Section 1 set A and B (workbook) Flashcards
What is Sullen?
Silent because of ill humor, anger, or resentment; slow moving; sluggish
What is Trickle?
To flow or fall as drops or in a small stream. A small irregular quantity of something.
What is Renovate?
To restore to good condition.
What is Recompense?
To pay back or give a reward; A payment for injury or service.
What is Interminable?
Endless or so long that it seems endless.
What is Hurtle?
To rush violently; dash; To fling or hurt forcefully.
What is Foretaste?
An advanced indication, sample, or warning.
What is Disrupt?
To disturb something.
What is Barren?
Not Productive; Bare.
What is Adjacent?
Near, next to, or adjoined.
What is Vicious?
Evil or bad; Bad habits; Painfully severe or extreme.
What is Truce?
A pause in fighting.
What is Trivial?
Not important, ordinary, or commonplace.
What is Résumé?
A brief summary, of one’s education, work, or qualifications for a job.
What is Interrogate?
To ask questions or examine by questioning.