section 1 Flashcards
deposit of faith
the heritage of faith contained in sacred tradition and sacred scripture
a call from God to all the church members to take on a life of holiness
apostolic succession
the uninterrupted passing on of preaching and authority from the Apostles directly to all bishops
the inner voice, guided by human reason and Divine law that enables us to judge what is good and evil
when something depends on something else
God manifesting himself in a way that is visible to humans
divine revelation
God’s self-communication through which he makes known the mystery of his plan.
chipotle jesus - when jesus became man
natural revelation
the process by which God makes himself known to human reason through the created world
original sin
the sin of our first parents adam and eve; the fallen state of human nature that effects every person born into the world, except jesus and mary
paschal mystery
the work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ mainly through his passion, death, resurrection, and ascension
sacred tradition
refers to passing on the gospel message
salvation history
the pattern of specific events in human history in which God clearly reveals his presence and saving actions
scholastic theology
the use of philosophical methods to better understand revealed truth in a logical and systematic form
God exists as three persons in communion