Section 1 Flashcards
What were the MAIN causes of WW1? (4)
- Militarism.- Alliances.- Imperalism.- Nationalism.
Militarism means…(Causes of WW1)
Tension caused by Germany increasing its military strentgh (army and navy.)
Alliances means…(Causes of WW1)
Europe divided into two armed camps by 1914.
Imperalism means…(Causes of WW1)
Conflict was caused because the European Powers wanted to keep or expland their empires.
Nationalism means…(Causes of WW1)
Many smaller countries wanted to rule themselves - didn’t want to be ruled by Europeans.
Who was part of the Triple Allience? (3) (Central Powers)
- Germany, Italy and Austria-Hungary.
When was the Triple Alliance formed?
Who was part of the Triple Entente? (3)
- Britain, France and Russia.
When was the Triple Entente formed?
Give 5 Strengths/Ambitions of Germany:(Triple Alliance)
- They had overseas colonies - 2 in Africa.- They were very powerful,- Industrially very rich.- Strong navy but wanted to expand.- Wanted more colonies.
Give 2 Weaknesses/Concerns of Germany:(Triple Alliance)
- Concerned about being encircled by France and Russia.- Only recently been formed into a country so they were FRAGILE.
Give 2 Strengths/Ambitions of Austria-Hungary:(Triple Alliance)
- Very large empire.- They were an ally of Germany which was powerful meaning they would be protected by Germany.
Give 3 Weaknesses/Concerns of Austria-Hungary:(Triple Alliance)
- Made up of different countries who ALL wanted independence but they want to maintain the empire and unite people.- Challenged by Serbia - a new country.- Russia was powerful and supported Serbia.
Give 2 Strengths/Ambitions of Italy:(Triple Alliance)
- Just joined the TRIPLE ALLIENCE so had the protection of Austria-Hungary and Germany which were strong countries.- Wanted a greater empire.
Give 2 Weaknesses/Concerns of Italy:(Triple Alliance)
- Not strong industrial or military power.- They weren’t fully trusted by the Triple Alliance.
The Triple Alliance was a true defensive alliance meaning that…
Each member of it would support any other member if it was attacked and invaded.
Was the Triple Alliance a secret?
Yes but by 1914 - Britain, France and Russia knew abou it.
In the North, the czech people wanted to rule themselves.
The Slav people in the South West (especially the Croats) wanted their own state.
It was becoming a powerful force in the Balkans and Austria was anxious it would be stronger.
THREATS TO AUSTRIA-HUNGARY:Talk about the Serbs and Russia…
The serbs in the south wanted to be joined to the neighbouring state of Serbia and Russia supported them (Russia had a strong army.)
What was “Splendid Isolation”?
The policy followed by Britain in the 19th century.
What does “Splendid Isolation” mean?
Britain had tried not to get involved in European politics. Instead, it concentrated on its huge overseas empire.
Why did Britain change its attitude to Europe? (Splendid Isolation) (3)
- Britain was less concerned about Russia since it was weakened in a war against Japan in 1904.- Britain was already powerful so it didn’t care.- Britain was very worried about Germany since the Kaiser made it clear that he wanted Germany to have n empire and navy like Britain.
Why was the Triple Entente not classes as an alliance?
It was made of ONE defensive alliance and two agreements.
Give 2 agreements that the Triple Entente had:
- 1904 - Britain made an agreement about colonies in North Africa - The Entente Cordiale (Friendly Agreement). - Not a defensive agreement.- 1907 - Britain made a similar agreement with Russia - no promise to support in wars though.
Give the ONLY Defensive agreement that the Triple Entente had:
1892 - The Franco-Russian Alliance which was a secret military alliance agreeing to help each other if either one was attacked by Germany.
Give 3 Strengths/Ambitions of Britain:(Triple Entente)
- Massive empire.- Huge navy protecting the empire.- No more worrying about Russia.
