Second Week Of Development Flashcards
Implantation occurs on
6th -7th day of fertilisation
Implantation is completed on
2nd week
Hypoblast is also called
Primitive endoderm
Hypoblast contributes to formation of
Roof of primary yolk sac
Epiblast / primitive ectoderm consists of ——- cells
The first germ layer to be formed is
Amniotic cavity is a space between ————- below and ————- above
Roof of amniotic cavity has ———- cells derived from the trophoblast while it’s floor is formed by epiblast
Amniogenic cells
Flattened cells of ——— spread and line the inside of blastocystic cavity ( lining of cells- heusers membrane)
Cavity —- primary yolk sac
The cells of ———— give origin to extraembryonic mesoderm
The cells of extra embryonic mesoderm separate the walls of ——— from ——-
Amniotic cavity ; trophoblast
Small cavities in extraembryonic mesoderm—fuse— one large cavity called —
Extraembryonic coelom
The part lining the inside of the trophoblast and the outside of the amniotic cavity is called
Parietal/somatopleuric mesoderm
Chorionic plate
The part lining the outside of yolk sac is called
Visceral or splanchnopleuric extra embryonic mesoderm
The extraembryonic coelom does not extend into that part of the extraembryonic mesoderm which attaches the wall of the amniotic cavity to the ———