Second Year Flashcards
Crux, crucis
Classis, classis (abl = Classī or classe)
Cohors, cohortis
Cohort (a division of a legion containing 600 men)
Cōnsul, cōnsulis, m.
Consul (2 consuls were elected each year at Rome to direct the govt)
Auctōritās, auctōritātis
Authority, influence
Lībertās, lībertātis
Timor, timōris
Barbarus, a, um
Barbarian, foreign
Firmus, a, um
Strong, vigorous
Plūrimus, a, um
Very many, the greatest number, (pl.) the most
Idōneus, a, um; w/ dat. or “ad” w/ acc.
Suitable, proper, convenient
Proximus, a, um; w/ dat.
Nearest, next
Pāco, 1, tr.
Incolō, incolere, incluī, 3, tr.
Inhabit, dwell in
Capiō, capere, cēpī, captus, 3, tr.
Take, capture
Cōnsilium capere
To make a plan
Faciō, facere, fēcī, factus, 3, tr.
Do, make
Iter facere
To march, to make a journey
Fugiō, fugere, fūgī, fugitūrus, 3, intr.
Cupiō, cupere, cupīvī, cupītus, 3, tr.
Jaciō, jacere, jēcī, jactus, 3, tr.
Throw, hurl
Particle used in asking questions (Added to emphatic word—generally to the verb—and put first in the sentence)
Word used in asking questions when the answer “no” is expected
Word used in asking questions when the answer “yes” is expected (Generally first in its clause)
Quis, quid
Who, what
Ubi, adv.
Cūr, adv.
Redūcō, redūcere, redūxī, reductus, 3, tr.
Lead back, draw back
Rejiciō, rejicere, rejēcī, rejectus, 3, tr.
Hurl back, drive back, repel
Remittō, remittere, remīsī, remissus, 3, tr.
Send back, return, release
Repellō, repellere, reppulī, repulsus, 3, tr.
Beat back, drive back
Reprimō, reprimere, repressī, repressus, 3, tr.
Press back, check, restrain
Vīvō, vīvere, vīxī, vīctūrus, 3, intr.
Praesidium, ī
Garrison, protection
Pīlum, ī
Rogō, 1, tr.
Ask, request
Quot, indeclinable adj. (I.e., doesn’t change its form to agree with the word it modifies)
How many
Quantus, a, um
How large, how great
Quō, adv.
Whither, where (of motion)
Quaerō, quaerere, quaesīvī, quaesītus, 3, tr.
Seek, ask
Dolor, dolōris
Pain, sorrow
Aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertus, 4, tr.
Open, uncover, expose
Ego, meī
I (pl., we)
Tū, tuī
Meus, a, um
My, mine
Noster, nostra, nostrum
Our, ours, our own
Tuus, a, um
Your, yours, your own (of one person)
Vester, vestra, vestrum
Your, yours, your own (of more than one person)
Is, ea, id
He, she, it, they, etc.
That (pl., those)
His, her, hers, its, of him, etc
Eōrum, eārum
Their, of them, etc
Himself, herself, itself, themselves
Suus, a, um
His (own), her (own), its (own), their (own)
Dēdō, dēdere, dēdidī, dēditus, 3, tr.
Give up, devote, surrender
Abdō, abdere, abdidī, abditus, 3, tr.
Hide, conceal
Recipiō, recipere, recēpī, receptus, 3, tr.
Take back
with a reflexive pronoun: withdraw, recover
Dējiciō, dējicere, dējēcī, dējectus, 3, tr.
Hurl down, cast down
Dējiciō, dējicere, dējēcī, dējectus, 3, tr.
Hurl down, cast down
Cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coāctus, 3, tr.
Bring together, collect, force
Relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictus, 3, tr.
Leave, leave behind
Dīvidō, dīvidere, dīvīsī, dīvīsus, 3, tr.
Divide, separate
Fuga, ae
In fugam dō, dare, dedī, datus, 1, tr.
Put to flight
Ex (ē), prep. w/ abl.
Out of, from
Dē, prep. w/ abl.
Down from, out of, from, concerning (about), for (w/ causā)
Ab (ā), prep. w/ abl.
By (agent), away from, from
Hic, haec, hoc
This (pl., these)
Ille, illa, illud
That (pl., those)
He, she, it, they, etc.
Causa, ae
Cause, reason
Causā, proceeded by gen.
For the sake of
Ratiō, ratiōnis
Method, reason, plan, way
Dīligō, dīligere, dīlēxī, dīlēctus, 3, tr.
Contrā, prep, w/ acc.
Against, opposite
Interficiō, interficere, interfēcī, interfectus, 3, tr.
Addūcō, addūcere, addūxī, adductus, 3, tr.
Lead to, induce, influence
Cōnspiciō, cōnspicere, cōnspexī, cōnspectus, 3, tr.
Observe, perceive
Cōnficiō, cōnficere, cōnfēcī, cōnfectus, 3, tr.
Accomplish, finish, exhaust
Accipiō, accipere, accēpī, acceptus, 3, tr.
Receive, take
Facilius, comp adverb
More easily
Ut, conj.