Give 2 Weaknesses/Concerns of Brtiain:(Triple Entente)
- Concerned about Germany since Germany began to expand, fear or being overtaken by them.- Could no longer be independent - had to join war with others.
Give 2 Strengths/Ambitions of France:(Triple Entente)
- Developed a strong and close relationship with Russia and had a promise that Russia would protect it from Germany if attacked.- France built up the armies and industries.
Give 2 Weaknesses/Concerns of France:(Triple Entente)
- Defeated by Germany in 1870 and was worried about the growing power of Germany.- Wanted to get back the rich industrial region of ALSAKE- LORRAINE which Germany had taken in 1870.
Give 3 Strengths/Ambitions of Russia:(Triple Entente)
- It was a large empire with an increasing army.- Had formed an alliance with France.- France gave Russia money to help develop industries.
Give 3 Weaknesses/Concerns of Russia:(Triple Entente)
- Very back wards and under developed.- Not as wealthy as others because it is agricultural.- Had lost a war with Japan in 1904.
Why did the Triple Alliance have some fears of the Triple Entente?
Because the Triple Entente’s agreements and alliances were secret so the Triple AllIance feared they were alll defensive.
Give the MAIN CONCERN of Germany then state why it made sense for them to be in the Triple Alliance:
They were concerned about being encircled by France and Russia as Russia had a growing army.The alliance provided it protection from being invaded.
Give the MAIN CONCERN of Austria-Hungary then state why it made sense for them to be in the Triple Alliance:
Was worried that the empire would break and that Russia would encourage it especially the Slavs (they wanted their own state)Germany would protect them from Russia.
Give the MAIN CONCERN of Italy then state why it made sense for them to be in the Triple Alliance:
Concerned that they were militarily weak since they weren’t a strong country - they feared attacks.Would protect them from being invaded and would stop Austria-Hungary from taking parts of Italy away.
Give the MAIN CONCERN of Britain then state why it made sense for them to be in the Triple Entente:
Concerned about growing power of Germany.Their empire would be stronger.
Give the MAIN CONCERN of France then state why it made sense for them to be in the Triple Entente:
Wants to get Alsake Lorraine back but they were too weak to invade Germany.Their Alliance with Britain would help them keep safe.
Give the MAIN CONCERN of Russia then state why it made sense for them to be in the Triple Entente:
Not as well developed and as strong as the other countries.Protects themselves and keeps empire safe.
Anglo-German Rivalry:Tensions would cause over trade because…
Germany was Britain’s main trading partner in Europe.
Anglo-German Rivalry:Why would there be tension over the monarchies?
Because Kaiser Wilhem 11 (Leader of Germany) was also the nephew of King Edward and the cousin of George V.
Give 3 points about Kaiser’s personality that would increase tensions:
- He was unpredictable.- He was ambitious for Germany to be recognised as the Greater Power in Europe.- He wanted his place in the sun since he desired to be a major player in world affairs for example he wanted Africa for an overseas empire.
Why did Britain feel threatned by Kaiser’s intention to build a powerful navy?
They were confused as to why Germany needed a navy - what was Germany going to do with all these warships concentrated on the North Sea?
Why did the Kaiser and his admirals feel that Germany should have a navy?
To protect its growing trade and they felt the British were over-reacting to the German naval plans.
Give 3 features of a powerful DREADNOUGHT (ship)?
- Thick armour plating.- Guns on rotating turrets can fire shots over 9km in any direction.- Fast modern turbine engines.
By who and when was the first Dreadnought built?
1906 - Britain built 1.1907- Britain built 3.
What was the Anglo German Naval Rivalry?
A naval arms race between the number of Dreadnoughts built between Germany and Britain.
When did Germany build their Dreadnoughts? What’s so special about how much they built?
1908 - they built 4 which was more than Britain had built in their first year.
By 1914, how much Dreadnoughts did Britain and Germany build?
Britain - 29.Germany - 17.
By 1914 how much soldiers did France’s army consist of?
