Section 1: Mandatory Guidance Overview Flashcards
IPPF Purpose
To organize The IIA’s…authoritative guidance in a manner that is readily accessible on a timely basis while strengthening the position of the IIA as the standard-setting body for the IA profession globally.
IPPF Consists of:
CORE (mandatory):
Definition of Internal Audit
Code of Ethics
International stdrds for the Pof. Pract. of Internal Auditing (the standards)
Practice Advisories (Pa’s)
Practice Guides
Position Papers
Full IPPF aka
“red book” inc. definition of internal audit, code of ethics, the standards, and practice advisories.
What is the IPPF
the “conceptual framework that organizes the authoritative guidance promulgated by the IIA.”
Authoritative Guidance, 2 categories:
1) Mandatory
2) endorsed and strongly recommended.
In the standards, must specifies:
In the standards, should specifies:
Must: Unconditional Requirement
Should: conformance is expected unless, professional judgment determines circumstances justify deviation.
Standards Apply to:
individual internal auditors and internal audit activities
Optional, not mandatory forms of guidance offered:
Practice Advisories, Practice Guides, and Position Papers are optional, not mandatory. “Best Practices”
Purpose of Standards:
- Delineate basic princip. that represent practice of IA
- Provide Framework for performg and promotg broad range of VA IA.
- Est. basis for evaluation of IA performce.
- Foster improved orgnzal processes and ops.
What are the types of standards
Attribute Standards
Address characteristics of orgnzns & parties performg IA activities. Apply to all IA services and IA INDIVIDUALLY.
1000 - Purpose, Authority, Responsibility
1100 - Independence and Objectivity
1200 - Proficiency and Due Professional Care
1300 - Quality Assurance and Improvement Program
Performance Standards:
Describe nature of IAg & provide quality criteria for evaluating audit performance. Applies to ALL internal audit services as well as Internal Auditors. Includes: 2000 - Managing the IA Activity 2100 - Nature of Work 2200 - Engagement Planning 2300 - Performing the Engagement 2400 - Communicating Results 2500 - Monitoring Progress 2600 - Communicating Acceptance of Risks
Implementation Standards:
Expand on Attrbt and Perfmce stds.
Provides separate MANDATORY instr. for implementing the A and P stds depending on engagement type (Assurance or Consulting).
Audit Engagement
“a specific internal audit assignment, task, or review activity such as an internal audit, control self-assessment review, fraud examination of consultancy.”
Assurance Engagement
IAr’s objective assessment of evidence to provide an independent opinion or conclusion.
Consulting Engagement
Advisory in nature, generally performed a the specific request of an engagement client. nature and scope subject to agreement between both parties.