Secret Trusts Flashcards
Ottoway v Norman
Fully-secret trusts = constructive trusts
Re Baillie
Half-secret trusts = express trusts
McCormick v Grogan
Testator gave the legatee a letter with instructions about their trust, never mentioned to follow the instructions - lack of clear intention
Wallgrave v Tebbs
Letter was written but never sent - onvalid communication
Re Keen
sealed envelope was delivered to the trustee - never opened until after death - valid communication
Re Boyes
Testator communicated his intention to the secret trustee, who agreed in principle to carry out the terms. Terms were found amongst T albelongings and didn’t come to light until after the death. Held that the ST held the property on a resulting trust for the testator’s estate.
Ottoway v Norman
Establishes that acceptance of the trust obligation may be inferred from the secret trustees silence.
Jones v Bradley
Onus of proof
lies on those who claim a secret trust existed
Re Snowden
Civil standard of proof applies
Banco Ambrosiano SPA
no higher standard of proof exists for cases of fraud
Re Stead
Where there are two or more Secret Trustee - Must the testator communicate with all of them?
Depends on the capacity in which the secret trustees hold the trust property
Tenants in Common- testator communicated with one of them only, only secret trustee is bound by the trust
Joint Tenants
Only one of them before executing his will- all of the secret trustees are bound
Only one of them after executing his will- only the secret trustee is bound by the trust
Re Cooper
Changing terms – must be communicated to legatee
Riordan v Banon
In Ireland, the communication of the objects of the trust to the trustee after the will is created is deemed enforceable
affirmed in prenderville v prenderville and re kings estate
Scott v Bowring
a half-secret trust must be communicated to and accepted by the legatee prior to the testators death to be valid
Re Young
secret trusts operate outside of the will
Blackwell v Blackwell
although the trust is independent of the will – initial testamentary disposition must be valid
O’Brien v Condon
a witness can be a beneficiary to a secret trust (diff to Succession Act)
Re Armstrong
if the legatee is witness to the will – it is not a valid trust
Re Maddock
if the legatee dies before the testator – the trust will fails
Re Gardner
if the beneficiary dies before the testator, their heirs will take the interest