By 1914 how much soldiers did Britain’s army consist of?
By 1914 how much soldiers did Russia’s army consist of?
By 1914 how much soldiers did Austria-Hungary’s army consist of?
By 1914 how much soldiers did Germany’s army consist of?
By 1914 how much soldiers did Italy’s army consist of?
What was the state of France’s army?
Large and well equipped.
What was the state of Britain’s army?
Britain set up “British Expeditonory Force” consisting of 150,000 highly trained and well equipped professional soldiers.
What was the state of Russia’s army?
Badly equpped but it was huge.
What was the state of Austria-Hungary’s army?
Needed the help of Germany to hold back Russia and was one of the smallest armies.
What was the state of Germany’s army?
Not the biggest but had the best trained soldiers and was the most powerful.
What was the state of Italy’s army?
One of the smallest armies but it was increasing.
What was France’s plan for war?
“Plan 17” French troops would charge across the Frontier and attack deep into Germany forcing surrender.
What was Britain’s plan for war?
Plans secretly involved with French Commanders.Also, British Expeditionory Force would go to France and fight along at short notice - they assumed the war would be quick.
What was Russia’s plan for war?
If given enough time, Russia would put millions of soldiers into the field to overwhelm Germany’s and Austria-Hungary’s armies by a sheer weight of numbers.
What was Austria-Hungary ‘s plan for war?
Relied on the success of the Schleffen Plan so that Germany could help it to defeat Russia.
What was Germany ‘s plan for war? Also, what was their problem?
They had a problem because if there was a war, they would have to fight Russia and France at the same time.Schleffen Plan - they would quickly attack and defeat France then turn on Russia which, the Germans were sure, would be slow to get troops ready for war.
Why did the Kaiser visit Morocco in 1905? (The first crisis)
Germany had been building up its own African Empire and had colonies in Central and Southern Africa so he wanted to show that Germany was an important power in North Africa too.
What did the Kaiser say in his speech when he visited Morocco in 1905?
He made a speech saying he supported the independence for Morocco.
How did France feel after the Kaiser’s speech in Morocoo in 1905?
They were furious at him interfering in their affairs.
What happened at the International Conference at Algeciras in 1906?
The Kaiser wanted to be a major power in Africa but his views were rejected and that humiliated him and made him very bitter.
What did Britain, France and Russia do in 1907? Why?
Formed an alliance with Russia - The Triple Entente. It was security against Germany’s aggression.
What started off the second crisis over Morocoo?
The French had tried to take over Morocoo again as a rebellion in Fez.
What did the Kaiser do in response to the French trying to take over Morocco?
He sent a gunboat (The Panther) to Agadir which was very threatening.
Why did the Kaiser sending a gunboat to Agadir worry Britian? (2)
They feared that the Kaiser wanted to set up a naval base and they didn’t want the German ships in the Mediterennean. Also, one of the British Ports “Gibralter” could be threatned as it was near Agadir.
There was a second conference over Morocco.What was the result for the British and France?
They still stood firmly against Germany and they had a private almost agreement that the French should patrol the Mediternnean and the Royal Navy should defend France’s Atlantic and North Sea coasts.
What were France and Germany given as a result of the second conference over Morocco?
France - Given control over Morocco.Germany - Given land in central Africa as compemsation.
Why was the Balkans an unstable area?
It had been ruled by Turkey for centuries and there were many different nationalities mixed together so Turkish power was in decline. Also, the new governments were regularly in dispute with eachother.
Which two countries wanted control of the Balkans and why?
Russia and Austria because they would have access to the Mediternnean.
What did Austria do in 1908?
Austria took over the provinces of Bosnia and Herzegouina in 1908.
Why did Austria get away with taking over the provinces of Bosnia and Herezegouina in 1908?
Because Russia and Serbia backed down when Germany made it clear they supported Austria - they both weren’t prepared to risk war with Germany.
What did all the countries assume war would be like and why were they wrong?
