Section 1 Flashcards
Overall lowered risk of disease. 150 moderate intensity/75 vigorous
Benefits of exercise
At what point does a candidate for ACE COT agree to code of ethics
While registering for the ACE exam
What do health cert. programs-reg. Dietitians, O.T., nurse practitioners have in common w/ACE
They are accredited by the National Commission for Certifying Agencies
What phase of ACE IFT person categorized if have lumbar lordosis & limited range hips
Functional training
Strength training, body building, muscular endurance what phase
Load/speed training
Calcium channel blockers do what
Lower blood pressure
Diuretics typically prescribed for
High blood pressure
Dietary guidelines updated every
5 years
BMI formula
Weight/height (squared)—Or weight/height (squared) x 703
Essential fat for men
BMI is associated with
Estimating subcutaneous fat
Skin caliper
Sinus Bradycardia
Below 60bpm
Sinus Tachycardia
Over 100 bpm
Skin fold measurement locations
Bicep, chest, waist (between xiphoid process & umbilicus), hips, thigh
BMI overweight
Obesity BMI
High waist circumference women
35.1”-42.5” (90-109cm)
High waist circumference men
39-46.8” (100-102cm)
Every 1” increase waist in men
BP increase 10%
Blood cholesterol increase 10%
HDL lowers 15%
Triglycerides increase 18%
Met syndrome risk increase 18%
Men waist circumference very high
Women waist circumference risk very high
Respiratory system
Alveolar sac
Nasal septum
Cardiovascular system
Arteries & arterioles
Veins & venues
Before exercise hydration guidelines
5-7 mL/kg (.08-.11/oz)
Hydration after exercise
If rapid recovery needed drink 1.5 L/kg (23 oz/lb)
Cardio fitness training phase intensity
Below, at or slightly above VT1 just below VT2
Intervals at or above VT2 at what cardio level
Define stimulus control
Making adjustments to environment to increase likelihood of healthy behavior
Define operant conditioning
Behaviors are influenced by consequences
Stimuli preceding behavior
Not perform in regular exercise without dr clearance
Known metabolic, renal, CV disease OR symptoms
Preparticipation guidelines from American College of Sports Medicine designed to
Remove any unnecessary barriers to be on ding more physically active
Par-Q developed to
Reduce unnecessary barriers to exercise
Level of intake nutrients adequate to meet known needs of practically all healthy persons
Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA)
Dark greens highest in
Vitamin K
Whole grains contain __ g OG whole grain per 1oz
Hypertension diet - lowering BP. Low in sodium
Pre-exercise/pre-workout meal/snack should be
Relatively low in fat/fiber. Moderate in protein
Protein, %
Ages 19+ 10-35 (10-30–ages 14-18)
Carb guidelines %
Fat guidelines
No more than 25%
Nutrition label math to determine: calories per servings, calories from protein, carb, fat per serving, & percentage of cal from protein, carb, fat
- See cal serving x serving per container
- g carb per serving x 4 (8 for fat) = cal per serving
- Take cal per serving from #2. Divide by calories per serving
Liquid Weight loss from exercise % avoid
Self efficacy of many new exercise clients
Very low
Essential fat for women
Current guidelines physical activity recommended
Most days of the week
Most difficult variable of exercise program to represent quantitatively
Talk comfortably, client is in which zone
Zone 1
Most appropriate variable to manipulate
Fitness training phase involves
Increasing time of exercise
Benefits of exercise/physical activity
Dose related
Breaks from sitting
Every 60-120 min
Muscle loss per decade
Slow twitch/type 1 muscle fibers
Contract more slowly m, create lower force output, more fatigue resistant
Training goal Gen. Muscle fitness
1-4 sets, 8-15 reps, 2-3 min rest,20-79% 1-RM
Training goal muscular endurance
2-3 sets, 12+ reps, less than 30 sec, 67% 1-RM
Training goal muscle hypertrophy
3-6 sets, 6-12 reps, 30-90 sec rest,67-85% 1-RM
Muscular strength training
2-6 sets, 6 or less reps, 2-5min rest,85% 1-RM
All muscle tissue can
Shoulders not level might indicate
Right upper traps, me at or scapula, & rhomboids
Medial rotated humorous might indicate
Tight pectoral is major, Lattisimus Doris, subscapularis
Tight muscle forward head position
Cervical extensors
Shoulder asymmetrical
Tight Lateral trunk flexors
Shoulders protracted (forward, rounded)
Tight Serrated anterior, anterior scapula humerus, upper traps
Shoulder-Kyphosis & depressed chest
Tight shoulder adductors, pectoralis minor, rectus abdomens, internal obliques
Power equation
Power=force x velocity
McGill torso test range
Flexion ratio less than 1.0
Right side bridge no more than .05
Side plank less than .75
Thomas test
Assess hip flexor length
