Second test Flashcards
What are the sympathetic characters?
Are characters that a reader favors or identifies with
What are the unsympathetic characters?
Are characters that the reader feels disdain
What is commodious?
What is sedulous?
What is restive?
Nervous or vestless
What is Aurede?
A halo
What is Oilcloth?
A material treated with clay, oil and pigments to make the material waterproof.
What is Bohunk?
A slang term for a laborer from east-central Europe
What is Kalache?
A rich pastry with fruit or puppy seed filling
Story: “Phaethon”
What did Phaethon’s mother tell him to do when he came home from school upset by the kids?
That is better to go and ask that to the sun
Story: “Phaethon”
Who is Phaethon’s father?
Phaethon’s father is the sun
Story: “Phaethon”
What did Phaethon’s father give him in order to prove him that he was indeed his father?
He showed him his fears of losing him and his chariot (car)
Story: “Phaethon”
Why did the Sun god beg Phaethon to change his mind?
Because any mortal being could drive the chariot and he feared that something may happen to him, since the road was very dangerous.
Story: “Phaethon”
Why did Phaethon dive towards the Earth?
Because he wanted everyone to see him
Story: “Phaethon”
Why did Zeus get involved?
Because he thought that they must act quickly of the world was to be saved
Story: “Phaethon”
How did Apollo react to his son’s death?
He came to Phaethon’s grave to show a deep sorrow although he had warned his son
Story: “Phaethon”
Is Phaethon a round or flat character?
A round character
Story: “Phaethon”
What incident causes Phaethon to visit the Sun-god?
He wanted to know of the sun was really his parent, since the kids in school didn’t believe him
Story: “Phaethon”
Who are Phaethon’s parents?
Apollo or the Sun and Clymeńe
Story: “Phaethon”
Why does the sun call his oath “folly”?
Because he had told Phaethon he would give him anything he wanted, but he didn’t think that Phaethon would ask for something dangerous
Mention the Setting of the story “The Revolt of Mother”
A farm in rural New England. Summer
From “The Revolt of Mother”:
How does Sarah Penn get the idea of moving into the barn?
Because she was talking to her daughter and she said they should have the wedding there
“The Revolt of Mother”
Mention each of the characters and if they are flat or round
Adoniram Penn: Round
Sarah Penn: Round
Nanny And Sammy Penn: Flat
Mention the Author of Neighbor Rosicky
Willa Cather
Form: “Neighbor Rosicky”
In what ways are Anton and Mary the same? In what ways are they different?
They work very hard and affectionate
They both value the same things
Mary can be loud and inquisitive
A to usually stays silent
Form: “Neighbor Rosicky”
What does Rosicky value most for his kids?
He wanted them to stay at the farm and not suffer unkindness
Form: “Neighbor Rosicky”
Why does Rosicky like the country life better better than city life?
He didn’t like the city because of how much hardships struck him
Form: “Neighbor Rosicky”
Does Polley develop through the story, how?
Yes, she learns to be more independent and strong because of her fathers death