Secondary Storage Flashcards
What is Secondary Storage?
Secondary Storage is media used to store information for a period of time. Most media is external to the computer and can be used by other devices.
What are 3 advantages of Secondary Storage ?
They and small, lightweight and very portable.
What is 1 disadvantage to Secondary Storage?
Files can be corrupt if the medium is not handled with care.
What is Sequential Access?
Sequential access is the system cycling files from number 1 until it reaches your selected file.
Where is the External Hard drive located?
It is located outside the computer connected through a USB cable.
What is CD-ROM is short for?
Compact Disk Read Only Memory
What is 1 advantage to External Hard disk
External Hard disks are portable and operates on a plug and play basis. It can be used on any computer with a USB or FireWire capability.
1 disadvantage of Internal Hard disk
Because it is housed in the system, it is not easy to carry around.
ROM stand for?
Read Only Memory
What is the maximum capacity for a CD-ROM?
800mb (roughly 400,000 pages of text)
DVD-ROM’S maximum capacity is?
WORM is short for
Write Once Read Many
CD-ROM stores small files such as:
Music, Software (spread sheets, word processers etc), Audiobooks etc
DVD-ROM store bigger files such as:
Modern games, Moves etc
CD-R and DVD-R is short for
Compact Disk Recordable
Digital Versatile Disk Recordable