Section 1: Evaluating Arguments and Evidence Flashcards
Statements that are true or false.
Sentences that are not statements about matters of fact (or fiction). They do not make a claim that can be true or false.
simple propositions
have no internal logical structure, meaning whether they are true or false does not depend on whether a part of them is true or false. They are simply true or false on their own.
complex propositions
have internal logical structure, meaning they are composed of simple propositions. Whether complex propositions are true or false depends on whether their parts are true or false and how those parts are connected.
deductive arguments
meant to provide decisive support for their conclusions
ex: mathematical proofs
inductive arguments
meant to provide probable support for their conclusions
ex: analogy, call to authority
abduction (also called inference to the best explanation)
arguments where the best available explanation is chosen as the correct explanation
conclusion indicators
therefore, so, it follows that, hence, thus, entails that, we may conclude that, implies that, wherefore, as a result
premise indicators
because, for, given that, in that, since, as indicated by
is the claim that the whole argument is intended to support or demonstrate or prove
it is the reason we make an argument: to support or demonstrate the conclusion
are the claims, evidence, and ideas intended to support the conclusion
they are the assumptions we’re asked to make
argument defined
a set of statements, some of which (the premises) attempt to provide a reason for thinking that some other statement (the conclusion) is true
A true proposition accurately represents reality.
It is impossible for the premises to be true while the conclusion is sound.
In a good deductive argument structure, true premises would make the conclusion necessarily true. (If not, it is an invalid structure.)
A valid argument with true premises.
A deductive argument is sound if it has a valid structure and all its premises are true. (If an argument is deductive but has either an invalid structure or at least one false premise, then it is an unsound argument.)
cogent argument
All True Premises + Strong Inductive Support
formal fallacy
affirming the consequent, or an argument with bad structure
informal fallacy
the structure of your argument is not the issue; instead, someone takes exception to the content of your argument
affirming the consequent (invalid)
If I am in New York, then I am in the USA.
I am in the USA.
Therefore, I am in New York
If X, then Y.
Therefore, X.
the simple proposition that immediately follows the word “if”
the simple proposition that immediately follows the word “then”
denying the antecedent (invalid)
If I am in New York, then I am in the USA.
I am not in New York.
Therefore, I am not in the USA.
possible for the conclusion to be false even if the premises are true.
If X, then Y not X.
Therefore, not Y.
the second premise says that the antecedent of the first premise is not the case; the second premise denies the antecedent
modus ponens (affirming the antecedent) (valid)
if X, then Y
therefore Y