Second stage of labor Flashcards
Second stage
- Pushing stage
- Begins with full dilation
- Navigation through maternal pelvis dictated by 3 Ps
- Power, passenger, passage
- Fetal size
- Fetal attitude
- Fetal presentation
- Fetal lie
Fetal size
- Fetal head size (most critical) - indicates cephalopelvic disproportion –> Labor dystocia (difficult/obstructed labor)
- Macrosomia - birth weight > 90th percentile for gestational age
- assoc with shoulder dystocia= fetal shoulder is unable to pass below maternal pubic symphysis
Fetal attitude
relationship of fetal parts to one another
- Full flexion = chin on chest, rounded back with flexed arms and legs
Fetal lie
relationship of fetal cephalocaudal axis ( spinal column) to maternal cephalocaudal axis
Fetal presentation ( Cephalic types ) (3)
fetal/presenting part enters pelvic inlet first
Head up; bottom, feet, knees present first
- Route through bony pelvis
2. Size and type of pelvis
Types of pelvis
- Gynecoid - rounded pelvic inlet, optimal
- Android - heart shaped pelvic inlet. Reduced midpelvic diameters. Outlet capacity assoc with shoulder dystocia.
- Anthrapoid - oval shaped pelvic inlet
- Platypelloid
Longitudanal ( ideal)
fetal spine lies along maternal spine
fetal spine is perpendicular to maternal spine
fetus is at slight angle
Vertex - type of Cephalic presentation
- Vertex -
- Optimal for easy delivery
- Head is completely flexed
- Occiput = part of fetal skull covered by occipital bone is presenting
- Brow - cephalic presentation
- Fetal head partially extended
- Sinciput ( part of fetal skull covered by frontal bone is presenting
*Face- cephalic presentation
- Face
- fetal head hyperextended
- fetal face from forehead to chil is presenting
Frank breech
- Frank breech - hips flexed, knees exended, bottom presents
Complete breech
Complete breech - hips, knees flexed and bottom presents
Incomplete breech
both hips not completely flexed and feet present.
Shoulder -
transverse lie, shoulders present first
Stage 2 of labor consists of
- Passive phase
2. Active phase
Passive second stage
- lasts from full dilatation until the head reaches the pelvic floor and woman experiences desire to push
- absence of pushing
- Rotation and flexion are completed by this point
Active second stage
- Head reaches the pelvic floor and mother experiences desire to push with contractions
- < 1 hour long otherwise unlikely to occur spontaneously
If active stage is > 1 hour long
Consider Ventouse extraction, forceps delivery or C section