Section 1 - Resource Information (Inventories) Flashcards
What is TETF?
Terrestrial Ecosystem Task Force
- created to address inventory information deficiencies the commission has identified (the Peel Commission)
What is RISC?
Resource Inventories Standards Committee
- created by TETF
- developed standards, procedures, and data models for a range of inventory categories
List all the inventory categories
1) aquatic ecosystems
2) atmosphere & air quality
3) coastal ecosystems
4) culture (includes recreation & tourism)
5) earth sciences
6) terrestrial ecosystems - ecology
7) terrestrial ecosystems - biodiversity
8) terrestrial ecosystems - vegetation
What are the government objectives for aquatic ecosystems?
- the classification of oceans, lakes, rivers and streams
- the collection of data on fish, humans and other organisms using these water resources
Where are aquatic ecosystems found in legislation?
- Forest Act, FRPA, Water Sustainability Act
- Wildlife Act drives the fish collection permit process
What piece of legislation drives the Fish Collection Permit process?
Wildlife Act
- it enables the establishment and maintenance of the fish inventory in BC
What is the government objective for atmosphere and air quality?
To legislate the reduction of smog-producing pollutants such as nitrogen oxides, sulphur dioxide, volatile organic compounds, and particulate matter.
What is CEPA and what does it authorize?
Canadian Environmental Protection Act (1999)
- the establishment of national ambient air quality objectives, pollution prevention plans, emissions standards, and inventory of pollutants released into the environment
Where is atmosphere and air quality found in current policy?
- Greenhouse gas reduction targets act, 2008
- 2008 climate action plan
What is the government objective for coastal ecosystems?
To map coastal ecosystems and collect data on vegetation, habitats, and wildlife on the west coast.
Where is coastal ecosystems found in current policy?
- Sustainable ecosystem management in Clayoquot Sound: Planning and Practices framework
- Protection of the Great Bear Rainforest based management area
- Ecosystem Based Management program
- Current acts and regulations:
b) Section 93.4 of the Land Act
c) Section 5 of the Land Use Objective Regulation
e) South central coast order
What are the government objectives for culture, recreation and tourism inventories?
- data collection on archeological and ancestral values on the land base
- map identification of forest areas with exposure to roads used by tourists
- map identification of areas which might be attractive to tourists for recreation, such as potential ski slopes
- collecting data to support the fulfillment of the duty to consult on FN interests in resource use
Where is culture, recreation and tourism inventories found in current policy?
- Forest Act sec 8.8
- Recreation Act
- Tourism Act
What are the government objectives for earth sciences inventories?
To collect and analyze data on these sciences (archeology, geology, zoology, biology, soil science, etc.) as they pertain to land use decisions
Where are earth sciences found in current legislation?
- soil conservation (Soil Conservation Act)
- soil monitoring (FRPA)
- soil compaction, disturbance, erosion, access structures, productivity (FRPA, Private Managed Forest Land Act)
- slope stability (Environmentally Sensitive Areas)
- wildlife habitat areas, UWR (Identified wildlife management strategy, FRPA, Wildlife Act)
- wildlife habitat (Forest Act, FRPA)
- pesticide use (Integrated Pest Management Act)
- karst management, archeologically sensitive sites (Heritage Conservation Act)
What is the government objective for terrestrial ecosystems - ecology inventories?
Facilitate forest productivity assessment, land management decision-making, wildlife habitat ratings/habitat supply (including AAC assessment), identification of sensitive ecosystems, endangered species and habitats, and protection of ecologically sensitive ecosystems.
Where are ecology inventories found in current policy?
Protected Areas Network, Ecosystem Based Management, systems for funding ecological risk assessment and research
What is the government objective for terrestrial ecosystems - biodiversity inventories?
Conservation of biodiversity, sustainable use of biological resources and equitable sharing of benefits derived from the use of biological resources
Where are biodiversity inventories found in current policy?
BC Wildlife Act, Park Act, Environmental Protection Act, Forest Practices Code Act, 2008 Climate Action Plan
What is FLRNO’s Forest Inventory Program?
Provides forest inventory coverage for the entire province, as well as computer models to forecast stand development under alternative management regimes and natural disturbances.
- Falls under terrestrial ecosystems - vegetation resources inventory (VRI)
- provides data through modelling, inventory mapping, and ground sampling
What are three components of the FIP?
- long term inventory monitoring plots
- growth and yield experiments
- legacy permanent sample plots (PSPs)
What are the government objectives for terrestrial ecosystems - vegetation resources inventory (VRI)?
Provide the most current and accurate forest inventory information available. To meet this policy objective, the key functions of the Forest Analysis and Inventory Branch (FAIB) include:
1. collecting and maintaining current forest inventories for the province
2. monitoring the growth of stands and providing models to project stand development and future yield
3. providing information and analysis to support policy development, strategic and statutory decision making for the natural resource sector
4. providing analytical support services including data collection and strategic analysis for the natural resource sector
Where is VRI found in current policy?
Forest Act and FRPA