Secondary Sources Flashcards
‘Cicero repeatedly changed direction
laid himself open to many charges of insincerity’ Michael Grant
‘took fatally inadequate account
of the fundamental flaws’ Michael Grant
e.g. mobs, public security, class competition
‘he had no hope of keeping pace with
the large, grim new world’ Michael Grant
‘the change was due to
alterations in his political environment’ Michael Grant
Cicero- threat from Sulla then Caesar
‘note of vagueness, and
even inconsistency’ Michael Grant
patriotism’ Michael Grant
‘year away from Rome… greater political
disadvantages’ Thomas Weidemann
‘gave Cicero the opportunity to claim
military glory’ Thomas Weidemann
‘The moral high ground was only worth
occupying if everyone in Rome knew about it’ Thomas Wiedemann
‘inability to decide where his
loyalties lay’ Thomas Weidemann
‘Cicero was firmly opposed as to ever
allowing an individual politician to break the rules’ Thomas Weidemann
‘moments that threatened both his political
survival and personal safety’ John Hall
‘Cicero was portrayed as a arrogant autocrat whose actions against
the conspirators were savage and blood thirsty’ John Hall ‘callously oppressed the roman people’
‘Cato at a political rally persuaded the crowd to hail
Cicero as father of the fatherland’ (Plutarch) John Hall
‘strongly influenced by the counsel
of Atticus’ John Hall
‘we can perhaps sympathise with Cicero’s
emotional distress’ John Hall
‘the role as peace maker afforded
Cicero some honourable cover while he sat on the political fence’ John Hall
‘his actions during the crisis
seem to have succeeded only in alienating him from both parties’ John Hall
‘Also potentially risky was his trial of Verres… powerful
defenders’ Ann Vasaly
‘was already 36 years old, leaving him open to
charges of using the resources of State for his own aggrandisement’ Ann Vasaly
Defence of M. Fonteius is described as
‘ironical’ Ann Vasaly
(Cicero) ‘master of
political speech’ Thomas Habenek
‘It was crucial for Caesar to main a high profile through the use of
literary propaganda while away from Rome’ (when in Gaul) Thomas Weidemann
‘Cicero did not hate the
dictator as a man. But he did hate the fact that Caesar had no desire to restore the republic’ K. Tempest
‘The three
headed monster’ David Shotter (Varro)
‘oratory is a tool to
manipulate a audience’ Ann Vasaly
‘Cicero was to discover that Pompey’s
ambitions were far more specific and self interested’ David Shotter
‘The 60s had been Pompey’s
heyday’ David Shotter
Pompey ‘whilst he may have been a great general
he was no match for others in the political arena’ David Shotter
‘There was nothing subtle about clodius’ treatment
of Pompey’ David Shotter ‘virtually a prisoner in his own house’
‘Pompey, evidently confident of his
dominance in Rome, continued to behave in a rather equivocal manner towards Caesar’ David Shotter
Shotter describes riots as
failure to become consul in 51BC ‘refused to partake
in the usual bribery’ Marin
‘while the people may have applauded Cato for his moral integrity… this did not translate to votes
‘the first
emperor’ (Pompey) Mary Beard