Excessive forward lean in squat
Tight hip flexors, claves, rectus abdominous
Body weight squat endurance evaluates
Lower-extremity muscular endurance
Load/speed phase
5 movement patterns + explosive plyometric moves (Jumping, sprinting, medicine ball throw/slam IN this phase)
Base phase
Light to moderate intensity - RPE 3-4 (borg 11-13)- workouts slow & steady —- Intensity below V1 talk comfortably
Fitness phase
RPE 5-6 - (14-15) work between V1 to just below V2
Performance phase
Clients with endurance or performance objectives. Marathoners, cross country skiers, client doing sonething really intense for an event
Performance range
VT1-mid level-VT2-above VT2
Short term energy system/Anaerobic /lactic-uses
Long term energy using protein, carbs & fats -aerobic
Flexibility exercises-how often
2-3 days a week or more
Move from base to fitness
Able to do 20 min cardio in zone 1, 3 x a week
Appropriate starting plyodrill for beginning volume
80-100 contacts per session
Intermediate plyodrill
100-120 contacts per session
Plyodrill advanced
120-140 contacts per session
Sow your seeds with Hospitality
Self awareness
Optimistic warmth
Work ethic
CVD risk factors
Men 45+ women 55+ smoking past 6 months BP 130/90+ LDL 130+ HDL 40 or less
CVD risk factors weight/waist
BMI 30+. 35”+ women 39”+ men
Normal male HR
Female normal HR
Lordosis tight/weak
Tight-hip flexors, lumbar extensors
Weak-hip extensors (glutes, hamstrings), core
Tight-anterior chest muscles, shoulder muscles, lats, neck extensors
Weak-lower & mid traps, rhomboids, neck flexors
Hormone lepton found in
Fat cells
Resting energy expenditure contributes _____ body’s total energy
If person eats insufficient calories, what might be used for energy
Healthy weight loss percent
Hypertension clients participate in cardio
Most, if not all days
Most important modifiable factor for reducing stroke risk
Insulin deficiency is what type of diabetes
Type 1 diabetes
SOAP stands for
Subjective, objective, assessment, plan
Coronary artery disease also known as
Underlying cause of cerebral & peripheral diseases
Clients with CVD nice cleared by physician exercise how many days
3-5 days a week
FAST stand for
Facial droop
Arm weakness
Speech difficulty
Time to call emergency services
Healthy pregnancy gain
25-35 lbs
Early in pregnancy focus on this to ready body for increased weight/change center of gravity
Posterior leg & trunk strength
Arms positioned w/shoulder press in scapular plane
30 degrees anterior to frontal plane
Tennis elbow
Inflammation of wrist extensors
Nerve associated with carpal tunnel
Median nerve
Tightness in _____ can cause patellofemoral pain syndrome due to lateral fascia connections to patella
IT band
Stretch these muscles to relieve tibial stress syndrome (MTSS)
Soleus & gastrocnemius
Stretches for client with plantar fasciitis
Gastrocnemius, soleus, plantar fascia
Overuse or repetitive trauma injury to wrist flexor near medial epicondyle
Golfers elbow
Easier than S-corp & limited liability
Best method ensuring all aspects of client-PT relationship properly established
Signed contract
PT fails to act, but client had a role to play in their own injury
Comparative negligence
Lordosis - tight muscles, weak, exercises
Tight spine extensors, quadriceps
Weak abdominal muscles, hamstrings
Exercises: supine hollowing, cat-cow, hip flexor stretch
Kyphosis Tight/weak/exercises
Tight pecs,
Weak trapezius, rhomboids
Chest stretches (extended child pose, bent-arm wall stretch, lying parallel arm/chest stretch)
Prone scapular stabilization
Types of cues
Hypoglycemia symptoms
Sweaty, fast HR, dizzy, confusion, shaky,weakness, fatigue
Power clean grip
Shoulder width apart
3 steps in pre-participation screening
Signs & symptoms, current activity level, medical conditions
Muscle stabilizers
Glute medius/Maximus,lower trap, serrated anterior, deep cervical flexors, multifidus
Hip flexor (including iliosopas) stretch
Kneeling forward lunge
Maintain muscle train
1x a week
Min daily carbs
Nutrients which create fluid balance in the body
Water & protein
Thomas test NOT pull knee in & NOT out leg down
Tight iliosoas
Thomas test NOT knee, leg yes
Tight hip flexor
Thomas test knee YES leg NOT
Tight rectus femorus down leg
Calories per lb of fat
Deficit daily calories for 1 lb weight loss
500 cal
Osteoporosis guidelines
Cardio: 4-5 days a week. Mod 40-59% 1-RM. Begin 20 min grad progress to max 40-60. Weight bearing exercises like stairs/walking. Muscular: start 1-2 non consec. Possibly prog 2-3. Adjust resistance last 12 challenging to perform. High intensity for those csn tolerate. Begin 1 set of 8-12. Increase to 2 sets after 2 weeks. Emphasize balance, gait, func movements