It was assumed the war would be quick because none of the powers would be able to keep up a long, drawn out war. The war lasted years.
Why did countries build up the size of their armies?
It was argued that it was for defense in case of attack by members of the opposing alliance. It was important to be prepared.
Which one was more dangerous - the first crisis of Morcco or the second?
The second because the Kaiser actually threatnened Britain’s port and the first almost agreement between France and Britian proved countries were starting to think about planning what areas would be protected during a war.
Where is Sarajevo?
Who was Archduke Franz Ferdinand?
Royalty of Austria - a heir to the throne whose powerful empire covered much of Central Europe.
How was Archduke Franz Ferdinand involved in a fake murder?
As his car passed Cumurja Bridge, Cabrinouic threw a bomb, swallowed poison and jumped in river but the Arch saw it and threw it off another car (by accident) injuring people and people thought he was dead.
How was the Archduke Franz Ferdinand actually killed in June 1914?
Princip knew he was alive and shot him at 3/4m and the bucket went in Arch’s neck and Sophie’s stomach. Princip was seized and taken to jail as his poison didn’t work.
What group of people were responsible for the Archduke’s assassin in 1914?
6 teenage terrorists that hated him and Austria (because Austria had taken over Bosnia in 1908)
What did Princip say at his trial?
“I am not a criminal for i destroyed a bad man”
Why did the Assasin (Princip) regret what he had done to the Archduke in 1914? (Killed him) (3)
He said if he had known what was to follow, he would have never fired the fatal shots. Died in Austrian prison at 23. Within 6 weeks, all of Europe had been dragged into the bloodiest war in history.
Why was Austria too confident after the successful takeover of Bosnia in 1908?
They felt confident that Germany would support it in future disputes.
Why was Austria worried about Serbia?
Because from 1912-1913 a series of local wars made Serbia emerge as the most powerful country in the Balkans - Serbs had a strong army and was a close ally of Russia.
How did nationalism cause more problems?
Countries in Austria wanted to rule themselves or be ruled by another Slav country. But Austria was determined to keep everything together.
Who pushed for war in Austria Hungary?Did Serbia want war?
1914 - Austria was looking for a good excuse to crush Serbia and had the support of Germany.Serbia didn’t want war because it was still recovering from he Balkan wars of the previous years.
What happened on the 23rd July between Austria - Hungary and Serbia?
Austria Hungary sent a 10 point ultimatum to Serbia.
Why did Serbia refuse one of Austria’s points on the ultimatum?
Because it couldn’t accept the last one without losing control of its justice system.
Who declared war first and why?
28th July - Austrians because they had the promise of German support so they felt confident.
Why did Russia join the war between Austria and Serbia?
Because they were close ally’s with Serbia so wanted to support them.
What happened after Austria declared war on Serbia on the 23rd July?30th July…1st August…
30th - Russia began to get forces ready for war against Serbia.Germany declared war on Russia on 1st August.
What was responsible for the spreading of war to the west?
The Schlieffen Plan. 1st August.
How did Germany expect to defeat France in just 6 weeks?
They would go through neutral Belgium and Holland (where France wouldn’t expect) rather than Alsace Lorraine. They expected Russia to take long to mobilise so they could move to the east before Russians come.
What was the Treaty of London?
1839 - signed by all main European powers and declared that Belgium was a neutral country and everyone signing must protect it.
Why did Britain want Belgium to be neutral?
It was important to British interests, including European trade.
When did Britain declare war on Germany?
Gave Germany an ultimatum - withdraw or Britain would declare war. (Germany ignored and went through Belgium which is why Britain got involved)
What were the events of the Schlieffen plan?
The Belgians put up a heroic resistance with frontier forts but Germany destroyed them. BEF arrived in France to the Germans on the 23rd August.
How did the Schlieffen plan get destroyed? (3)
- Germans were slowed down.- Belgium’s resistance all joined in.- the plan was weakened.