Second Year Flashcards
Crux, crucis
Classis, classis (abl = Classī or classe)
Cohors, cohortis
Cohort (a division of a legion containing 600 men)
Cōnsul, cōnsulis, m.
Consul (2 consuls were elected each year at Rome to direct the govt)
Auctōritās, auctōritātis
Authority, influence
Lībertās, lībertātis
Timor, timōris
Barbarus, a, um
Barbarian, foreign
Firmus, a, um
Strong, vigorous
Plūrimus, a, um
Very many, the greatest number, (pl.) the most
Idōneus, a, um; w/ dat. or “ad” w/ acc.
Suitable, proper, convenient
Proximus, a, um; w/ dat.
Nearest, next
Pāco, 1, tr.
Incolō, incolere, incluī, 3, tr.
Inhabit, dwell in
Capiō, capere, cēpī, captus, 3, tr.
Take, capture
Cōnsilium capere
To make a plan
Faciō, facere, fēcī, factus, 3, tr.
Do, make
Iter facere
To march, to make a journey
Fugiō, fugere, fūgī, fugitūrus, 3, intr.
Cupiō, cupere, cupīvī, cupītus, 3, tr.
Jaciō, jacere, jēcī, jactus, 3, tr.
Throw, hurl
Particle used in asking questions (Added to emphatic word—generally to the verb—and put first in the sentence)
Word used in asking questions when the answer “no” is expected
Word used in asking questions when the answer “yes” is expected (Generally first in its clause)
Quis, quid
Who, what
Ubi, adv.
Cūr, adv.
Redūcō, redūcere, redūxī, reductus, 3, tr.
Lead back, draw back
Rejiciō, rejicere, rejēcī, rejectus, 3, tr.
Hurl back, drive back, repel
Remittō, remittere, remīsī, remissus, 3, tr.
Send back, return, release
Repellō, repellere, reppulī, repulsus, 3, tr.
Beat back, drive back
Reprimō, reprimere, repressī, repressus, 3, tr.
Press back, check, restrain
Vīvō, vīvere, vīxī, vīctūrus, 3, intr.
Praesidium, ī
Garrison, protection
Pīlum, ī
Rogō, 1, tr.
Ask, request
Quot, indeclinable adj. (I.e., doesn’t change its form to agree with the word it modifies)
How many
Quantus, a, um
How large, how great
Quō, adv.
Whither, where (of motion)
Sciō, 4, tr.
Quaerō, quaerere, quaesīvī, quaesītus, 3, tr.
Seek, ask
Dolor, dolōris
Pain, sorrow
Aperiō, aperīre, aperuī, apertus, 4, tr.
Open, uncover, expose
Ego, meī
I (pl., we)
Tū, tuī
Meus, a, um
My, mine
Noster, nostra, nostrum
Our, ours, our own
Tuus, a, um
Your, yours, your own (of one person)
Vester, vestra, vestrum
Your, yours, your own (of more than one person)
Is, ea, id
He, she, it, they, etc.
That (pl., those)
His, her, hers, its, of him, etc
Eōrum, eārum
Their, of them, etc
Himself, herself, itself, themselves
Suus, a, um
His (own), her (own), its (own), their (own)
Dēdō, dēdere, dēdidī, dēditus, 3, tr.
Give up, devote, surrender
Abdō, abdere, abdidī, abditus, 3, tr.
Hide, conceal
Recipiō, recipere, recēpī, receptus, 3, tr.
Take back
with a reflexive pronoun: withdraw, recover
Dējiciō, dējicere, dējēcī, dējectus, 3, tr.
Hurl down, cast down
Dējiciō, dējicere, dējēcī, dējectus, 3, tr.
Hurl down, cast down
Cōgō, cōgere, coēgī, coāctus, 3, tr.
Bring together, collect, force
Relinquō, relinquere, relīquī, relictus, 3, tr.
Leave, leave behind
Dīvidō, dīvidere, dīvīsī, dīvīsus, 3, tr.
Divide, separate
Fuga, ae
In fugam dō, dare, dedī, datus, 1, tr.
Put to flight
Ex (ē), prep. w/ abl.
Out of, from
Dē, prep. w/ abl.
Down from, out of, from, concerning (about), for (w/ causā)
Ab (ā), prep. w/ abl.
By (agent), away from, from
Hic, haec, hoc
This (pl., these)
Ille, illa, illud
That (pl., those)
He, she, it, they, etc.