Section 1:Anatomy And Physiology 3 Flashcards
1-1 Integument System
Consist of the skin,nails,hair,sebaceous and sweat glands
Largest non visceral organ.
-epidermis:outer epithelial layer;Striated squamous epithelium
-dermis:Dense ,irregular connective tissue layer
Looser connective tissue layer
Subcutaneous medication maybe administered via hypodermic injections .
skeletal muscle cells
voluntary,involuntary.Multinucleated,cigar shaped and contain PLASMALEMMA orSARCOLEMA
Cardiac Muscle Cells
Striated and involuntary located in the heart.Responsible for contraction.
Smooth muscle cells
Uninucleated and involuntary.Location:walls of hollow organs such as stomach,intestines,bladder,blood vessels,uterus
cytoplasm of muscle cells
Filled with protein strands called MYOFILAMENTS.Mitochondria,golgi,vesicles.lysosomes and other organelles are randomly situated between myofibrils.
Threadlike structures of myofibrils in the muscle .
A bands–Are dark bands;thin actin filaments and thick myosin.
I- bands–are light bands or striations.contain Z lines
main function:produce muscle relaxation.(microfilaments)
Sliding theory of muscle contraction
Thick and thin myolfilaments interdigitate and slide between and with one another during muscle contraction.Calcium and adenosine triphosphate(ATP) are vital in producing muscle contraction
Movement of bone and the limb away from the midline of the body
Movement of bone and the limbs toward the midline
efferent axon
Terminate on the skeletal cells at specialized synaptic sites of contact called Muscle end plates or Neuromuscular junction.(release acetylholine)
Right atrium(heart)
Receives deoxygenated blood from the head,neck,and upper extremities through the superior and inferior vena cava.
Right ventricle(heart)
Constricts to force blood through the pulmonary semilunar valve to the pulmonary trunk.
Left atrium(heart)
Oxygenated blood is sent through the 4 pulmonary veins
Electrical activity of the heart
P wave-occurs with Atria ;depolarization or contraction
QRS wave complex-depolarization of the ventricle
T Wave-represents electrical activity(repolarization)
or relaxation of the ventricles.
Largest Visceral organ of the body.receives blood from the portal vein.important exocrine organ and secrets the bile ,a fatty emulsifer.
Is both endocrine and exocrine in function producing pancreatic enzymes as well as the hormone INSULIN (islet pancreatic cell).
CNS neurotransmitter
Acetylcholine,y aminobutyric acid(GABA),Serotonin
frontal lobe(brain)
Higher cortical activity or mental integration.
Temporal Lobe(brain)
Functions in Language,memory.auditory information processing.
occipital lobe
Posteriorly situated,funtion as primary and secondary visual center.
limbic lobe
Medial part of the brain.Emotional expression such as fear,aversion and attraction.
Largest lymph organ.Function :store and destroy old red blood corpuscles
pituitary gland
Master gland,releases and store hormones.
*Follicle stimulating hormone
*thyrotropic stimulating hormone
*growth hormone
Parathyroid gland
Regulates the amount of calcium in the bloodstream
suprarenal gland
Location:Cranial aspect of the kidney
*Adrenal cortex:secrets glucocorticoids,secrets epinehprine(adrenaline)and norepinehrine
nitric oxide
Potent vasodilator released by endothelial cells in response to changes in blood pressure.
*Overstimulation of the endothelin causes oxidative stresss
QT Prolongation
Heart muscle takes longer to contract and relax;resulting in cardiac arrest.
Represents the full process of ventricular repolarization
thymus gland
Location: Anterior thorax
Produces T-Lymphosites
GASEOUs O2 and Co2 are exchanged in which level of respiratory system?
Pulmonary Alveoli
Ovarian follicle produces and secrets what hormones
Responsible for the manifestation of secondary sex hormone in male.
Ovarian cortex contains germ cells located in cellular enclosures
Large blood vessel that delivers deoxygenated blood to the liver
portal vein
Long bones that are covered on the surface by a highly vsscular connective tisssue
Neuro transmitter released from the axon terminal of the neuromuscular junction
invertebral disc of the body location
Bony spine
Component of the skeleton located in the chest and rib structure
Cell that is lacking a nuclear membrane.
Prokaryotic cells
Filters the blood and small intestine.Produces WBC.