What is the atomic number?
The atomic (proton) number is the number of protons in the nucleus.
Number of electrons = number of protons
What is the mass number?
Mass (nucleon) number is the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus. This is also the atom’s relative mass.
What is an isotope?
An atom of the same element with the same number of protons but different number of neutrons.
(Same atomic number, different mass number)
What is specific charge?
Specific charge of a particle is the ratio of charge to mass.
Specific charge = charge / mass
What does the strong nuclear force do?
What is its range?
Is it attractive or repulsive? Why?
SNF holds the nucleus together with an attractive force stronger than the electrostatic force.
It has a very short range of a few femtometers (fm).
Attractive between around 0.5 - 3 fm, and repulsive below 0.5fm to stop nucleons colliding and crushing the nucleus.
What are the four forces that act on atoms?
Strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, electrostatic, and gravitational
What is the range of electrostatic force?
Explain alpha emission.
Happens in large nuclei as SNF cannot keep the nuclei stable. When an alpha particle is emitted, proton number decreases by 2, and nucleon number decreases by 4.
There is a count rate for any nuclei undergoing alpha emission which can be measured with a Geiger counter.
What is the range of alpha particles, and how can this be seen?
Very short range of a few cm in air, and can be seen by observing alpha radiation in a cloud chamber.
Explain Beta-minus decay.
What particles are emitted?
Beta-minus decay is the emission of an electron from the nucleus with an antineutrino.
It happens in neutron-rich isotopes, and when a Beta-minus particle is emitted, a neutron turns into a proton. Proton number increases by one, nucleon number stays the same.
What are photons?
Photons are packets of EM radiation, or bundles of energy.
What is pair production?
What is the minimum energy required of a photon?
Pair production is when a photon of sufficient energy produces a particle-antiparticle pair.
Energy of the photon is converted into mass of the pair (and kinetic energy).
Minimum energy required is equal to the rest energy of both the particle and antiparticle that are produced.
What is annihilation?
What is the minimum energy of a photon produced?
Annihilation is when a particle collides with its antiparticle, producing two photons which are sent in opposite directions.
Minimum energy of one photon produced equals rest energy of one of the particle-antiparticle pair.
What are exchange particles?
Exchange particles are called gauge bosons. These cause forces between particles, and explain repulsion and attraction.
Gauge bosons are virtual particles that only exist for a very short time.
Ignoring gravity, what are the gauge bosons for the fundamental forces, and what particles do they affect?
Electromagnetic - virtual photon, only affects charged particles.
Weak nuclear force - W+ or - bosons, affects all types of particles.
SNF - pions (+, -, or 0), only affect hadrons.