Section 1 - Believing In God Flashcards
Atheist do not believe in God…
- science, not religion! explains how the world was created
- no physical proof of gods existence
- many events that theists believe are due to god (such as miracles) can be explained by science or as a coincidence
- evil and suffering in the world prove that an all loving and all powerful god cannot exist
Christians believe God…
- is omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing) and omni-benevolent (all-good)
- created the world and everything in it
- answers prayers and can perform miracles
Why do families raise their children to believe in god?
- Christians believe it is their duty to marry, have a family and raise their children within the Christian faith
- Christians believe their religion gives children a secure basis and helps them through difficulties
How do Christian families encourage their children to believe in god?
- Baptism
- School
- Parents example
- Worship
- confirmation
- community
What are the main 4 types of religious experience?
- Numinous experience
- Conversion
- Prayer
- Miracles
What are the arguments against design?
- we cannot possibly prove gods existence and the design argument only suggests he is the designer
- the appearance of design could actually be the result of evolution: the scientific theory that everything has evolved and has the appearance of design
What are the arguments against causation?
- the causation argument cannot be proved
- even if everything in the world seems to have a cause, it doesn’t mean the universe had a cause
- the argument only suggest that god is the cause of the universe
- there are other possible causes of the universe such as the scientific ‘big bang theory’
- if everything has a cause, what caused god
What are the scientific explanations of the origins of the world?
Big Bang theory
Natural selection
Problems with unanswered prayers
- Prayers are communication with god. If they are not answered, people might think god is not listening
- Many people who experience pain and suffering in their life pray to god, but if god does nothing about it they may feel their prayers are being unanswered
- Unanswered prayers may lead some Christians to question their belief in god, to reject him or believe he does not exist
Christian responses to unanswered prayers….
- They may accept that they do not have enough faith that god will answer their prayers, so they must go on trying
- They may feel god is not listening to them
- They may accept that god hears and answers prayers but not always in the way they hope or expect. They do not fully understand but go on trusting in him
- Some may accept that god does not answer selfish prayers.
- Some may believe what they are praying for is not part of gods will or Devine plan
Problems of evil and suffering….
Talk about god as:
- omni-benevolent
- omniscient
- omnipotent
What the bible say about evil and suffering
- genesis says that god created a perfect world
- the fall: Adam and Eve used their free will in the garden of Eden to disobey god which allowed evil and suffering to enter the world
- Christians believe god sent Jesus to earth to overcome the evil in the world and die for the sins of humanity on the cross
Christian explanations to evil and suffering…
- Free will: god gave people free will. This is the ability to make choices for themselves. Some may accept that evil and suffering can be the result of free will
- Tests from god: some Christians accept that evil and suffering may be a test from god. Believers are allowed to go through difficult times to see how they react. Some become stronger for example
- Gods plan: suffering happens for a reason : evil and suffering are part of gods plan. People should trust god because he knows why everything happens
- Following Jesus example: evil and suffering allows people to follow the example set by Jesus in the bible. People can strive to do good
What are the Christian responses to evil and suffering? What do they do…
- Praying - hoping god will give them the strength to cope with what they face or praying for others
- Volunteering - with a charity or organisation that supports others when they are suffering
- Helping others - for example becoming a doctor or nurse so they can help others cope with suffering
- Strengthening their faith - with the knowledge god has a plan for them