Section 1: Particles And Radiation Flashcards
What is Alpha Decay?
Nuclei of very big atoms (more than 82 protons) are too big for the strong nuclear force to keep them stable. To make themselves more stable they emit an alpha particle 4α2 from their nucleus.
How can strange particles change?
Strange particles decay throughout the weak interaction, where strangeness can change by -1, 0 or +1.
What is annihilation?
When a particle meets its antiparticle and all the mass of the particle and antiparticle gets converted into energy in the form of two gamma ray photons.
How can isotopic data be used?
All living things contain isotopes of carbon. After they die, the amount of carbon-14 inside them decreases. Scientists can calculate the approximate age of archaeological finds made from dead organic matter by using isotopic data to see how much carbon-14 is left in the object.
What are the exchange particles for the weak interaction?
W+ and W- bosons.
Draw the particle interaction diagram for electron capture.
Proton-rich nuclei can ‘capture’ an electron from inside the atom and change into a neutron.
p + e- → n + ve
The proton is ‘acting’ on the electron as it captures it, so the W boson comes from the proton.
Define specific charge and how do you calculate it?
The specific charge of a particle is the ratio of its charge to its mass.
What are baryons and what do they decay into?
3 quarks. All baryons will eventually decay into a proton.
What are the exchange particles for the electromagnetic force?
Virtual Photons.
What is the proton number?
Z - the number of protons in an atoms nucleus.
What are the constituents of an atom?
Proton, Electron and Neutron.
What are antiparticles?
Each particle has a corresponding antiparticle with the same mass and rest energy but with opposite quantum numbers
Draw the particle interaction diagram for beta-minus and beta-plus decay.
What are hadrons?
Particles that feel the strong force. They aren’t fundamental particles, they’re made up of smaller particles called quarks, and there is two different types of hadrons : Baryons and Mesons.
What are leptons?
Leptons are fundamental particles that don’t feel the strong force. They only really interact via the weak interaction.
Name the three main types of leptons.
1) Electron
2) Muon (decays into the electron)
3) Neutrino
What are mesons?
A Quark - Antiquark pair. All mesons are unstable.
Explain the minimum energy needed for pair production.
The minimum energy needed = the total rest energy of the partcles that are produced.
What is the change of quark character in beta-plus decay?
In ß+ decay a proton is changed into a neutron - in other words uud changes into udd turning a u quark into a d quark. Only the weak interaction can do this.
p → n + e+ + ve
How do PET scans work?
A positron-emitting isotope is placed into the bloodstream, and the gamma rays produced by electron-positron annihilation are detected, The two rays are moving in opposite directions, so they’re easy to distinguish from other gamma rays. The radiation is detected by a scintillator.
Draw the particle interaction diagram for electromagnetic replusion.
What are the two main mesons?
Pion) The lightest mesons. There are three versions, all with different electric charges - π+,π0,π-.
Kaon) Are heavier and more unstable than pions. Kaons have a very short lifetime and decay into pions.
What is the nucleon number?
A - the total number of neutrons and protons in an atoms nucleus. (Mass Number)
What led to the hypothesis of the neutrino?
Observations showed that the energy of the particles after the beta decay was less than it was before, which didn’t fit with the principle of conservation of energy. It was suggested that another particle was being emitted and it carried away the missing energy. This particle had to be neutral (or charge wouldnt be conserved) and had to have zero or almost zero mass (as it had never been detected)
How are strange particles produced?
Through the strong interaction. Strangeness is always conserved in the strong interaction, so they must be made in quark-antiquark pairs to conserve strangeness
Why does the strong nuclear force vary with nucleon separation?
It’s initially needed to be attractive to keep the nucleus together. At very small distances, the strong nuclear force must be repulsive - otherwise there would be nothing to stop it crushing the nucleus to a point.
What are the possible quark combnations for the mesons?
How does the strong nuclear force and the electromagnetic force vary with nucleon seperation?
1) The Strong Nuclear Force is repulsive for separations of nucleons less than about 0.5 fm
2) As nucleon separation increases past 0.5 fm, the strong nuclear force becomes attractive. It reaches a maximum attractive value, and then rapidly falls towards 0 after about 3 fm.
3) The electromagnetic repulsive force extends over a much larger range (infinitely)
How does the neutron decay?
(Also known as Beta Minus Decay), It decays into a proton, and electron and an electron antineutrino. A down quark in the neutron turns into an up quark.
What is the photon model of Electromagnetic radiation? What are the equations related to it?
EM waves can only be released in discrete packets, or quanta. These wave-packets are called photons.
What is an isotope?
Isotopes are atoms of the same element with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons.
Give two examples of pair production.
1) Fire two protons with a large amount of kinetic energy at each other. The large amount of energy at impact creates a proton anti-proton pair.
2) If a photon has enough energy, it can pass near a nucleus and create a electron-positron pair, they curve away from each other since they’re oppositely charged.
What are the 4 fundamental interactions?
1) Gravity
2) Electromagnetic
3) Weak Nuclear
4) Strong Nuclear
What is the strong nuclear force?
In a nucleus, electromagnetic forces cause the protons to be repelled, whilst the gravitational force causes all nucleons to be attracted, however the electrostatic repulsion is much larger than the gravitational attraction. So there is another strong attractive force holding the nucleus together - the strong nuclear force.
What is Beta Minus Decay?
The emission of an electron and an antineutrino. When a beta particle is emitted, one of the neutrons in the nucleus is changed into a proton. The antineutrino released carries away some energy and momentum.
How do you work out the minimum energy of a photon produced in annihilation?
Since two photons are produced, 2Emin = 2E0 therefore Emin = E0
What is the change of quark character in beta-minus decay?
In ß- decay a neutron is changed into a proton - in other words udd changes into uud turning a d quark into a u quark. Only the weak interaction can do this.
Draw the particle interaction diagram for an electron-proton collision.
In an electron-proton collision, the electron is the particle that’s acting because it’s being fired at the proton, so the W boson comes from the electron.
What is pair production?
When energy is converted into mass and you get equal amounts of matter and antimatter.
What is an exchange particle?
Exchange particles are how forces act between two particles. They are virtual particles meaning they only exist for a very short time - long enough to transfer energy, momentum and other properties betweeen particles.
What is the exchange particle for the strong interaction?