Secondary Causes of Hypertension Flashcards
primary hyperaldosteronism is from
an adrenal adenoma or bilateral adrenal hyperplasia that secretes excess aldosterone see hypertension and hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis.
why do we not see hypernatremia with primary hyperaldostonism if excess aldosterone should theoretically increase Na, lower K and increase H2O
There’s no hypernatremia or edema despite increased renal absorption because of aldosterone escape where increased HTN results in increased blood volume to kidneys so there’s higher GFR and atrial natriuretic peptide so increased Na excretion and no edema that forms
initial evaluation for primary hyperaldosteronism is
morning plasma aldosterone concentration (PAC) to plasma renin activity (PRA) ratio.
what is an abnormal PAC/PRA Plasma aldosterone conc / plasma renin activity ratio that would suggest a primary hyperaldosteronism?
PAC/PRA ratio >20 with plasma aldosterone >15 ng/dl This isn’t it though. needs a confirmation test
if there’s a positive screening test, what’s the confirmatory test for primary hyperaldosteronism?
needs an aldosterone suppression test.
give IV or oral sodium load and measure aldosterone level later and see if it’s suppressed.
If not suppressed then it’s an aldosteronism excess.
This doesn’t rule out if it’s bilateral metaplasia or adrenal adenoma
once primary hyperaldosteronism is confirmed need to figure out if it’s a adrenal adenoma or bilateral adrenal metaplasia and so need
CT imaging and look for adrenal gland abnormalities. NOTE CT scan sucks at picking up small tumors and so needs to get a adenal venous sampling
when do you get adrenal venous sampling?
when you’ve confirmed that you have primary hyperaldosteronism but CT scan doesn’t tell you if it’s adrenal adenoma or bilateral adrenal hyperplasia
treatment of primary hyperaldosteronism
surgery if it’s a single adrenal adenoma medical therapy with spironolactone or eplerone if its bilateral adrenal hyperplasia
what is the pathophysiology for primary hyperaldosteronism and aldosterone escape?
if pt has recurrent flash pulmonary edema and atherosclerotic dx and severe hypertension, should think of
renovascular dx due to bilateral renal artery stenosis.
Causes of secondary hyperaldosteronism
When the PAC/PRA is not greater than 20
features concerning for Renal artery stenosis
atherosclerosis in hx, rapid onset of HTN in pts >55 yrs old with risk factors for atherosclerosis (smoking).
Can also see abrupt increase in Cr after being on ACE, recurrent flash pulm edema, abdominal bruits and asymmetrical renal size on imaging.
clinical clues to renovascular disease (chart)
treatment for bilateral renal artery stenosis
needs ACE i or ARB. no longer contraindicated but most pts will experience a small decline in glomerular filtration rate
HTN in RAS is caused by RAAS which leads to sodium retention and volume expansion. So the ACEi + diuretic will help with prevention of CKD, decrease risk for MI, stroke, decreased mortality.
It’s as effective as angioplasty in pts
in renal artery stenosis who gets stenting?
people who fail optimal medical therapy (refractory HTN, inability to tolerate medications, progressive renal insufficiency)