shinned hawk, Cooper’s hawk
B. Goshawk, Cooper’s hawk, sparrowhawk, sharp-shinned hawk
Accipiters kill their prey by the power of their speed on impact
You catch a glimpse of a crow sized hawk that makes a furious pass at a pigeon then rest briefly in a tree. It gives an impression of a dark back brown breast. The folded tail is strongly banded black on the charcoal gray, and the tip is clearly round in shape. it is most likely a…
A. immature goshawk
B. Cooper’s Hawk
C. Red-shoulder hawk.
D. Sharp shinned talk.
B. Cooper’s Hawk
The first talk to nest in the northern forest is generally the…
A. goshawk.
B. Merlin.
C. Harris Hawke.
D. Marshhawk.
A. goshawk
Which hawk is most likely to require a plucking log or stump near its nesting site?
A. Red tailed hawk.
C. American kestrel
D. Red shouldered hawk.
The hawk most likely to attack intruders near its nest site. When young are in the nest is the….
A.prairie falcon
B. Harris hawk
C. Goshawk
D. Red- tailed hawk
C. Goshawk
Under ideal conditions, a goshawk can be expected to live to be 20 years old.
The hawk, most likely to use stealth and capturing its prey is the…
A. Marsh hawk
C. Red-tailed hawk
D. Goshawk
D. Goshawk
You are most likely to find a Cooper’s Hawk nest….
A. in a coniferous forest in mountain valleys
B. The woods near open meadows.
C. On cliffs abutting open country
D. In dead or branch less trees, like loblolly pines in open marshlands with low brush
B. The woods near open meadows.
The Cooper’s Hawk tends to be more a southerly, lower altitude, warmer weather hawk than the goshawk
The wild Cooper’s Hawk is more inclined to hunt of out across open fields than are most Goss hawks.
Of the following, the most abundant hawk on the North American continent is probably the…
A. Red tailed hawk
B. Peregrine
C. Sharp-shinned hawk
C. Sharp-shinned hawk
The most migratory North American accipiter is the…
A. Sharp shinned hawk
B. Cooper’s Hawk
C. Goshawk
D. Merlin
A. Sharp shinned hawk
Small birds are the principal dietary item of the…
A. Sharp shinned hawk
B. Red tailed hawk
C. American sparrowhawk
D. Harris hawk
A. Sharp shinned hawk
Proportionally the largest foot size is found on the…
A. Red tailed hawk
B. Kestrel
C. Sharp shinned hawks
D. Golden Eagle
C. Sharp shinned hawks
Buteos are usually described as…
A. Having long, pointed wings, praying chiefly on birds
B. Distinguished from long wings, having longer tails and shorter rounded wings, most obvious in-flight
C. Useless in falconry
D. Robust bodies, long, Broad wings, and short to medium length tails
D. Robust bodies, long, Broad wings, and short to medium length tails
Since The ferruginous hawk is much larger than the red tailed hawk. It has correspondingly larger feet.
Which is the largest and heaviest of the North American hawks?
A. red tailed hawk
B. Ferruginous hawk
C. Gyrfalcon
D. Peale’s falcon
B. Ferruginous hawk
Which hawk builds the largest nest?
A. Golden Eagle
B. Osprey
C. Ferruginous hawk
C. Ferruginous hawk
A medium sized raptor glides by overhead. It has a strongly banded tail and a translucent, almost clear areas near the wingtips. It is most likely a….
A. Ferruginous hawk
B. Goshawk
C. Red shouldered hawk
D. Cooper’s Hawk
C. Red shouldered hawk
Red-shouldered hawks are …
A. new to falconry in California
B. Are birds of the forest
C. Are extremely noisy
D. All the above
D. All the above
In the wild, a red-tailed hawk will not hunt game birds or passrines.
The sex of a red tailed hawk can be determined in most cases by …
A. Weight
B. Eye color
C. Coloration of plumage
D. None of the above
A. Weight
There is a size sexual dimorphism in the red-tailed hawk.
Of the following, the raptor least inclined to migrate is the…
A. Tundra falcon
B. Merlin
C. Red-tailed hawk
D. Sharp-shinned hawk
C. Red-tailed hawk
Red-tails nest only in trees.
In California, red-tailed hawks lay their legs in…
A. February/March
B. March/April
C. April/May
D. May/June
B. March/April
Red-tails generally have how many young?
A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
B. Three
The red-tailed eyass generally leaves the nest for the first time at six weeks.
The Harlens hawk is a subspecies of the red-tailed hawk.
You can tell a passage red tailed hawk from a passage red shouldered hawk by the dark patagial marks.
The Hawk with the most tenacious and concentrated grip after a strike, is the…
A. Goshawk
B. Ferruginous hawk
C. Red tailed hawk
D. None of the above
C. Red tailed hawk
Wild red-tailed hawks seem to prefer to hunt…
A. From a soar over flat planes
B. In deep woods
C. Sittting on light poles by the freeway
D. None of the above
C. Sittting on light poles by the freeway
The sole member of the genus Parabuteo is the Harris’ hawk.
While wild driving in the Sonoran Desert you see a raptor perched on a tall, saguaro cactus. A second hawk of the same species is perched on his back while a third hawk perches on the back of the second. the most likely identification is…
A. Roughed, legged hawk
B. ferruginous hawk
C. Prairie falcon
D. Harris hawk
D. Harris hawk
Castings contain bones and often entire skulls of the prey in the pellets.
A. Longwing
B. Accipiter
C. Buteo
D. Owl
D. owl
Which of the following does not have a crop?
A. Red tailed hawk
B. Bald eagle
C. Osprey
D. Great horned owl
D. Great horned owl
The raptor that can lift heavier loads in proportion to its size than any other raptor is the great horned owl
In March, you can find a reportorial baby bird “abandoned” on the forest floor. It is probably a…
A. Red tailed hawk
B. Great horned owl
C. Goshawk
D. Golden Eagle
B. Great horned owl
You can take and use barred, owls for falconry
Of one hundred red-tailed hawk born in a given year how many are alive after five years?
A. Twenty-six
B. Fifteen
C. Ten
D. Five
D. Five
The average lifespan of a wild adult red-tailed hawk, Assuming it makes it to adulthood is…
A. One year
B. Two years
C. Five years
D. Ten years
B. Two years