Section 1: Individual Taxation Flashcards
“For AGI” Adjustments (I-EMBRACED EHF)
Interest on student loans
Employment Tax -50%, Med. Premiums -100%
Moving Expenses
Business Expenses (Sch C)
Rent/Royalty & Flow-Through Entity (Sch E)
Alimony (CANNOT)
Contributions to Retirement (KEOGH/IRA)
Early Withdrawl Penalty
Jury Duty pay
Education - $4,000
Health Savings Accounts (HSA)
Farm Income (Sch F)
Itemized Deductions - Sch A
Charitable Contributions
Other Misc.
Misc. Expenses (2%)
Medical Expenses
Theft or Casualty
1040 Tax Return
Gross Income
+- “For AGI” Adjustments (I-EMBRACED EHF)
- Deductions (Itemized Ded(Sch A)) (Std Ded)
- Net Exemptions
Taxable Income
x Tax Rate
Tax Liability
- Credits
+ SE Tax
- Withholdings
- Prepayments
Tax Due
1040X Due
3 years after original return was filed
2 years after actual tax was paid
Statute of Limitations for IRS
3 years - Error/Simple Negligence
6 years - Gross Negligence OR 25% of income not included
Unlimited - Fraud OR Failure to File
Who can use Cash Basis Accounting
Service type businesses whose gross income does not exceed $10M
Includes most individuals, S Corp, individually owned Partnerships, personal service corps
Who is prohibited from using Cash Basis Accounting?
- C Corps with gross receipts exceeding $5M
- Partnerships that have a C Corp as a partner exceeding $5M
- Tax Shelters
- Certain Trusts
When is a group term life insurance policy taxable?
Premiums are taxable when they exceed $50,000
Taxaxtion of Stock Options
Non-Qualified - Taxed when exercised, treated as compensation for excess of FMV over excercise price
Qualified (Incentive Stock Option (ISO)) - Taxed when sell stock, treated as capital gain or loss on diff. btw sale price and excercise price
- For AMT, ISO taxed when excercised
- ISO must be held for 2 yrs from grant date and 1 yr from exercise date
Taxation of Injury Awards
Non-Physical - TAXABLE
- Age, Race, discrimination
- Punitive Damages
- Lost Business Profits
Bodily Injury - TAX FREE (Blood)
- Pain & Suffering for physical injury
- Worker’s Comp
- Reimbursement of medical expenses pd and not itemized on Sch A
Taxation of Prizes and Awards
Taxable at FMV unless all conditions satisfied:
- No services required of recipient
- Selected without any action on recipient’s part
- Payment assigned by recipient and never actually rec’d by recipient
Taxation of Social Security Benefits
A person collection S.S. who has less than $25,000 of provisional income can exclude all S.S. benefits, while taxpayers with provisional income exceeding $60,000 usually are subject to the max. 85% inclusion
Taxation of Pensions and Annuities
Cost of Annuity / Expected Total Annuity Payments = % of each payment that is excluded from taxes
Taxation of Tax Refunds
- Refund - NOT taxable
- Interest - YES, Taxable
- Refund - If itemized in PY, taxable in CY.
- If didn’t itemize in PY, not taxable in CY
- Interest - YES, Taxable
Taxation of Capital Assets (Sch D)
- LT Capital Gains get special tax rates if held > 1 yr
- 10-15% bracket - 0% tax rate
- 25-35% bracket - 15% tax rate
- 39.6% brackey - 20% tax rate
- Held <= 1 yr, ordinary tax rate
- Net Capital Loss up to $3k against ordinary income
- Unused carried indefinitely
- Corps get $0 net capital loss, can carry back 3 yrs and forward 5 yrs. No special rate
Net Operating Losses (NOL)
Carryback 2 yrs and carryforward 20 yrs
Same for individuals and corps