That, in order that (in purpose clauses)
Nē, conj.
That… not, in order that not (in negative purpose clauses)
Quō, conj.
That, in order that (in purpose clauses containing a comparative adj or adv)
ācer, ācris, ācre
Sharp, fierce, eager
celer, celeris, celere
studeō, studēre, studuī, 2, intr.; w. dat.
Am eager (for), strive (after), am devoted (to)
resistō, resistere, restitī, 3, intr.; w. dat.
Remain behind, resist, withstand
praesum, praeesse, praefuī, praefutūrus, irreg., intr.; w. dat.
Am over, am in command of
noceō, nocēre, nocuī, nocitūrus, 2, intr.; w. dat.
Harm, injure
praeficiō, praeficere, praefēcī, praefectus, 3, tr.; w. dat. of thing of which
Put in command of
Dīligēns (gen. Dīligentis)
Careful, exact
Audāx (gen. Audācis)
Daring, bold, courageous
Hortor, 1, tr.
Urge, encourage
Vereor, 2, tr.
Sequor, sequī, secūtus sum, 3, tr.
Follow, pursue
Patior, patī, passus sum, 3, tr.
Suffer, allow
Orior, orīrī, ortus sum, 4, intr.
Rise, arise
Loquor, loquī, locūtus sum, 3, tr. and intr.
Talk, speak
Proficīscor, proficīscī, profectus sum, 3, intr.
Set out, depart
Aggredior, aggredī, aggressus sum, 3, tr.
Advance to, attack
Cum, conj.
Prōgredior, prōgredī, prōgressus sum, 3, intr.
Go forward, advance, proceed
Cohortor, 1, tr.
Dubius, a, um
Doubtful, uncertain
Certus, a, um
Certain, fixed
Certiōrum (-ēs) faciō, facere, fēcī, factus, 3, tr.; acc. w/ infin.; dē w/ abl.
Inform, make (someone) more certain
Quam, adv.
Apud, prep. w/ acc.
Among, in the presence of
Nihil, adv.
Not, not at all
Nihil (short form: nīl), n., indecl. noun
Sub, prep. w/ abl.
Under, at the foot of
Sub, prep. w/ acc.
Under, beneath, up to, about (of time), toward (of time)
whenever movement or motion is expressed
Quī, quae, quod
Who, what, which, that
Committō, committere, commīsī, commissus, 3, tr.
Commit, allow
Proelium committere
To join battle, to begin battle
Angustiae, angustiārum
Defile, narrow place, difficulties
He says, he said
Placed after first word or phrase of direct quotation
Peccātum, ī
Mistake, sin
Ante, prep. w/ acc.
Before (of time and place), in front of
Proelium, ī
Amīcitia, ae
Fortūna, ae
Fossa, ae
Injūria, ae
Injustice, wrong
Nātūra, ae
Cōpiae, cōpiārum (fem.)
Troops, forces
Ager, agrī
Annus, ī
Auxilium, ī
Help, aid
Mūnio, 4, tr.
Fortify, construct (w/ viam/vias)
Mūnio, 4, tr.
Fortify, construct (w/ viam/vias)
Extrēmus, a, um
Outermost, farthest, last
Superior, superius
Higher, former
Summus, a, um
Ulterior, ulterius
Ultimus, a, um
Farthest, last
Medius, a, um
Eō, īre, īvī (iī), itum, irreg. & intr.
Exeō, exīre, exiī (-īvī), exitum, irreg. & intr.
Go out
Trānseō, trānsīre, trānsiī (-īvī), trānsitus, irreg. & tr.
Go across, cross, pass
Ineō, inīre, iniī (-īvī), initus, irreg. and tr.
Go into, enter upon
Adeō, adīre, adiī (-īvī), aditus, irreg. & tr.
Go to, approach, visit
Hōra, ae
Diēs, diēī, m. (f.)
Mīlle, indecl. adj.
Mīlia, mīlium
noun (rule 117)
indecl. numeral
indecl. numeral
Pēs, pedis, m.
(Of an animal, mountain, etc. or a unit of measurement)
Passus, ūs
A pace
Mīlle passūs
A mile
Diū, adv.
A long time, long
Parum, adv.
Little, too little
Parum, indecl. noun w/ gen.
Too little, not enough
Satis, adv.
Satis, indecl. noun w/ gen.
Tūtō, adv.
Multum, adv.
Much, greatly
Facile, adv.
Ūllus, a, um
Nūllus, a, um
No, none
Sōlus, a, um
Alone, only
as an adjective
Tōtus, a, um
Whole, all of, the whole of
Ūnus, a, um
Alius, alia, aliud
grammer 85-85
Other, another
Alter, altera, alterum
grammer 87
The other, the one (of two)
Ulterque, ultraque, ultrumque
gen. Ultrīusque, dat. Ultrīque
Each, both (of two)
Duo, duae, duo
grammer 115
Trēs, tria
declined like the plural of gravis
Centum, indecl. numeral
One hundred
Prīmus, a, um
Secundus, a, um
Alter, altera, alterum
Tertius, a, um
Prohibeō, 2, tr.; w/ abl. of separation
Ward off (from), prevent
Ferō, ferre, tulī, lātus, irreg., tr.
