section 1 Flashcards
what are three ways in which religion is perceived?
- substantive
- functional
- social constructionist
substantive definitions of religion
idea that you are believing in the supernatural or in something higher/God
> Max Weber defines religion as a belief in a superior or supernatural power that is above nature a cannot be explained scientifically
> they say religion is being as clear cut as having a set of beliefs that include God or the supernatural
Functional definitions of religion
they say it performs a social or psychological function for individuals/society
> Durkheim defines religion that it contributes making social integration, rather than God/the supernatural
> Yinger says religion performs as providing for individuals, answering big questions
> they are inclusive , allowing to include wide range of briefs and practices that perform functions > there is also no bias against non God based religions
Constructionist definitions on religion
> focus on how members of society define religion, groups define religion is different ways
Durkheim -> sacred and profane
- scared: things set apart an forbidden, having feeling of awe
- profane: things that have no special significance
> religion is not simply set of beliefs , also has rituals or practices
-> sacred symbols vary from religions, they all perform essential function of uniting believers into single moral community
Durkheim -> totemism
totem is a clan’s emblem, an animal or plant that symbolises clan’s origins and identity
> shared totemic rituals venerating it serve to reinforce group’s solidarity and sense of belonging
-> totem represents power of group on which individual is ‘utterly dependent’
Durkheim -> collective conscience
shared norms and values, beliefs and knowledge that make social life
> regular shared religious rituals allow collective conscience and maintain social integration
-> makes individual feel like they are part of something greater than themselves
Durkheim -> cognitive functions of religion
religion is origin of concepts and categories needed for reasoning, understanding and communicating
Durkheim criticism
> his theory may not be same for all other religions , it may apply to small scale relig in small society
post modernist Mestrovic , ideas cannot be applied to contemporary society as there is no longer a single shared value system due to diversity
religion promotes solidarity
religion has two functions:
- where outcome is uncontrollable/uncertain
> religion helps fill gaps in and make ppl feel sense of security - at times of life crises
> birth, death, marriage cause disruption changes in groups, religions helps minimise disruption
parsons on religion
- creates and legitimates society’s central values
> done by making norms and values sacred - its primary source of meaning
> it answers ultimate questions about human conditions
evaluation of functionalism
> neglects negative aspect of religion
ignores religion is a source of division and conflict
religion as an ideology
religion acts as an ideological weapon to legitimate suffering of poor
> that suffering is test of God
> religion as a ‘spiritual gin’ -> keeps w/c in their place
religion and alienation
Marx sees religion as product of alienation
> religion masks exploitation rather than fixing it
-> afterlife created to make sufferers feel better of their terrible life rn , religion acts as consolation
evaluation on marxism on religion
> ignores positive functions of religion
religion does not work function effectively as ideology to control popul.