Bear, bring, carry
Īnferō, īnferre, īntulī, illātus, irreg., tr.; w/ dat. of person
Bring (upon), inflict (upon), inspire (in)
the person on whom something is inflicted, etc is put in the dative case
Differō, differre, distulī, dīlātus, irreg., tr.
Scatter, put off, differ
Cōnferō, cōnferre, contulī, collātus, irreg., tr.
with a reflexive pronoun
Bring together, compare
betake oneself
Referō, referre, rettulī, relātus, irreg., tr.
Bring back, refer, report
Pedem referre
To fall back, to retreat
Ipse, ipsa, ipsum
Praeter, prep. w/ acc.
Except, past, contrary to
Socius, ī
Companion, ally
Suspiciō, suspicere, suscēpī, susceptus, 3, tr.
Undertake, take (upon oneself)
Vīs, (gen. vis [rare]; acc. vim; abl. vī)
Force, power, violence
Vī (abl. of vīs)
Violently, by force
Indūcō, indūcere, indūxī, inductus, 3, tr.
Lead in, lead on, influence
possum, posse, potuī, irreg., intr.; w/ present infin.
am able, can
cōnstituō, cōnstituere, cōnstituī, cōnstitūtus, 3, tr.; w/ present infin.
place, set up, decide, determine
cōnor, 1, tr.; w/ pres. infin.
try, attempt
coepī, coepisse, coeptus sum, tr.; w. pres. infin.
Began, have begun
dēbeō, 2, tr.; w. pres. infin.
Ought, owe
jubeō, jubēre, jussī, jussus, 2, tr.; acc. w. pres. infin.
Order, command
mandō, 1, tr.; w. dat. of person
Commit, entrust
parō, 1, tr.; w. pres. infin.
Prepare, get ready
cōnsequor, cōnsequī, cōnsecūtus sum, 3, tr.
Follow up, overtake, gain
jungō, jungere, jūnxī, junctus, 3, tr.
Join, unite
conjungō, conjungere, conjūnxī, conjūnctus, 3, tr.
Join together, unite
permoveō, permovēre, permōvī, permōtus, 2, tr.
Arouse, influence
Imperō, 1, tr.; w/ dat. of person
Oportet, oportēre, oportuit, 2, intr.; acc. w/ present infin.
It behooves, it is necessary
Parātus, a, um; w/ present infin. or ad w/ acc.
Prepared for, ready
Putō, 1, tr.; acc. w/ infin.
Negō, 1, tr.; acc. w/ infin.
deny, say… not
Exīstimō, 1, tr.; acc. w/ infin.
Dēmōnstrō, 1, tr.; acc. w/ infin.
show, point out
Cōnfirmō, 1, tr.
with acc. w/ infin.
encourage, strengthen
Respondeō, respondēre, respondī, respōnsus, 2, tr.; acc. w/ infin.
Intellegō, intellegere, intellēxī, intellēctus, 3, tr.; acc. w/ infin.
understand, perceive
Dīcō, dīcere, dīxī, dictums, 3, tr.; acc. w/ infin.
say, tell
animadvertō, aminadvertere, aminadvertī, aminadversus, 3, tr.; acc. w/ infin.
attend to, notice
Sentiō, sentīre, sēnsī, sēnsus, 4, tr.; acc. w/ infin.
feel, perceive, think
Reperiō, reperīre, repperī, repertus, 4, tr.; acc. w/ infin.
find (out)
Sciō, 4, tr.; acc. w/ infin.
Arbitror, 1, tr.; acc. w/ infin.
consider, think
Nuntiō, 1, tr.; acc. w/ infin.
announce, report
Polliceor, 2, tr.; acc. w/ infin. (usually future)
Crēdō, crēdere, crēdidī, crēditus, 3, tr. and intr.
w/ dat. of person to whom or in whom; acc. w/ infin.
Believe, trust, entrust
Dispōnō, dispōnere, dispōsuī, dispositus, 3, tr.
Distribute, station
Cōnscrībō, cōnscrībere, cōnscrīpsī, cōnscrīptus, 3, tr.; acc. w/ infin.
Enroll, write
Revertor, revertī, revertī/reversus sum, 3, intr.
Impediō, 4, tr.
Hinder, impede
Trādūcō, trādūcere, trādūxī, trāductus, 3, tr.
two accusatives or acc. and trāns w/ acc.
Lead across, lead over
Ēgredior, ēgredī, ēgressus sum, 3, intr.
Go out
Potior, 4, intr.; w/ object in abl. or occasionally gen.
Potior always takes the gen. in the phrase “rērum potīrī”
Get possession of, become master of
”to get control of affairs”
Vetō, vetāre, vetuī, vetitus, 1, tr.; acc. w/ present infin.
Conjūrō, 1, intr.
Conspire, form a conspiracy
Commoveō, commovēre, commōvī, commōtus, 2, tr.
Alarm, arouse